opreport(1) — Linux manual page


OPREPORT(1)              General Commands Manual             OPREPORT(1)

NAME         top

       opreport - produce symbol or binary image summaries

SYNOPSIS         top

       opreport [ options ] [profile specification]

DESCRIPTION         top

       opreport outputs binary image summaries, or per-symbol data, from
       OProfile profiling sessions. See oprofile(1) for how to write
       profile specifications.

OPTIONS         top

       --accumulated / -a
              Accumulate sample and percentage counts in the symbol

       --debug-info / -g
              Show source file and line for each symbol.

       --demangle / -D none|smart|normal
              none: no demangling. normal: use default demangler
              (default) smart: use pattern-matching to make C++ symbol
              demangling more readable.

       --callgraph / -c
              Show call graph information if available.

       --details / -d
              Show per-instruction details for all selected symbols.

       --exclude-dependent / -x
              Do not include application-specific images for libraries,
              kernel modules and the kernel. This option only makes
              sense if the profile session used --separate.

       --exclude-symbols / -e [symbols]
              Exclude all the symbols in the given comma-separated list.

       --global-percent / -%
              Make all percentages relative to the whole profile.

       --help / -? / --usage
              Show help message.

       --image-path / -p [paths]
              Comma-separated list of additional paths to search for
              binaries.  This is needed to find modules in kernels 2.6
              and upwards.

       --root / -R [path]
              A path to a filesystem to search for additional binaries.

       --include-symbols / -i [symbols]
              Only include symbols in the given comma-separated list.

       --long-filenames / -f
              Output full paths instead of basenames.

       --merge / -m [lib,cpu,tid,tgid,unitmask,all]
              Merge any profiles separated in a --separate session.

       --no-header / -n
              Don't output a header detailing profiling parameters.

       --output-file / -o [file]
              Output to the given file instead of stdout.

       --reverse-sort / -r
              Reverse the sort from the default.

              Use sample database from the specified directory dir_path
              instead of the default location. If --session-dir is not
              specified, then opreport will search for samples in
              <current_dir>/oprofile_data first. If that directory does
              not exist, the standard session-dir of /var/lib/oprofile
              is used.

       --show-address / -w
              Show each symbol's VMA address.

       --sort / -s [vma,sample,symbol,debug,image]
              Sort the list of symbols by, respectively, symbol address,
              number of samples, symbol name, debug filename and line
              number, binary image filename.

       --symbols / -l
              List per-symbol information instead of a binary image
              Usually, the total of all per-symbols samples for a given
              binary image equals the summary count for the binary image
              (shown by running opreport with no options).  However,
              it's possible for some sample addresses to fall outside
              the range of any symbols for a given binary image.  In
              such cases, the total number of per-symbols samples for
              the binary image may be less than the summary count for
              the image. Running opreport with the --verbose=debug
              option will display an informational message when this
              difference is detected.  This difference is typically very
              small and can be ignored.

       --threshold / -t [percentage]
              Only output data for symbols that have more than the given
              percentage of total samples. For profiles using multiple
              events, if the threshold is reached for any event, then
              all sample data for the symbol is shown.

       --verbose / -V [options]
              Give verbose debugging output.

       --version / -v
              Show version.

       --xml / -X
              Generate XML output.

ENVIRONMENT         top

       No special environment variables are recognized by opreport.

FILES         top

              The location of the generated sample files.

VERSION         top

       This man page is current for oprofile-1.5.0git.

SEE ALSO         top

       /usr/local/share/doc/oprofile/, oprofile(1)

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the oprofile (a system-wide profiler for
       Linux) project.  Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨http://oprofile.sourceforge.net/news/⟩.  If you have a bug report
       for this manual page, see
       ⟨http://oprofile.sourceforge.net/bugs/⟩.  This page was obtained
       from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://git.code.sf.net/p/oprofile/oprofile⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At
       that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in
       the repository was 2021-11-29.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

4th Berkeley Distribution   Fri 14 June 2024                 OPREPORT(1)

Pages that refer to this page: operf(1)oprofile(1)