systemd-cgtop(1) — Linux manual page


SYSTEMD-CGTOP(1)              systemd-cgtop             SYSTEMD-CGTOP(1)

NAME         top

       systemd-cgtop - Show top control groups by their resource usage

SYNOPSIS         top

       systemd-cgtop [OPTIONS...] [GROUP]

DESCRIPTION         top

       systemd-cgtop shows the top control groups of the local Linux
       control group hierarchy, ordered by their CPU, memory, or disk
       I/O load. The display is refreshed in regular intervals (by
       default every 1s), similar in style to top(1). If a control group
       path is specified, shows only the services of the specified
       control group.

       If systemd-cgtop is not connected to a tty, no column headers are
       printed and the default is to only run one iteration. The
       --iterations= argument, if given, is honored. This mode is
       suitable for scripting.

       Resource usage is only accounted for control groups with the
       appropriate controllers turned on: "cpu" controller for CPU
       usage, "memory" controller for memory usage, and "io" controller
       for disk I/O consumption. If resource monitoring for these
       resources is required, it is recommended to add the
       CPUAccounting=1, MemoryAccounting=1 and IOAccounting=1 settings
       in the unit files in question. See systemd.resource-control(5)
       for details.

       The CPU load value can be between 0 and 100 times the number of
       processors the system has. For example, if the system has 8
       processors, the CPU load value is going to be between 0% and
       800%. The number of processors can be found in "/proc/cpuinfo".

       To emphasize: unless "CPUAccounting=1", "MemoryAccounting=1", and
       "IOAccounting=1" are enabled for the services in question, no
       resource accounting will be available for system services and the
       data shown by systemd-cgtop will be incomplete.

OPTIONS         top

       The following options are understood:

       -p, --order=path
           Order by control group path name.

       -t, --order=tasks
           Order by number of tasks/processes in the control group.

       -c, --order=cpu
           Order by CPU load.

       -m, --order=memory
           Order by memory usage.

       -i, --order=io
           Order by disk I/O load.

       -b, --batch
           Run in "batch" mode: do not accept input and run until the
           iteration limit set with --iterations= is exhausted or until
           killed. This mode could be useful for sending output from
           systemd-cgtop to other programs or to a file.

           Added in version 188.

       -r, --raw
           Format byte counts (as in memory usage and I/O metrics) and
           CPU time with raw numeric values rather than human-readable

           Added in version 221.

       --cpu=percentage, --cpu=time
           Controls whether the CPU usage is shown as percentage or
           time. By default, the CPU usage is shown as percentage. This
           setting may also be toggled at runtime by pressing the % key.

           Added in version 226.

           Count only userspace processes instead of all tasks. By
           default, all tasks are counted: each kernel thread and each
           userspace thread individually. With this setting, kernel
           threads are excluded from the count and each userspace
           process only counts as one task, regardless of how many
           threads it consists of. This setting may also be toggled at
           runtime by pressing the P key. This option may not be
           combined with -k.

           Added in version 227.

           Count only userspace processes and kernel threads instead of
           all tasks. By default, all tasks are counted: each kernel
           thread and each userspace thread individually. With this
           setting, kernel threads are included in the count and each
           userspace process only counts as one task, regardless of how
           many threads it consists of. This setting may also be toggled
           at runtime by pressing the k key. This option may not be
           combined with -P.

           Added in version 226.

           Controls whether the number of processes shown for a control
           group shall include all processes that are contained in any
           of the child control groups as well. Takes a boolean
           argument, which defaults to "yes". If enabled, the processes
           in child control groups are included, if disabled, only the
           processes in the control group itself are counted. This
           setting may also be toggled at runtime by pressing the r key.
           Note that this setting only applies to process counting, i.e.
           when the -P or -k options are used. It has not effect if all
           tasks are counted, in which case the counting is always

           Added in version 226.

       -n, --iterations=
           Perform only this many iterations. A value of 0 indicates
           that the program should run indefinitely.

           Added in version 188.

           A shortcut for --iterations=1.

           Added in version 238.

       -d, --delay=
           Specify refresh delay in seconds (or if one of "ms", "us",
           "min" is specified as unit in this time unit). This setting
           may also be increased and decreased at runtime by pressing
           the + and - keys.

           Maximum control group tree traversal depth. Specifies how
           deep systemd-cgtop shall traverse the control group
           hierarchies. If 0 is specified, only the root group is
           monitored. For 1, only the first level of control groups is
           monitored, and so on. Defaults to 3.

       -M MACHINE, --machine=MACHINE
           Limit control groups shown to the part corresponding to the
           container MACHINE. This option may not be used when a control
           group path is specified.

           Added in version 227.

       -h, --help
           Print a short help text and exit.

           Print a short version string and exit.

KEYS         top

       systemd-cgtop is an interactive tool and may be controlled via
       user input using the following keys:

           Shows a short help text.

           Immediately refresh output.

           Added in version 226.

           Terminate the program.

       p, t, c, m, i
           Sort the control groups by path, number of tasks, CPU load,
           memory usage, or I/O load, respectively. This setting may
           also be controlled using the --order= command line switch.

           Toggle between showing CPU time as time or percentage. This
           setting may also be controlled using the --cpu= command line

           Added in version 201.

       +, -
           Increase or decrease refresh delay, respectively. This
           setting may also be controlled using the --delay= command
           line switch.

           Toggle between counting all tasks, or only userspace
           processes. This setting may also be controlled using the -P
           command line switch (see above).

           Added in version 227.

           Toggle between counting all tasks, or only userspace
           processes and kernel threads. This setting may also be
           controlled using the -k command line switch (see above).

           Added in version 226.

           Toggle between recursively including or excluding processes
           in child control groups in control group process counts. This
           setting may also be controlled using the --recursive= command
           line switch. This key is not available if all tasks are
           counted, it is only available if processes are counted, as
           enabled with the P or k keys.

           Added in version 226.

EXIT STATUS         top

       On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.

SEE ALSO         top

       systemd(1), systemctl(1), systemd-cgls(1),
       systemd.resource-control(5), top(1)

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the systemd (systemd system and service
       manager) project.  Information about the project can be found at
       ⟨⟩.  If you have
       a bug report for this manual page, see
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-13.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

systemd 257~devel                                       SYSTEMD-CGTOP(1)

Pages that refer to this page: systemd-cgls(1)cgroups(7)systemd.directives(7)systemd.index(7)