cap_iab(3) — Linux manual page


CAP_IAB(3)              Linux Programmer's Manual             CAP_IAB(3)

NAME         top

       cap_iab_init, cap_iab_dup, cap_iab_get_proc, cap_iab_get_pid,
       cap_iab_set_proc, cap_iab_to_text, cap_iab_from_text,
       cap_iab_get_vector, cap_iab_compare, cap_iab_set_vector,
       cap_iab_fill, cap_proc_root - inheritable IAB tuple support

SYNOPSIS         top

       #include <sys/capability.h>

       cap_iab_t cap_iab_init(void);
       cap_iab_t cap_iab_dup(cap_iab_t iab);
       cap_iab_t cap_iab_get_proc(void);
       cap_iab_t cap_iab_get_pid(pid_t pid);
       int cap_iab_set_proc(cap_iab_t iab);
       char *cap_iab_to_text(cap_iab_t iab);
       cap_iab_t cap_iab_from_text(const char *text);
       cap_flag_value_t cap_iab_get_vector(cap_iab_t iab, cap_iab_vector_t vec,
           cap_value_t val);
       int cap_iab_compare(cap_iab_t a, cap_iab_t b);
       int cap_iab_set_vector(cap_iab_t iab, cap_iab_vector_t vec, cap_value_t val,
           cap_flag_value_t enable);
       int cap_iab_fill(cap_iab_t iab, cap_iab_vector_t vec,
           cap_t set, cap_flag_t flag);
       char *cap_proc_root(const char *root);

       Link with -lcap.

DESCRIPTION         top

       The functions defined in this man page concern the three naively
       inheritable process capability vectors: Inh, Amb and Bound. This
       IAB 3-tuple of capability vectors, captured in type cap_iab_t
       combine to pass capabilities from one process to another through
       execve(2) system calls. The convolution rules using the IAB tuple
       are a fail over set of rules when the executed file has no
       configured file-capabilities.

       There are some constraints enforced by the kernel with respect to
       the three components of an IAB tuple and the Permitted process
       capability flag. They are: the Inh vector is entirely equal to
       the process Inheritable flag at all times; the Amb vector
       contains no more capability values than the intersection of the
       Inh vector and the Permitted flag for the process; and the Bound
       (or blocked) vector is the twos-complement of the process
       bounding vector.

       In some environments, it is considered desirable to naively
       inherit capabilities. That is pass capabilities, independent of
       the status of the executed binary, from parent to child through
       exec* system calls. The surviving capabilities become the
       Permitted flag for the post-exec process. This method of
       inheritance differs significantly from the handshake inheritance
       between a pre-exec* process and a file-capability bestowed
       executable of the traditional (POSIX.1e) capability mechanism.

       The convolution rules for IAB style inheritance are: I'=I;
       A'=A&I; P'=A&I&P. Where P etc are the pre-exec values and P' etc
       are the post-exec values.

       With an understanding of these convolution rules, we can explain
       how libcap(3) support for the IAB tuple is managed: the IAB API.

       cap_iab_init() returns an empty IAB value. That is a mostly-
       harmless tuple. It will not block any Permitted file capabilities
       through exec, but it won't bestow any either. The returned
       cap_iab_t should be freed with cap_free(3).

       cap_iab_dup() returns a copy of the specified IAB value.  The
       returned cap_iab_t should be freed with cap_free(3).

       cap_iab_get_proc() returns a copy of the IAB value for the
       current process.  The returned cap_iab_t should be freed with

       cap_iab_get_pid() returns a copy of the IAB value for the
       specified process.  The returned cap_iab_t should be freed with
       cap_free(3).  This function defaults to searching
       /proc/<PID>/status for the IAB information, but that location can
       be overridden using the cap_proc_root() function.

       cap_iab_set_proc() can be used to set the IAB value carried by
       the current process. Such a setting will fail if the process is
       insufficiently capable. The process requires CAP_SETPCAP raised
       in the E flag and a superset of P and I values over those in the
       A vectors.

       cap_iab_to_text() will convert an IAB tuple to a canonical text
       representation. The representation is slightly redundant but
       libcap will try to generate as short a representation as it is

       cap_iab_from_text() generates an IAB tuple from a text string
       (likely generated by the previous function). The returned IAB
       tuple should be freed with cap_free(3).

