verifytree(1) — Linux manual page


verifytree(1)                                              verifytree(1)

NAME         top

       verifytree - verify that a local yum repository is consistent

SYNOPSIS         top

       verifytree [options] directory

DESCRIPTION         top

       verifytree is a program that verifies whether a local yum
       repository is consistent.

OPTIONS         top

       -h, --help
              Display a help message, and then quit.

       -a, --checkall
              Check all packages in the repository.

       -t TESTOPIA, --testopia=TESTOPIA
              Report results to the given testopia run number.

       -r, --treeinfo
              Check the checksums of listed files in a .treeinfo file,
              if available.

SEE ALSO         top


AUTHORS         top

       See the Authors file included with this program.

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the yum-utils (Yum Package Manager
       utilities) project.  Information about the project can be found
       at ⟨⟩.  It is not
       known how to report bugs for this man page; if you know, please
       send a mail to [email protected].  This page was obtained from
       the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on
       2024-06-14.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit
       that was found in the repository was 2020-03-11.)  If you
       discover any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page,
       or you believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for
       the page, or you have corrections or improvements to the
       information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original
       manual page), send a mail to [email protected]

                             13 January 2013               verifytree(1)