pmregisterderived(3) — Linux manual page



NAME         top

       pmRegisterDerived, pmRegisterDerivedMetric  - register a global
       derived metric name and definition

C SYNOPSIS         top

       #include <pcp/pmapi.h>

       char *pmRegisterDerived(char *name, char *expr);
       int pmRegisterDerivedMetric(char *name, char *expr, char

       cc ... -lpcp

DESCRIPTION         top

       Derived metrics provide a way of extending the Performance
       Metrics Name Space (PMNS) with new metrics defined at the PCP
       client-side using expressions over the existing performance

       Typical uses would be to aggregate a number of similar metrics to
       provide a higher-level summary metric or to support the ``delta
       value-a over delta value-b'' class of metrics that are not
       possible in the base data semantics of PCP.  An example of the
       latter class would be the average I/O size, defined as
              delta( / delta(
       where both of the metrics are counters, and what is
       required is to sample both metrics, compute the difference
       between the current and previous values and then calculate the
       ratio of these differences.

       The arguments to pmRegisterDerived are the name of the new
       derived metric and expr is an expression defining how the values
       of name should be computed.

       pmRegisterDerivedMetric is the exact functional equivalent to
       pmRegisterDerived except that it provides a simplified model of
       error handling, where a formatted message is returned via the
       errmsg parameter.

       Syntactic checking is performed at the time pmRegisterDerived is
       called, but semantic checking is deferred until each new PMAPI
       context is created with pmNewContext(3) or re-established with
       pmReconnectContext(3), at which time the PMNS and metadata is
       available to allow semantic checking and the metadata of the
       derived metrics to be determined.

       If pmRegisterDerived is called after one or more PMAPI contexts
       has been opened, then the newly registered metrics will be
       available in those contexts, however the more normal use would be
       to make all calls to pmRegisterDerived (possibly via
       pmLoadDerivedConfig(3)) or pmRegisterDerivedMetric before calling

       All of the defined global derived metrics are available in all
       PMAPI contexts.

       It is also possible to define per-context derived metrics once a
       PMAPI context has been established.  These derived metrics are
       private to the context in which they are defined using the allied
       routines pmAddDerived(3) and pmAddDerivedMetric(3).

       name should follow the syntactic rules for the names of
       performance metrics, namely one or more components separated with
       a dot (``.''), and each component must begin with an alphabetic
       followed by zero or more characters drawn from the alphabetics,
       numerics and underscore (``_'').  For more details, refer to
       PCPIntro(1) and PMNS(5).

       name must be unique across all derived metrics and should not
       match the name of any regular metric in the PMNS.  It is
       acceptable for name to share some part of its prefix with an
       existing subtree of the PMNS, e.g. the average I/O size metric
       above could be named which would place it amongst
       the other metrics in the PMNS.  Alternatively, derived
       metrics could populate their own subtree of the PMNS, e.g. the
       average I/O size metric above could be named

       The expression expr follows these syntactic rules:

       • Terminal elements are either names of existing metrics or
         numeric constants.  Recursive definitions are not allowed, so
         only the names of regular metrics (not other derived metrics)
         may be used. Numeric constants are either integers constrained
         to the precision of 32-bit unsigned integers or double
         precision floating point numbers.

       • The usual binary arithmetic operators are supported, namely
         addition (``+''), subtraction (``-''), multiplication (``*'')
         and division (``/'') with the normal precedence rules where
         multiplication and division have higher precedence than
         addition and subtraction, so a+b*c is evaluated as a+(b*c).

       • Unary negation may be used, e.g.  -3*some.metric.

       • C-style relational operators are supported, namely ``<'',
         ``<='', ``=='', ``>='', ``>'' and ``!=''.  Relational
         expressions return a value as a 32-bit unsigned number being 0
         for false and 1 for true.  The expected operator precedence
         rules apply, so arithmetic operators have higher precedence
         than relational operators, and a-b>c+d is evaluated as (a-
         b)>(c+d).  All the relational operators have equal precedence,
         so the (slightly odd) expression involving consecutive
         relational operators a>b!=c is evaluated as (a>b)!=c.

