stapref(1) — Linux manual page


STAPREF(1)               General Commands Manual              STAPREF(1)

NAME         top

       stapref - systemtap language reference

SYNOPSIS         top


DESCRIPTION         top

       The reference for the systemtap scripting language.

LANGUAGE         top

              • breakcontinuedeleteelseexitforeachforfunctionglobalprivateifinnextprobereturntry/catchwhile

       Data Types and Operators
              • var1 = 5
              • global var2 = 10

              • var1 = "string1"
              • global var2 = "string2"

              Associative Arrays
              • global array1[]
              • global array2[SIZE]
              • array[index] = 5

              Context Variables
              • $var
              • $var$  (pretty printed string form)

              Binary numeric operators
              • * / % + - << >> >>> & ^ | && ||

              Binary string operators
              • . (string concatenation)

              Numeric assignment operators
              • = += -= *= /= %= >>= <<= &= ^= |=

              String assignment operators
              • = .=

              Unary numeric operators
              • + - ! ~ ++ --

              Numeric & string comparison operators
              • < > <= >= == !=

              Regular expression matching operators
              • =~ !~

              Ternary operator
              • cond ? exp1 : exp2

              Grouping operator
              • ( expression )

              Array operators
              • array[index] (array read/write)
              • [index] in array

              Aggregation operator
              • var <<< value

              Jump Statements
              • continuebreaknext  (early return from a probe)return expression (from a function)try statement catch (message) statement

              Selection Statements
              • if (expression) statement
              • else statement

              Iteration Statements
              • foreach (variable in array) statement
              • foreach ([var1,var2,...] in array) statement
              • for (expression; expression; expression) statement
              • while (expression) statement

              Declaration Statements
              • function name (variable : type, ...) { statement }
              • function name : type (variable : type, ...) { statement }
              • function name : type (variable : type, ...) %{ c_statement %}
              • probe probepoint { statement }
              • probe label = probepoint { statement }

       Lexical Structure
              • # ... comment
              • // ... comment
              • /* ... comment ... */

              • %( expression %? true_tokens %: false_tokens %)@define label (variable, ...) %{ statement %}

       Builtin Functions
              Aggregation Builtin Functions
              • @avg (variable)
              • @count (variable)
              • @hist_linear (variable, N, N, N)
              • @hist_log (variable)
              • @max (variable)
              • @min (variable)
              • @sum (variable)

              Output Builtin Functions
              • print (variable)
              • printf (format:string, variable, ...)
                where format is of the form: %[flags][width][.precision][length]specifier
              • printd (delimiter:string, variable, ...)
              • printdln (delimiter:string, variable, ...)
              • println ()
              • sprint:string (variable)
              • sprintf:string (format:string, variable, ...)

              Variable Access Builtin Functions
              • @var ("varname[@src/FILE.c]"[, "module"]) (static or global)@cast (variable, "type_name"[, "module"])
              • @defined (variable)
              • @probewrite (variable)

              Some of the more commonly used probepoints
              • kernel.function(PATTERN) kernel.function(PATTERN).call
              • kernel.function(PATTERN).return
              • kernel.FUNCTION (PATTERN).return.maxactive(VALUE)
              • kernel.FUNCTION (PATTERN).inline
              • kernel.FUNCTION (PATTERN).label(LPATTERN)
              • module(MPATTERN).FUNCTION (PATTERN)
              • module(MPATTERN).FUNCTION (PATTERN).call
              • module(MPATTERN).FUNCTION (PATTERN).return.maxactive(VALUE)
              • module(MPATTERN).FUNCTION (PATTERN).inline
              • kernel.statement(PATTERN)
              • kernel.statement(ADDRESS).absolute
              • module(MPATTERN).statement(PATTERN)
              • kprobe.FUNCTION (FUNCTION)
              • kprobe.FUNCTION (FUNCTION).return
              • kprobe.module(NAME).FUNCTION (FUNCTION)
              • kprobe.module(NAME).FUNCTION (FUNCTION).return
              • kprobe.statement(ADDRESS).absolute
              • process.begin process("PATH").begin
              • process(PID).begin process.thread.begin
              • process("PATH").thread.begin
              • process(PID).thread.begin
              • process.end
              • process("PATH").end
              • process(PID).end
              • process.thread.end
              • process("PATH").thread.end
              • process(PID).thread.end
              • process("PATH").syscall
              • process(PID).syscall
              • process.syscall.return
              • process("PATH").syscall.return
              • process(PID).syscall.return
              • process("PATH").FUNCTION ("NAME")
              • process("PATH").statement("*@FILE.c:123")
              • process("PATH").FUNCTION ("*").return
              • process("PATH").FUNCTION ("myfun").label("foo")
              • process("PATH").mark("LABEL")
              • java("PNAME").class("CLASSNAME").method("PATTERN")
              • java("PNAME").class("CLASSNAME").method("PATTERN").return
              • java(PID).class("CLASSNAME").method("PATTERN")
              • java(PID).class("CLASSNAME").method("PATTERN").return
              • python2.module("MODULENAME").function("PATTERN")
              • python2.module("MODULENAME").function("PATTERN").return
              • python3.module("MODULENAME").function("PATTERN")
              • python3.module("MODULENAME").function("PATTERN").return

       Tapset Functions
              Some of the more commonly used tapset functions
              • addr:long ()
              • backtrace:string ()
              • caller:string ()
              • caller_addr:long ()
              • cmdline_arg:string (N:long)
              • cmdline_args:string (N:long,m:long,delim:string)
              • cmdline_str:string ()
              • env_var:string (name:string)
              • execname:string ()
              • int_arg:long (N:long)
              • isinstr:long(s1:string,s2:string)
              • long_arg:long (N:long)
              • modname:string ()
              • module_name:string ()
              • pid:long ()
              • pn:string ()
              • pointer_arg:string (N:long)
              • pp:string ()
              • print_backtrace ()
              • probefunc:string ()
              • register:long(name:string)
              • str_replace:string(prnt_str:string,srch_str:string,rplc_str:string)
              • stringat:long(str:string,pos:long)
              • strlen:long(str:string)
              • strtol:long(str:string,base:long)
              • substr:string(str:string,start:long,length:long)
              • user_long:long(addr:long)
              • user_string:string(addr:long)

SEE ALSO         top


BUGS         top

       Use the Bugzilla link of the project web page or our mailing
       list. ,<[email protected]>.

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the systemtap (a tracing and live-system
       analysis tool) project.  Information about the project can be
       found at ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug
       report for this manual page, send it to [email protected].
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-13.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]


Pages that refer to this page: stap(1)