dpkg-gensymbols(1) — Linux manual page


dpkg-gensymbols(1)             dpkg suite             dpkg-gensymbols(1)

NAME         top

       dpkg-gensymbols - generate symbols files (shared library
       dependency information)

SYNOPSIS         top

       dpkg-gensymbols [option...]

DESCRIPTION         top

       dpkg-gensymbols scans a temporary build tree (debian/tmp by
       default) looking for libraries and generates a symbols file
       describing them.  This file, if non-empty, is then installed in
       the DEBIAN subdirectory of the build tree so that it ends up
       included in the control information of the package.

       When generating those files, it uses as input some symbols files
       provided by the maintainer.  It looks for the following files
       (and uses the first that is found):

       •   debian/package.symbols.arch

       •   debian/symbols.arch

       •   debian/package.symbols

       •   debian/symbols

       The main interest of those files is to provide the minimal
       version associated to each symbol provided by the libraries.
       Usually it corresponds to the first version of that package that
       provided the symbol, but it can be manually incremented by the
       maintainer if the ABI of the symbol is extended without breaking
       backwards compatibility.  It's the responsibility of the
       maintainer to keep those files up-to-date and accurate, but dpkg-
       gensymbols helps with that.

       When the generated symbols files differ from the maintainer
       supplied one, dpkg-gensymbols will print a diff between the two
       versions.  Furthermore if the difference is too significant, it
       will even fail (you can customize how much difference you can
       tolerate, see the -c option).

       This program was introduced in dpkg 1.14.8.


       The base interchange format of the symbols file is described in
       deb-symbols(5), which is used by the symbols files included in
       binary packages.  These are generated from template symbols files
       with a format based on the former, described in
       deb-src-symbols(5) and included in source packages.

       The symbols files are really useful only if they reflect the
       evolution of the package through several releases.  Thus the
       maintainer has to update them every time that a new symbol is
       added so that its associated minimal version matches reality.

       The diffs contained in the build logs can be used as a starting
       point, but the maintainer, additionally, has to make sure that
       the behaviour of those symbols has not changed in a way that
       would make anything using those symbols and linking against the
       new version, stop working with the old version.

       In most cases, the diff applies directly to the
       debian/package.symbols file.  That said, further tweaks are
       usually needed: it's recommended for example to drop the Debian
       revision from the minimal version so that backports with a lower
       version number but the same upstream version still satisfy the
       generated dependencies.  If the Debian revision can't be dropped
       because the symbol really got added by the Debian specific
       change, then one should suffix the version with ‘~’.

       Before applying any patch to the symbols file, the maintainer
       should double-check that it's sane.  Public symbols are not
       supposed to disappear, so the patch should ideally only add new

       Note that you can put comments in symbols files.

       Do not forget to check if old symbol versions need to be
       increased.  There is no way dpkg-gensymbols can warn about this.
       Blindly applying the diff or assuming there is nothing to change
       if there is no diff, without checking for such changes, can lead
       to packages with loose dependencies that claim they can work with
       older packages they cannot work with.  This will introduce hard
       to find bugs with (partial) upgrades.

   Good library management
       A well-maintained library has the following features:

       •   its API is stable (public symbols are never dropped, only new
           public symbols are added) and changes in incompatible ways
           only when the SONAME changes;

       •   ideally, it uses symbol versioning to achieve ABI stability
           despite internal changes and API extension;

       •   it doesn't export private symbols (such symbols can be tagged
           optional as workaround).

       While maintaining the symbols file, it's easy to notice
       appearance and disappearance of symbols.  But it's more difficult
       to catch incompatible API and ABI change.  Thus the maintainer
       should read thoroughly the upstream changelog looking for cases
       where the rules of good library management have been broken.  If
       potential problems are discovered, the upstream author should be
       notified as an upstream fix is always better than a Debian
       specific work-around.

OPTIONS         top

           Scan package-build-dir instead of debian/tmp.

           Define the package name.  Required if more than one binary
           package is listed in debian/control (or if there's no
           debian/control file).