       • C-style boolean operators are supported, namely and (``&&'')
         and or (``||'').  Boolean expressions return a value as a
         32-bit unsigned number being 0 for false and 1 for true.  The
         expected operator precedence rules apply, so relational
         operators have higher precedence than boolean operators, and
         a>b*c&&d<=e+f is evaluated as (a>(b*c))&&(d<=(e+f)).  Both the
         boolean operators have equal precedence, so the expression
         involving consecutive boolean operators a>=b||b>c&&d!=e||f>g is
         evaluated as (((a>=b)||(b>c))&&(d!=e))||(f>g).

       • Additionally, the ``!'' operator may be used to negate a
         boolean or relational expression, returning a value as a 32-bit
         unsigned number being 0 for false and 1 for true.  The expected
         operator precedence rules apply, so boolean (and relational)
         operators have higher precedence than boolean negation, and
         !a>b||c<d is evaluated as !((a>b)||(c<d)), while !a<b+c is
         evaluated as !(a<(b+c)).

       • C-style ternary conditional expressions are supported. In
         general terms the expression check ? foo : bar is evaluated as
         foo (the ``true'' operand) if check (the ``guard'') is true,
         else the expression evaluates to bar (the ``false'' operand).
         Some special semantic rules apply to the ``guard'' expression
         and the other two operand expressions:
         (a) Each expression may involve a singular value or a set of
             values (when the expression involves one or more metrics
             with an instance domain).
         (b) All expressions with a set of values must be defined over
             the same instance domain.
         (c) Both operand expressions must have the same metadata, so
             the same metric type, semantics and units (dimension and
         (d) The ``guard'' expression must have an arithmetic or
             relational or boolean value, so that it can be evaluated as
             0 for false, else true.
         (e) If the ``guard'' expression has a singular value and one or
             more of the other operand expressions involves an instance
             domain, the ``guard'' applies to all instances.
         (f) If the ``guard'' expression has a set of values and one or
             more of the other operand expressions involves an instance
             domain, the ``guard'' is evaluated once for each instance
             (there must be one instance domain as per rule (b) above).
         (g) If one of the operand expressions has a singular value and
             the other has a set of values, and the singular value is
             selected based on the evaluation of the ``guard'', then the
             result is a set of values (all the same) with instance
             enumeration being taken from the other operand expression.
             For example in the expression: check ? foo : bar, if foo is
             an expression with a singular value and bar is a set-valued
             expression, then if check is true, then the result is a set
             of values (all having the same value, foo) over the
             instance domain of bar.
         (h) As a special case, either (but not both) of the expressions
             foo or bar may be the special constructor novalue().  If
             novalue() needs to be evaluated, it will return no values.
             The most common use of novalue() is in conjunction with
             defined() as in the following example:
                 mumble = defined(abc.def) ? count(abc.def) : novalue()
             The metadata for novalue() is taken from the peer operand
             of the : operator, making conditions (b) and (c) above
             trivially true; if the peer operand cannot be evaluated,
             then the default metadata for novalue() is a singular
             discrete integer with no units, and conditions (b) and (c)
             are waived.
             An extension of novalue() is novalue(<metadata>) where the
             <metadata> can be specified using one or more parameters of
             the form tag=value or tag="value" as described for the
             mkconst() constructor below, for example:
                 novalue(type=float, semantics=instant,
         (i) As an additional further case, if check is of the form
             defined(somemetric) then references to undefined metrics
             are allowed in whichever of foo or bar is not required once
             the existence if somemetric has been established.  This
             allows uses of the form:
                 fumble = defined(new.metric) ? new.metric : old.metric
             which is valid when new.metric is defined and when
             new.metric is not defined, although this does mean rules
             (b) and (c) are relaxed in this case, which further means
             novalue() may have no peer operand to provide metadata.
             A generalization of this construct is supported for any
             check that can be evaluated statically, so a boolean
             expression involving defined() predicates, for example:
                 bar = !defined(a) || !defined(b) ? novalue() : a + b

