sd_event_wait(3) — Linux manual page


SD_EVENT_WAIT(3)              sd_event_wait             SD_EVENT_WAIT(3)

NAME         top

       sd_event_wait, sd_event_prepare, sd_event_dispatch,
       sd_event_get_state, sd_event_get_iteration, SD_EVENT_INITIAL,
       event loop operations

SYNOPSIS         top

       #include <systemd/sd-event.h>

       enum {

       int sd_event_prepare(sd_event *event);

       int sd_event_wait(sd_event *event, uint64_t usec);

       int sd_event_dispatch(sd_event *event);

       int sd_event_get_state(sd_event *event);

       int sd_event_get_iteration(sd_event *event, uint64_t *ret);

DESCRIPTION         top

       The low-level sd_event_prepare(), sd_event_wait() and
       sd_event_dispatch() functions may be used to execute specific
       phases of an event loop. See sd_event_run(3) and sd_event_loop(3)
       for higher-level functions that execute individual but complete
       iterations of an event loop or run it continuously.

       sd_event_prepare() checks for pending events and arms necessary
       timers. If any events are ready to be processed ("pending"), it
       returns a positive, non-zero value, and the caller should process
       these events with sd_event_dispatch().

       sd_event_dispatch() dispatches the highest priority event source
       that has a pending event. On success, sd_event_dispatch() returns
       either zero, which indicates that no further event sources may be
       dispatched and exiting of the event loop was requested via
       sd_event_exit(3); or a positive non-zero value, which means that
       an event source was dispatched and the loop returned to its
       initial state, and the caller should initiate the next event loop
       iteration by invoking sd_event_prepare() again.

       In case sd_event_prepare() returned zero, sd_event_wait() should
       be called to wait for further events or a timeout. If any events
       are ready to be processed, it returns a positive, non-zero value,
       and the events should be dispatched with sd_event_dispatch().
       Otherwise, the event loop returned to its initial state and the
       next event loop iteration should be initiated by invoking
       sd_event_prepare() again.

       sd_event_get_state() may be used to determine the state the event
       loop is currently in. It returns one of the states described

       sd_event_get_iteration() may be used to determine the current
       iteration of the event loop. It returns an unsigned 64-bit
       integer containing a counter that increases monotonically with
       each iteration of the event loop, starting with 0. The counter is
       increased at the time of the sd_event_prepare() invocation.

       All five functions take, as the first argument, the event loop
       object event that has been created with sd_event_new(). The
       timeout for sd_event_wait() is specified in usec in microseconds.
       (uint64_t) -1 may be used to specify an infinite timeout.

STATE MACHINE         top

       The event loop knows the following states, that may be queried
       with sd_event_get_state().

           The initial state the event loop is in, before each event
           loop iteration. Use sd_event_prepare() to transition the
           event loop into the SD_EVENT_ARMED or SD_EVENT_PENDING

           Added in version 229.

           An event source is currently being prepared, i.e. the
           preparation handler is currently being executed, as set with
           sd_event_source_set_prepare(3). This state is only seen in
           the event source preparation handler that is invoked from the
           sd_event_prepare() call and is immediately followed by

           Added in version 229.

           sd_event_prepare() has been called and no event sources were
           ready to be dispatched. Use sd_event_wait() to wait for new
           events, and transition into SD_EVENT_PENDING or back into

           Added in version 229.

           sd_event_prepare() or sd_event_wait() have been called and
           there were event sources with events pending. Use
           sd_event_dispatch() to dispatch the highest priority event
           source and transition back to SD_EVENT_INITIAL, or

           Added in version 229.

           A regular event source is currently being dispatched. This
           state is only seen in the event source handler that is
           invoked from the sd_event_dispatch() call, and is immediately
           followed by SD_EVENT_INITIAL or SD_EVENT_FINISHED as soon the
           event source handler returns. Note that during dispatching of
           exit event sources the SD_EVENT_EXITING state is seen

           Added in version 229.

           Similar to SD_EVENT_RUNNING but is the state in effect while
           dispatching exit event sources. It is followed by
           SD_EVENT_INITIAL or SD_EVENT_FINISHED as soon as the event
           handler returns.

           Added in version 229.

           The event loop has exited. All exit event sources have run.
           If the event loop is in this state it serves no purpose
           anymore, and should be freed.

           Added in version 229.

       A simplified flow chart of the states and the calls to transition
       between them is shown below. Note that SD_EVENT_PREPARING,
       SD_EVENT_RUNNING and SD_EVENT_EXITING are not shown here.

                     INITIAL -<---<---<---<---<---<---<---<---<---<---<---<---\
                        |                                                     |
                        |                                                     ^
                        |                                                     |
                        v                 ret == 0                            |
                 sd_event_prepare() >--->--->--->--->- ARMED                  |
                        |                                |                    ^
                        | ret > 0                        |                    |
                        |                                |                    |
                        v                                v          ret == 0  |
                     PENDING <---<---<---<---<---< sd_event_wait() >--->--->--+
                        |           ret > 0                                   ^
                        |                                                     |
                        |                                                     |
                        v                                                     |
                 sd_event_dispatch() >--->--->--->--->--->--->--->--->--->--->/
                        |                             ret > 0
                        | ret == 0

RETURN VALUE         top

       On success, these functions return 0 or a positive integer. On
       failure, they return a negative errno-style error code. In case
       of sd_event_prepare() and sd_event_wait(), a positive, non-zero
       return code indicates that events are ready to be processed and
       zero indicates that no events are ready. In case of
       sd_event_dispatch(), a positive, non-zero return code indicates
       that the event loop returned to its initial state and zero
       indicates the event loop has exited.  sd_event_get_state()
       returns a positive or zero state on success.

       Returned errors may indicate the following problems:

           The event parameter is invalid or NULL.

           The event loop object is not in the right state.

           The event loop is already terminated.

           The event loop has been created in a different process,
           library or module instance.

       Other errors are possible, too.

NOTES         top

       Functions described here are available as a shared library, which
       can be compiled against and linked to with the
       libsystemd pkg-config(1) file.

       The code described here uses getenv(3), which is declared to be
       not multi-thread-safe. This means that the code calling the
       functions described here must not call setenv(3) from a parallel
       thread. It is recommended to only do calls to setenv() from an
       early phase of the program when no other threads have been

HISTORY         top

       sd_event_prepare(), sd_event_wait(), sd_event_dispatch(), and
       sd_event_get_state() were added in version 221.

       sd_event_get_iteration() was added in version 231.

SEE ALSO         top

       systemd(1), sd_event_new(3), sd_event_add_io(3),
       sd_event_add_time(3), sd_event_add_signal(3),
       sd_event_add_child(3), sd_event_add_inotify(3),
       sd_event_add_defer(3), sd_event_run(3), sd_event_get_fd(3),

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the systemd (systemd system and service
       manager) project.  Information about the project can be found at
       ⟨⟩.  If you have
       a bug report for this manual page, see
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-13.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

systemd 257~devel                                       SD_EVENT_WAIT(3)

Pages that refer to this page: sd-event(3)sd_event_get_fd(3)sd_event_run(3)systemd.directives(7)systemd.index(7)