strfmon(3) — Linux manual page


strfmon(3)              Library Functions Manual              strfmon(3)

NAME         top

       strfmon, strfmon_l - convert monetary value to a string

LIBRARY         top

       Standard C library (libc, -lc)

SYNOPSIS         top

       #include <monetary.h>

       ssize_t strfmon(char s[restrict .max], size_t max,
                       const char *restrict format, ...);
       ssize_t strfmon_l(char s[restrict .max], size_t max, locale_t locale,
                       const char *restrict format, ...);

DESCRIPTION         top

       The strfmon() function formats the specified monetary amount
       according to the current locale and format specification format
       and places the result in the character array s of size max.

       The strfmon_l() function performs the same task, but uses the
       locale specified by locale.  The behavior of strfmon_l() is
       undefined if locale is the special locale object LC_GLOBAL_LOCALE
       (see duplocale(3)) or is not a valid locale object handle.

       Ordinary characters in format are copied to s without conversion.
       Conversion specifiers are introduced by a '%' character.
       Immediately following it there can be zero or more of the
       following flags:

       =f     The single-byte character f is used as the numeric fill
              character (to be used with a left precision, see below).
              When not specified, the space character is used.

       ^      Do not use any grouping characters that might be defined
              for the current locale.  By default, grouping is enabled.

       ( or + The ( flag indicates that negative amounts should be
              enclosed between parentheses.  The + flag indicates that
              signs should be handled in the default way, that is,
              amounts are preceded by the locale's sign indication, for
              example, nothing for positive, "-" for negative.

       !      Omit the currency symbol.

       -      Left justify all fields.  The default is right

       Next, there may be a field width: a decimal digit string
       specifying a minimum field width in bytes.  The default is 0.  A
       result smaller than this width is padded with spaces (on the
       left, unless the left-justify flag was given).

       Next, there may be a left precision of the form "#" followed by a
       decimal digit string.  If the number of digits left of the radix
       character is smaller than this, the representation is padded on
       the left with the numeric fill character.  Grouping characters
       are not counted in this field width.

       Next, there may be a right precision of the form "." followed by
       a decimal digit string.  The amount being formatted is rounded to
       the specified number of digits prior to formatting.  The default
       is specified in the frac_digits and int_frac_digits items of the
       current locale.  If the right precision is 0, no radix character
       is printed.  (The radix character here is determined by
       LC_MONETARY, and may differ from that specified by LC_NUMERIC.)

       Finally, the conversion specification must be ended with a
       conversion character.  The three conversion characters are

       %      (In this case, the entire specification must be exactly
              "%%".)  Put a '%' character in the result string.

       i      One argument of type double is converted using the
              locale's international currency format.

       n      One argument of type double is converted using the
              locale's national currency format.

RETURN VALUE         top

       The strfmon() function returns the number of characters placed in
       the array s, not including the terminating null byte, provided
       the string, including the terminating null byte, fits.
       Otherwise, it sets errno to E2BIG, returns -1, and the contents
       of the array is undefined.

ATTRIBUTES         top

       For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see
       │ Interface                    Attribute     Value          │
       │ strfmon()                    │ Thread safety │ MT-Safe locale │
       │ strfmon_l()                  │ Thread safety │ MT-Safe        │

STANDARDS         top


HISTORY         top


EXAMPLES         top

       The call

           strfmon(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%^=*#6n] [%=*#6i]",
                   1234.567, 1234.567);


           [€ **1234,57] [EUR **1 234,57]

       in the nl_NL locale.  The de_DE, de_CH, en_AU, and en_GB locales

           [ **1234,57 €] [ **1.234,57 EUR]
           [ Fr. **1234.57] [ CHF **1'234.57]
           [ $**1234.57] [ AUD**1,234.57]
           [ £**1234.57] [ GBP**1,234.57]

SEE ALSO         top

       duplocale(3), setlocale(3), sprintf(3), locale(7)

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the man-pages (Linux kernel and C library
       user-space interface documentation) project.  Information about
       the project can be found at 
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       for this manual page, see
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       2024-06-26.  If you discover any rendering problems in this HTML
       version of the page, or you believe there is a better or more up-
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       improvements to the information in this COLOPHON (which is not
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Linux man-pages 6.9.1          2024-05-02                     strfmon(3)

Pages that refer to this page: localeconv(3)locale(7)