       • Selection of a single instance can be specified by the
         construct ``[instance_name]'' which may be appended to a metric
         name or a parenthesized expression.  For example:
             fw.bytes =[eth1] + \
         or (equivalently):
             fw.bytes = ( + \

         All characters between the ``['' and ``]'' are considered to be
         part of the (external) instance name, so be careful to avoid
         any spurious white space.  A backslash may be used as an escape
         prefix in the (unlikely) event that the external instance name
         contains a ``]''.

       • Numeric constants can also be specified using the mkconst()
         constructor which takes a number of arguments: the first is a
         numeric constant (either integer or floating point), then
         follow one or more parameters of the form tag=value or
         tag="value" where the allowed values of tag and value are as
         │    tagvalue                      │
         │ type      │ one of the numeric metric types from            │
         │           │ <pcp/pmapi.h>, stripped of the PM_TYPE_ prefix, │
         │           │ so 32, U32, 64, U64, FLOAT or DOUBLE.           │
         │ semantics │ one of the semantic types from <pcp/pmapi.h>,   │
         │           │ stripped of the PM_SEM_ prefix, so COUNTER,     │
         │           │ INSTANT or DISCRETE.                            │
         │ units     │ a specification of dimension and scale          │
         │           │ (together forming the units), in the syntax     │
         │           │ accepted by pmParseUnitsStr(3).                 │
         │ meta      │ a metric name and that metric provides the base │
         │           │ metadata that may be modified by other          │
         │           │ parameters                                      │

         The value may optionally be enclosed in double quotes, and may
         appear in any mix of upper and/or lower case.  The tag must be
         in lower case as shown in the table above.

         This is most useful when the expression semantics require
         matching type and/or semantics and/or units for operands, e.g.
             idle = > mkconst(10485760, units=Kbyte)
             avg_io_size = delta( == 0 ? \
                 mkconst(1.0, semantics=instant, units="kbyte / count")
             : \
                 delta( / delta(

       • Expressions may be rescaled using the rescale function that
         takes two arguments.  The first is an arithmetic expression to
         be rescaled, and the second is the desired units after
         rescaling that is a string value in the syntax accepted by
         pmParseUnitsStr(3).  For example:
             rescale(, "Mbytes/hour")

         The expression and the desired units must both have the same
         dimension, e.g Space=1, Time=-1 and Count=0 in the example

       • The following unary functions operate on a single performance
         metric and return one or more values.  For all functions
         (except count() and defined()), the type of the operand metric
         must be arithmetic (integer of various sizes and signedness,
         float or double).
         │  Function  │                     Value                      │
         │ avg(x)     │ A singular instance being the average value    │
         │            │ across all instances for the metric x.         │
         │ count(x)   │ A singular instance being the count of the     │
         │            │ number of instances for the metric x.  As a    │
         │            │ special case, if fetching the metric x returns │
         │            │ an error, then count(x) will be 0.             │
         │ defined(x) │ A boolean value that is true (``1'') if the    │
         │            │ metric x is defined in the PMNS, else false    │
         │            │ (``0'').  The function is evaluated when a new │
         │            │ PMAPI context is created with pmNewContext(3)  │
         │            │ or re-established with pmReconnectContext(3).  │
         │            │ So any subsequent changes to the PMNS after    │
         │            │ the PMAPI context has been established will    │
         │            │ not change the value of this function in the   │
         │            │ expression evaluation.                         │
         │ max(x)     │ A singular instance being the maximum value    │
         │            │ across all instances for the metric x.         │
         │ min(x)     │ A singular instance being the minimum value    │
         │            │ across all instances for the metric x.         │
         │ sum(x)     │ A singular instance being the sum of the       │
         │            │ values across all instances for the metric x.  │

