dh_strip(1) — Linux manual page


DH_STRIP(1)                     Debhelper                    DH_STRIP(1)

NAME         top

       dh_strip - strip executables, shared libraries, and some static

SYNOPSIS         top

       dh_strip [debhelper options] [-Xitem] [--dbg-package=package]

DESCRIPTION         top

       dh_strip is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping
       out debug symbols in executables, shared libraries, and static
       libraries that are not needed during execution.

       This program examines your package build directories and works
       out what to strip on its own. It uses file(1) and file
       permissions and filenames to figure out what files are shared
       libraries (*.so), executable binaries, and static (lib*.a) and
       debugging libraries (lib*_g.a, debug/*.so), and strips each as
       much as is possible. (Which is not at all for debugging
       libraries.) In general it seems to make very good guesses, and
       will do the right thing in almost all cases.

       Since it is very hard to automatically guess if a file is a
       module, and hard to determine how to strip a module, dh_strip
       does not currently deal with stripping binary modules such as .o

OPTIONS         top

       -Xitem, --exclude=item
           Exclude files that contain item anywhere in their filename
           from being stripped. You may use this option multiple times
           to build up a list of things to exclude.

           This option is a now special purpose option that you normally
           do not need.  In most cases, there should be little reason to
           use this option for new source packages as debhelper
           automatically generates debug packages ("dbgsym packages").
           If you have a manual --dbg-package that you want to replace
           with an automatically generated debug symbol package, please
           see the --dbgsym-migration option.

           Causes dh_strip to save debug symbols stripped from the
           packages it acts on as independent files in the package build
           directory of the specified debugging package.

           For example, if your packages are libfoo and foo and you want
           to include a foo-dbg package with debugging symbols, use
           dh_strip --dbg-package=foo-dbg.

           This option implies --no-automatic-dbgsym and cannot be used
           with --automatic-dbgsym or --dbgsym-migration.

       -k, --keep-debug
           This option is a now special purpose option that you normally
           do not need.  In most cases, there should be little reason to
           use this option for new source packages as debhelper
           automatically generates debug packages ("dbgsym packages").
           If you have a manual --dbg-package that you want to replace
           with an automatically generated debug symbol package, please
           see the --dbgsym-migration option.

           Debug symbols will be retained, but split into an independent
           file in usr/lib/debug/ in the package build directory.
           --dbg-package is easier to use than this option, but this
           option is more flexible.

           This option implies --no-automatic-dbgsym and cannot be used
           with --automatic-dbgsym.

           This option is used to migrate from a manual "-dbg" package
           (created with --dbg-package) to an automatic generated debug
           symbol package. This option should describe a valid Replaces-
           and Breaks-relation, which will be added to the debug symbol
           package to avoid file conflicts with the (now obsolete) -dbg

           This option implies --automatic-dbgsym and cannot be used
           with --keep-debug, --dbg-package or --no-automatic-dbgsym.


             dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'

             dh_strip --dbgsym-migration='libfoo-tools-dbg (<< 2.1-3~), libfoo2-dbg (<< 2.1-3~)'

       --automatic-dbgsym, --no-automatic-dbgsym
           Control whether dh_strip should be creating debug symbol
           packages when possible.

           The default is to create debug symbol packages.

       --ddebs, --no-ddebs
           Historical name for --automatic-dbgsym and

           Historical name for --dbgsym-migration.

NOTES         top

       If the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable contains nostrip,
       nothing will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy
       (section 10.1 "Binaries").  This will also inhibit the automatic
       creation of debug symbol packages.

       The automatic creation of debug symbol packages can also be
       prevented by adding noautodbgsym to the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
       environment variable.  However, dh_strip will still add
       debuglinks to ELF binaries when this flag is set.  This is to
       ensure that the regular deb package will be identical with and
       without this flag (assuming it is otherwise "bit-for-bit"

CONFORMS TO         top

       Debian policy, version 3.0.1

SEE ALSO         top


       This program is a part of debhelper.

AUTHOR         top

       Joey Hess <[email protected]>

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the debhelper (helper programs for
       debian/rules) project.  Information about the project can be
       found at [unknown -- if you know, please contact man-
       [email protected]] If you have a bug report for this manual page,
       send it to [email protected].  This page was obtained from
       the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debhelper.git⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-09.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

13.11.7                        2023-09-12                    DH_STRIP(1)

Pages that refer to this page: dh(1)dh_builddeb(1)debhelper(7)