       The text format accepted by cap_iab_from_text() is a comma
       separated list of capability values. Each capability is prefixed
       by nothing (or %) (Inh); ! (Bound, but think Blocked); ^ (Amb).
       Or, some combination thereof.  Since the Amb vector is
       constrained to be no greater than the Inh vector, ^ is equivalent
       to %^. Further, unless B is non-zero, % can be omitted. The
       following are legal text representations: "!%cap_chown" (Bound
       but Inh), "!cap_chown,^cap_chown" (Bound, Inh+Amb).
       "cap_setuid,!cap_chown" (Inh, Bound). As noted above, this text
       representation is the syntax for the config file.

       cap_iab_get_vector() can be used to determine the specific
       capability value of an IAB vector.

       cap_iab_compare() can be used to compare two cap_iab_t tuples.
       When the return value is non-zero, the macro
       CAP_IAB_DIFFERS(status, vector) evaluates to non-zero if the
       returned status differs in its vector components.

       cap_iab_set_vector() can be used to set a specific vector value
       to the enable setting.

       cap_iab_fill() can be used to wholesale copy a cap_t flag value
       into the vec vector of the IAB tuple. Copying into Amb in this
       way may implicitly raise Inh values in the IAB tuple. Similarly
       copying into the Inh vector may implicitly lower Amb values that
       are not present in the resulting Inh vector.

       cap_proc_root() can be used to determine the current location
       queried by cap_iab_get_pid().  Returned values should be released
       with cap_free(3).  If the argument to cap_proc_root() is not
       NULL, a copy of it will become the replacement for /proc.  Note,
       this function is not thread safe with respect to concurrent calls
       to cap_iab_get_pid().

ERRORS         top

       The functions returning cap_iab_t values or allocated memory in
       the form of a string return NULL on error.

       Integer return values are -1 on error and 0 on success.

       In the case of error consult errno.

NOTES         top

       Unlike the traditional cap_t capability set, the IAB tuple, taken
       together, is incompatible with filesystem capabilities created
       via tools like setcap(8).  That is, the Amb vector of the IAB
       tuple is rendered moot when an executable with a file capability
       is executed.

       Further, there are libcap cap_mode(3)s that render the Amb vector
       and its method of process inheritance disabled.

HISTORY         top

       The IAB format for inheritable variants of capabilities was first
       developed as the configuration syntax for the Linux-
       PAM module in libcap-2.29. It was introduced to extend the simple
       comma separated list of process Inheritable capabilities, that
       the module could besow on an authenticated process tree, to
       include enforced limits on the Bounding vector and introduce
       support for the Amibient vector of capability bits.

       While the Inheritable and Bounding vectors were anticipated by
       the POSIX.1e draft that introduced capabilities, the Ambient
       vector is a Linux invention, and incompatible with the POSIX.1e
       file capability model. As such, it was felt that trying to meld
       together all of the 5 capability vectors into one text
       representation was not going to work. Instead the
       config syntax was generalized into a whole set of libcap
       functions for bundling together all three naively inheritable
       capabilities: the IAB tuple. The support for this debuted in

REPORTING BUGS         top

       Please report bugs via:

SEE ALSO         top

       libcap(3), cap_launch(3), cap_init(3), capabilities(7) and

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the libcap (capabilities commands and
       library) project.  Information about the project can be found at
       ⟨⟩.  If you
       have a bug report for this manual page, send it to
       [email protected] (please put "libcap" in the Subject line).
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on
       2024-06-14.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit
       that was found in the repository was 2024-05-18.)  If you
       discover any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page,
       or you believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for
       the page, or you have corrections or improvements to the
       information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original
       manual page), send a mail to [email protected]

                               2022-10-16                     CAP_IAB(3)

Pages that refer to this page: capsh(1)cap_launch(3)libcap(3)capability.conf(5)captree(8)getpcaps(8)