       • The following unary function returns the instantaneous value of
         an expression, not the rate-converted value that is the default
         for expressions with the semantics of PM_SEM_COUNTER.
         │   Function    │                    Value                    │
         │ instant(expr) │ Returns the current value of the            │
         │               │ expression, even it has the semantics of a  │
         │               │ counter, i.e. PM_SEM_COUNTER.  The          │
         │               │ semantics of the derived metric are based   │
         │               │ on the semantics of the expression expr; if │
         │               │ expr has semantics PM_SEM_COUNTER, the      │
         │               │ semantics of instant(expr) is               │
         │               │ PM_SEM_INSTANT, otherwise the semantics of  │
         │               │ the derived metric is the same as the       │
         │               │ semantics of expr.                          │

       • The following unary functions return values computed from the
         value of an expression on consecutive samples, or pmFetch(3)
         calls.  The expression (expr below) may involve one or more
         metrics but must have an arithmetic value (integer of various
         sizes and signedness, float or double) for all instances.

         If expr is a set-valued expression then only those instances
         that appear in both samples will appear in the result.
         │  Function   │                     Value                     │
         │ delta(expr) │ Returns the difference in values for the      │
         │             │ expression between one call to pmFetch(3) and │
         │             │ the next. There is one value in the result    │
         │             │ for each instance that appears in both the    │
         │             │ current and the previous sample.  If the      │
         │             │ expression is unsigned, then the type of the  │
         │             │ result is converted to ensure as much         │
         │             │ precision as possible can be retained, so if  │
         │             │ the expression has type PM_TYPE_U32 then the  │
         │             │ result is of type PM_TYPE_64, else if the     │
         │             │ expression has type PM_TYPE_U64 then the      │
         │             │ result is of type PM_TYPE_DOUBLE.  Otherwise  │
         │             │ the type of the result is the same as the     │
         │             │ type of the expression.                       │
         │ rate(expr)  │ Returns the difference in values for the      │
         │             │ expression between one call to pmFetch(3) and │
         │             │ the next divided by the elapsed time between  │
         │             │ the calls to pmFetch(3).  The semantics of    │
         │             │ the derived metric are based on the semantics │
         │             │ of the expression with the dimension in the   │
         │             │ time domain decreased by one and scaling if   │
         │             │ required in the time utilization case where   │
         │             │ the operand is in units of time, and the      │
         │             │ derived metric is unitless.  There is one     │
         │             │ value in the result for each instance that    │
         │             │ appears in both the current and the previous  │
         │             │ sample, except in the case where the          │
         │             │ expression has the semantics of a counter,    │
         │             │ i.e. PM_SEM_COUNTER, and current value of an  │
         │             │ instance is smaller than the previous value   │
         │             │ of the same instance then no value is         │
         │             │ returned for this instance (this corresponds  │
         │             │ to a ``counter wrap'' or a ``counter          │
         │             │ reset'').  These rules mimic the rate         │
         │             │ conversion applied to counter metrics by      │
         │             │ tools such as pmval(1), pmie(1) and           │
         │             │ pmchart(1).                                   │

       • The matchinst function may be used to select a subset of the
         instances from an instance domain for a metric or expression.
         The function takes two arguments:
         (a) A instance filter that consists of an optional negation
             operator ``!'' followed by a regular expression delimited
             by ``/'' characters.  The regular expression follows the
             POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax as described in
             regex(3).  A single backslash may be used to escape the
             regular expression delimiter ``/'', but double backslashes
             are required to escape any regular expression special
             characters, e.g. for the (extremely unlikely) case of
             wanting to match instance names like
             ``some*text/other[text]'' a regular expression of the form
             /some\\*text\/other\\[text]/ would be required.  If
             present, the negation operator reverses the sense of the
             filtering, so all instances not matching the regular
             expression will be selected.
         (b) A metric or expression that must be defined over an
             instance domain.

