rdma_xserver - RDMA CM communication server test program
rdma_xserver [-p port] [-c comm_type]
Uses the librdmacm to establish various forms of communication and exchange data.
-p port Changes the port number that the server listens on. By default the server listens on port 7471. -c communication type Specifies the type of communication established with the client program. 'r' results in using a reliable-connected QP (the default). 'x' uses extended reliable-connected XRC QPs.
Basic usage is to start rdma_xserver, then connect to the server using the rdma_xclient program. Because this test maps RDMA resources to userspace, users must ensure that they have available system resources and permissions. See the libibverbs README file for additional details.
rdma_cm(7), udaddy(1), mckey(1), rping(1), rdma_server(1), rdma_xclient(1)
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librdmacm 2011-06-15 RDMA_XSERVER(1)
Pages that refer to this page: rdma_xclient(1)