           Define the package version.  Defaults to the version
           extracted from debian/changelog.  Required if called outside
           of a source package tree.

           Only analyze libraries explicitly listed instead of finding
           all public libraries.  You can use shell patterns used for
           pathname expansions (see the File::Glob manual page for
           details) in library-file to match multiple libraries with a
           single argument (otherwise you need multiple -e).

           Prepend directory to the list of directories to search for
           private shared libraries (since dpkg 1.19.1).  This option
           can be used multiple times.

           Note: Use this option instead of setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as
           that environment variable is used to control the run-time
           linker and abusing it to set the shared library paths at
           build-time can be problematic when cross-compiling for

           Use filename as reference file to generate the symbols file
           that is integrated in the package itself.

           Print the generated symbols file to standard output or to
           filename if specified, rather than to
           debian/tmp/DEBIAN/symbols (or package-build-
           dir/DEBIAN/symbols if -P was used).  If filename is pre-
           existing, its contents are used as basis for the generated
           symbols file.  You can use this feature to update a symbols
           file so that it matches a newer upstream version of your

       -t  Write the symbol file in template mode rather than the format
           compatible with deb-symbols(5).  The main difference is that
           in the template mode symbol names and tags are written in
           their original form contrary to the post-processed symbol
           names with tags stripped in the compatibility mode.
           Moreover, some symbols might be omitted when writing a
           standard deb-symbols(5) file (according to the tag processing
           rules) while all symbols are always written to the symbol
           file template.

           Define the checks to do when comparing the generated symbols
           file with the template file used as starting point.  By
           default the level is 1.  Increasing levels do more checks and
           include all checks of lower levels.

           Level 0
               Never fails.

           Level 1
               Fails if some symbols have disappeared.

           Level 2
               Fails if some new symbols have been introduced.

           Level 3
               Fails if some libraries have disappeared.

           Level 4
               Fails if some libraries have been introduced.

           This value can be overridden by the environment variable

       -q  Keep quiet and never generate a diff between generated
           symbols file and the template file used as starting point or
           show any warnings about new/lost libraries or new/lost
           symbols.  This option only disables informational output but
           not the checks themselves (see -c option).

           Assume arch as host architecture when processing symbol
           files.  Use this option to generate a symbol file or diff for
           any architecture provided its binaries are already available.

       -d  Enable debug mode.  Numerous messages are displayed to
           explain what dpkg-gensymbols does.

       -V  Enable verbose mode.  The generated symbols file contains
           deprecated symbols as comments.  Furthermore in template
           mode, pattern symbols are followed by comments listing real
           symbols that have matched the pattern.

       -?, --help
           Show the usage message and exit.

           Show the version and exit.

ENVIRONMENT         top

           Sets the host architecture if the --arch option has not be

           Overrides the command check level, even if the -c command-
           line argument was given (note that this goes against the
           common convention of command-line arguments having precedence
           over environment variables).

           Sets the color mode (since dpkg 1.18.5).  The currently
           accepted values are: auto (default), always and never.

           If set, it will be used to decide whether to activate Native
           Language Support, also known as internationalization (or
           i18n) support (since dpkg 1.19.0).  The accepted values are:
           0 and 1 (default).

SEE ALSO         top

       deb-src-symbol(5), deb-symbols(5), dpkg-shlibdeps(1).

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the dpkg (Debian Package Manager) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg/⟩.  If you have a bug report
       for this manual page, see
       ⟨http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=dpkg⟩.  This
       page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository ⟨git
       clone https://git.dpkg.org/git/dpkg/dpkg.git⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At
       that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in
       the repository was 2024-05-21.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

1.22.6-77-g86fe7               2024-03-10             dpkg-gensymbols(1)

Pages that refer to this page: dh_makeshlibs(1)dpkg-buildtree(1)dpkg-shlibdeps(1)deb-src-symbols(5)deb-symbols(5)debhelper-compat-upgrade-checklist(7)