         For example, the following expression will have values for the
         metric for all network interfaces
         except the loopback and virtual bridge devices:

       • The scalar function may be used convert a metric or expression
         defined over an instance domain into a scalar value that can be
         used in other expressions.  For example:
    = scalar([eth0]) + \

         The instance domain is removed from the metadata for the result
         and the instance identifier is removed from the value during

         If the metric or expression involves more than one instance
         then the result is formed by picking the first instance - this
         is arbitrary and implies the scalar function should only be
         used for metrics or expressions that are expected to contain
         zero or one instances, e.g.  the construct ``[instance_name]''
         or the matchinst function with a pattern that matches at most
         one instance.

       • Parenthesis may be used for explicit grouping.

       • A line ending with ``\'' is treated as ``to be continued'' and
         the following line is appended after stripping the ``\'' and
         the embedded newline.

       • Lines beginning with ``#'' are treated as comments and ignored.

       • White space is ignored.


       There are a number of conversions required to determine the
       metadata for a derived metric and to ensure the semantics of the
       expressions are sound.

       In an arithmetic expression or a relational expression, if the
       semantics of both operands is not a counter (i.e. PM_SEM_INSTANT
       or PM_SEM_DISCRETE) then the result will have semantics
       PM_SEM_INSTANT unless both operands are PM_SEM_DISCRETE in which
       case the result is also PM_SEM_DISCRETE.

       For an arithmetic expression, the dimension of each operand must
       be the same.  For a relational expression, the dimension of each
       operand must be the same, except that numeric constants (with no
       dimension) are allowed, e.g. in the expression > 0 .

       To prevent arbitrary and non-sensical combinations some
       restrictions apply to expressions that combine metrics with
       counter semantics to produce a result with counter semantics.
       For an arithmetic expression, if both operands have the semantics
       of a counter, then only addition or subtraction is allowed, or if
       the left operand is a counter and the right operand is not, then
       only multiplication or division are allowed, or if the left
       operand is not a counter and the right operand is a counter, then
       only multiplication is allowed.

       Because relational expressions use the current value only and
       produce a result that is not a counter, either or both operands
       of a relational expression may be counters.

       The mapping of the pmUnits of the metadata uses the following

       • If both operands have a dimension of Count and the scales are
         not the same, use the larger scale and convert the values of
         the operand with the smaller scale.

       • If both operands have a dimension of Time and the scales are
         not the same, use the larger scale and convert the values of
         the operand with the smaller scale.

       • If both operands have a dimension of Space and the scales are
         not the same, use the larger scale and convert the values of
         the operand with the smaller scale.

       • For addition and subtraction all dimensions for each of the
         operands and result are identical.

       • For multiplication, the dimensions of the result are the sum of
         the dimensions of the operands.

       • For division, the dimensions of the result are the difference
         of the dimensions of the operands.

       Scale conversion involves division if the dimension is positive
       else multiplication if the dimension is negative. If scale
       conversion is applied to either of the operands, the result is
       promoted to type PM_TYPE_DOUBLE.

       Putting all of this together in an example, consider the derived
       metric defined as follows:
       x = network.interface.speed - delta( /
       The type, dimension and scale settings would propagate up the
       expression tree as follows.
      │       Expression        │  Type  │  Dimension &  │  Scale       │
      │                         │        │  Scale        │  Factor(s)   │
      │ sample.milliseconds     │ DOUBLE │ millisec      │              │
      │ delta(...)              │ DOUBLE │ millisec      │              │
      │ network...bytes         │ U64    │ byte          │              │
      │ delta(...)              │ U64    │ byte          │              │
      │ delta(...) / delta(...) │ DOUBLE │ byte/millisec │ /1048576 and │
      │                         │        │               │ *1000        │
      │ network...speed         │ FLOAT  │ Mbyte/sec     │              │
      │ x                       │ DOUBLE │ Mbyte/sec     │              │

