tapset::context(3stap) — Linux manual page


TAPSET::CONTEXT(3stap)                            TAPSET::CONTEXT(3stap)

NAME         top

       tapset::context - systemtap context tapset

DESCRIPTION         top

        Context functions provide additional information about where an
       event occurred. These functions can provide information such as a
       backtrace to where the event occurred and the current register
       values for the processor.

              Print a register dump

              See function::print_regs(3stap)
               for details.

       pp     Returns the active probe point

              See function::pp(3stap)
               for details.

       ppfunc Returns the function name parsed from pp()

              See function::ppfunc(3stap)
               for details.

              The low level probe handler type of the current probe.

              See function::probe_type(3stap)
               for details.

              Returns the execname of a target process (or group of

              See function::execname(3stap)
               for details.

              Returns the execname of a target process's parent process

              See function::pexecname(3stap)
               for details.

       pid    Returns the ID of a target process

              See function::pid(3stap)
               for details.

       ns_pid Returns the ID of a target process as seen in a pid

              See function::ns_pid(3stap)
               for details.

       tid    Returns the thread ID of a target process

              See function::tid(3stap)
               for details.

       ns_tid Returns the thread ID of a target process as seen in a pid

              See function::ns_tid(3stap)
               for details.

       ppid   Returns the process ID of a target process's parent

              See function::ppid(3stap)
               for details.

              Returns the process ID of a target process's parent
              process as seen in a pid namespace

              See function::ns_ppid(3stap)
               for details.

       pgrp   Returns the process group ID of the current process

              See function::pgrp(3stap)
               for details.

              Returns the process group ID of the current process as
              seen in a pid namespace

              See function::ns_pgrp(3stap)
               for details.

       sid    Returns the session ID of the current process

              See function::sid(3stap)
               for details.

       ns_sid Returns the session ID of the current process as seen in a
              pid namespace

              See function::ns_sid(3stap)
               for details.

       gid    Returns the group ID of a target process

              See function::gid(3stap)
               for details.

       ns_gid Returns the group ID of a target process as seen in a user

              See function::ns_gid(3stap)
               for details.

       egid   Returns the effective gid of a target process

              See function::egid(3stap)
               for details.

              Returns the effective gid of a target process as seen in a
              user namespace

              See function::ns_egid(3stap)
               for details.

       uid    Returns the user ID of a target process

              See function::uid(3stap)
               for details.

       ns_uid Returns the user ID of a target process as seen in a user

              See function::ns_uid(3stap)
               for details.

       euid   Return the effective uid of a target process

              See function::euid(3stap)
               for details.

              Returns the effective user ID of a target process as seen
              in a user namespace

              See function::ns_euid(3stap)
               for details.

              Determines if the current probe point has occurred in the
              user's own process

              See function::is_myproc(3stap)
               for details.

       cpuid  Returns the current cpu number

              See function::cpuid(3stap)
               for details.

       cpu    Returns the current cpu number

              See function::cpu(3stap)
               for details.

              Determines validity of register() and u_register() in
              current context

              See function::registers_valid(3stap)
               for details.

              Determines if probe point occurs in user-mode

              See function::user_mode(3stap)
               for details.

              Whether the current probe context is a return probe

              See function::is_return(3stap)
               for details.

       target Return the process ID of the target process

              See function::target(3stap)
               for details.

              The module name of the current script

              See function::module_name(3stap)
               for details.

              The module size of the current script

              See function::module_size(3stap)
               for details.

              The process id of the stapio process

              See function::stp_pid(3stap)
               for details.

              The index of this instance in a remote execution.

              See function::remote_id(3stap)
               for details.

              The name of this instance in a remote execution.

              See function::remote_uri(3stap)
               for details.

              Return the size of the kernel stack

              See function::stack_size(3stap)
               for details.

              Returns the amount of kernel stack used

              See function::stack_used(3stap)
               for details.

              Returns the amount of kernel stack currently available

              See function::stack_unused(3stap)
               for details.

       addr   Address of the current probe point.

              See function::addr(3stap)
               for details.

       uaddr  User space address of current running task

              See function::uaddr(3stap)
               for details.

              Fetch command line arguments from current process

              See function::cmdline_args(3stap)
               for details.

              Fetch a command line argument

              See function::cmdline_arg(3stap)
               for details.

              Fetch all command line arguments from current process

              See function::cmdline_str(3stap)
               for details.

SEE ALSO         top

       function::print_regs(3stap), function::pp(3stap),
       function::ppfunc(3stap), function::probe_type(3stap),
       function::execname(3stap), function::pexecname(3stap),
       function::pid(3stap), function::ns_pid(3stap),
       function::tid(3stap), function::ns_tid(3stap),
       function::ppid(3stap), function::ns_ppid(3stap),
       function::pgrp(3stap), function::ns_pgrp(3stap),
       function::sid(3stap), function::ns_sid(3stap),
       function::gid(3stap), function::ns_gid(3stap),
       function::egid(3stap), function::ns_egid(3stap),
       function::uid(3stap), function::ns_uid(3stap),
       function::euid(3stap), function::ns_euid(3stap),
       function::is_myproc(3stap), function::cpuid(3stap),
       function::cpu(3stap), function::registers_valid(3stap),
       function::user_mode(3stap), function::is_return(3stap),
       function::target(3stap), function::module_name(3stap),
       function::module_size(3stap), function::stp_pid(3stap),
       function::remote_id(3stap), function::remote_uri(3stap),
       function::stack_size(3stap), function::stack_used(3stap),
       function::stack_unused(3stap), function::addr(3stap),
       function::uaddr(3stap), function::cmdline_args(3stap),
       function::cmdline_arg(3stap), function::cmdline_str(3stap),
       stap(1), stapprobes(3stap)

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the systemtap (a tracing and live-system
       analysis tool) project.  Information about the project can be
       found at ⟨https://sourceware.org/systemtap/⟩.  If you have a bug
       report for this manual page, send it to [email protected].
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://sourceware.org/git/systemtap.git⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-13.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

SystemTap Tapset Reference     April 2024         TAPSET::CONTEXT(3stap)

Pages that refer to this page: function::addr(3stap)function::cmdline_arg(3stap)function::cmdline_args(3stap)function::cmdline_str(3stap)function::cpu(3stap)function::cpuid(3stap)function::egid(3stap)function::euid(3stap)function::execname(3stap)function::gid(3stap)function::is_myproc(3stap)function::is_return(3stap)function::module_name(3stap)function::module_size(3stap)function::ns_egid(3stap)function::ns_euid(3stap)function::ns_gid(3stap)function::ns_pgrp(3stap)function::ns_pid(3stap)function::ns_ppid(3stap)function::ns_sid(3stap)function::ns_tid(3stap)function::ns_uid(3stap)function::pexecname(3stap)function::pgrp(3stap)function::pid(3stap)function::pp(3stap)function::ppfunc(3stap)function::ppid(3stap)function::print_regs(3stap)function::probe_type(3stap)function::registers_valid(3stap)function::remote_id(3stap)function::remote_uri(3stap)function::sid(3stap)function::stack_size(3stap)function::stack_unused(3stap)function::stack_used(3stap)function::stp_pid(3stap)function::target(3stap)function::tid(3stap)function::uaddr(3stap)function::uid(3stap)function::user_mode(3stap)