       Expressions involving single instance selection or the matchinst
       function must be associated with underlying metrics that have an
       instance domain.  These constructors make no sense for singular

       Because semantic checking cannot be done at the time
       pmRegisterDerived is called, errors found during semantic
       checking (when any subsequent calls to pmNewContext(3) or
       pmReconnectContext(3) succeed) are reported using pmprintf(3).
       These include:

       Error: derived metric <name1>: operand: <name2>: <reason>
              There was a problem calling pmLookupName(3) to identify
              the operand metric <name2> used in the definition of the
              derived metric <name1>.

       Error: derived metric <name1>: operand (<name2> [<pmid2>]):
              There was a problem calling pmLookupDesc(3) to identify
              the operand metric <name2> with PMID <pmid2> used in the
              definition of the derived metric <name1>.

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> : <operand>
       Different <metadata> for ternary operands
              For a ternary expression, the ``true'' operand and the
              ``false'' operand must have exactly the same metadata, so
              type, semantics, instance domain, and units (dimension and

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>:
       Dimensions are not the same
              Operands must have the same units (dimension and scale)
              for each of addition, subtraction, the relational
              operators and the boolean ``and'' or ``or'' operators.

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>:
       Illegal operator for counter and non-counter
              Only multiplication or division are allowed if the left
              operand has the semantics of a counter and the right
              operand is not a counter.

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>:
       Illegal operator for counters
              If both operands have the semantics of counter, only
              addition or subtraction make sense, so multiplication and
              division are not allowed.

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>:
       Illegal operator for non-counter and counter
              Only multiplication is allowed if the right operand has
              the semantics of a counter and the left operand is not a

       Semantic error: derived metric <metric> <expr> RESCALE <units>:
       Incompatible dimensions
              The parameters <expr> and <units> to the rescale function
              must have the same dimension along the axes of Time, Space
              and Count.

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: Incorrect time dimension
       for operand
              Rate conversion using the rate() function is only possible
              for operand metrics with a Time dimension of 0 or 1 (see
              pmLookupDesc(3)).  If the operand metric's Time dimension
              is 0, then the derived metrics has a value "per second"
              (Time dimension of -1).  If the operand metric's Time
              dimension is 1, then the derived metrics has a value of
              time utilization (Time dimension of 0).

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <function>(<operand>):
       Non-arithmetic operand for function
              The unary functions are only defined if the operand has
              arithmetic type.  Similarly the first argument to the
              rescale function must be of arithmetic type.

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <expr> ? ...: Non-
       arithmetic operand for ternary guard
              The first expression for a ternary operator must have an
              arithmetic type.

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: ... - ...: Non-arithmetic
       operand for unary negation
              Unary negation only makes sense if the following
              expression has an arithmetic type.

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>:
       Non-arithmetic type for <left-or-right> operand
              The binary arithmetic operators are only allowed with
              operands with an arithmetic type (integer of various sizes
              and signedness, float or double).

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <operand> <op> <operand>:
       Non-counter and not dimensionless for <left-or-right> operand
              For multiplication or division or any of the relational
              operators, if one of the operands has the semantics of a
              counter and the other has the semantics of a non-counter
              (instantaneous or discrete) then the non-counter operand
              must have no units (dimension and scale).

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <expr> ? <expr> : <expr>:
       Non-scalar ternary guard with scalar expressions
              If the ``true'' and ``false'' operands of a ternary
              expression have a scalar value, then the ``guard''
              expression must also have a scalar value.

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <expr> <op> <expr>:
       Operands should have the same instance domain
              For all of the binary operators (arithmetic and
              relational), if both operands have non-scalar values, then
              they must be defined over the same instance domain.

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: operand <dname>: Illegal
       nested derived metric
              A derived metric (<dname>) cannot be nested (i.e. used) in
              the definition of another derived metric (<name>).

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: <expr> <op> <expr>:
       Illegal operator for non-counters
              Metrics with counter semantics may be added or subtracted,
              but <op> (division or multiplication) is not allowed.

       Semantic error: derived metric <name>: operand <bname>: Unknown
       metric for ternary expression
              When a new context was established, the metric <bname> was
              not in the PMNS of the new context and <bname> is a
              required operand in the definition of the derived metric


       For the binary arithmetic operators, if either operand must be
       scaled (e.g. convert bytes to Kbytes) then the result is promoted
       to PM_TYPE_DOUBLE.  Otherwise the type of the result is
       determined by the types of the operands, as per the following
       table which is evaluated from top to bottom until a match is
           │      Operand Types       │ Operator │  Result Type   │
           │ either is PM_TYPE_DOUBLE │ any      │ PM_TYPE_DOUBLE │
           │ any                      │ division │ PM_TYPE_DOUBLE │
           │ either is PM_TYPE_FLOAT  │ any      │ PM_TYPE_FLOAT  │
           │ either is PM_TYPE_U64    │ any      │ PM_TYPE_U64    │
           │ either is PM_TYPE_64     │ any      │ PM_TYPE_64     │
           │ either is PM_TYPE_U32    │ any      │ PM_TYPE_U32    │
           │ otherwise (both are      │ any      │ PM_TYPE_32     │
           │ PM_TYPE_32)              │          │                │

PMIDs AND MASKING         top

       Within PCP each metric is assigned a unique Performance Metric
       Identifier (PMID) and internally a PMID is constructed from 3
       fields: the domain number (of the associated Performance Metrics
       Domain Agent, or PMDA), the cluster number and the item number.
       Derived metrics use the reserved domain number 511 and special
       PMIDs as described in the following table, where the PMID is
       shown as domain.cluster.item:
       │ Derived Metric │ Starting PMID │         Description          │
       │ global         │ 511.0.1       │ Metrics are assigned         │
       │                │               │ ascending PMIDs as they are  │
       │                │               │ registered via               │
       │                │               │ pmRegisterDerived,           │
       │                │               │ pmRegisterDerivedMetric or   │
       │                │               │ pmLoadDerivedConfig(3).      │
       │ per-context    │ 511.2047.1023 │ Metrics are assigned         │
       │                │               │ descending PMIDs as they are │
       │                │               │ registered via               │
       │                │               │ pmAddDerived(3) or           │
       │                │               │ pmAddDerivedMetric(3).       │
       │ remapped       │ 511.c.i       │ When a derived metric is     │
       │                │               │ recorded in a PCP archive by │
       │                │               │ pmlogger(1) or one of the    │
       │                │               │ related archive creation     │
       │                │               │ tools, the PMID of the       │
       │                │               │ derived metric is remapped   │
       │                │               │ in the archive so that c is  │
       │                │               │ the cluster of derived       │
       │                │               │ metric plus 2048, and i is   │
       │                │               │ the item of the derived      │
       │                │               │ metric.  For example, a      │
       │                │               │ derived metric with PMID     │
       │                │               │ 511.0.13 will have the       │
       │                │               │ remapped PMID 511.2048.13 in │
       │                │               │ an archive.  See pmlogger(1) │
       │                │               │ for a discussion about       │
       │                │               │ adding derived metrics to a  │
       │                │               │ PCP archive.                 │

       For base metrics from a host or archive context, there is a
       requirement that each metric name is unique.  But derived metrics
       require this restriction to be relaxed, so that the same metric
       name could associated with a base metric, and/or a per-context
       derived metric, and/or a global metric.  This means that one or
       more of the metrics with the same name may be masked by other
       metrics of the same name.  The following table describes which
       metric will be used when one of these multiply-defined names is
       presented to the PMAPI.
     │             │         derived metric          │                     │
     │ base metric ├──────────┬─────────────┬────────┤    chosen metric    │
     │             │ remapped │ per-context │ global │                     │
     │ no          │ no       │ no          │ no     │ none; the metric is │
     │             │          │             │        │ undefined           │
     │ no          │ no       │ no          │ yes    │ global derived      │
     │ no          │ no       │ yes         │ no     │ per-context derived │
     │ no          │ no       │ yes         │ yes    │ per-context derived │
     │ no          │ yes      │ no          │ no     │ remapped            │
     │ no          │ yes      │ no          │ yes    │ remapped            │
     │ no          │ yes      │ yes         │ no     │ remapped            │
     │ no          │ yes      │ yes         │ yes    │ remapped            │
     │ yes         │ no       │ no          │ no     │ base metric         │
     │ yes         │ no       │ no          │ yes    │ base metric         │
     │ yes         │ no       │ yes         │ no     │ base metric         │
     │ yes         │ no       │ yes         │ yes    │ base metric         │
     │ yes         │ yes      │ -           │ -      │ cannot happen; for  │
     │             │          │             │        │ any name there can  │
     │             │          │             │        │ be at most one of a │
     │             │          │             │        │ base metric or a    │
     │             │          │             │        │ remapped metric     │

       When masking happens, it is done silently.  Most PCP applications
       support -Dderive on the command line and this pmdbg(1) debug
       option will report derived metric operations (including masking)
       on stderr.

CAVEATS         top

       Derived metrics are not available when using pmFetchArchive(3) as
       this routine does not use a target list of PMIDs that could be
       remapped (as is done for pmFetch(3)).

       There is no pmUnregisterDerived method, so once registered a
       derived metric persists for the life of the application.

DIAGNOSTICS         top

       On success, pmRegisterDerived returns NULL.

       If a syntactic error is found at the time of registration, the
       value returned by pmRegisterDerived is a pointer into expr
       indicating where the error was found.  To identify what the error
       was, the application should call pmDerivedErrStr(3) to retrieve
       the corresponding parser error message.

       pmRegisterDerivedMetric returns 0 and errmsg is undefined if the
       parsing is successful.

       If the given expr does not conform to the required syntax
       pmRegisterDerivedMetric returns -1 and a dynamically allocated
       error message string in errmsg.  The error message is terminated
       with a newline and includes both the input name and expr, along
       with an indicator of the position at which the error was
       detected.  e.g.
                 Error: pmRegisterDerivedMetric("my.disk.rates", ...)
                 syntax error

       The position indicator line may be followed by an additional
       diagnostic line describing the nature of the error, when

       In the case of an error, the pmRegisterDerivedMetric caller is
       responsible for calling free(3) to release the space allocated
       for errmsg.

SEE ALSO         top

       PCPIntro(1), pmlogger(1), PMAPI(3), free(3), pmAddDerived(3),
       pmAddDerivedMetric(3), pmDerivedErrStr(3), pmFetch(3),
       pmLoadDerivedConfig(3), pmNewContext(3), pmReconnectContext(3),
       pmprintf(3) and PMNS(5).

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this manual
       page, send it to [email protected].  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-14.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

Performance Co-Pilot                                PMREGISTERDERIVED(3)

Pages that refer to this page: pcp2elasticsearch(1)pcp2graphite(1)pcp2influxdb(1)pcp2json(1)pcp2openmetrics(1)pcp2spark(1)pcp2template(1)pcp2xlsx(1)pcp2xml(1)pcp2zabbix(1)pminfo(1)pmlogctl(1)pmlogger(1)pmrep(1)pmaddderived(3)pmaddderivedtext(3)pmderivederrstr(3)pmfetchgroup(3)pmgetderivedcontrol(3)pmloadderivedconfig(3)pmreconnectcontext(3)pcp-dstat(5)pmrep.conf(5)