curs_border_set(3x) — Linux manual page


curs_border_set(3X)                                  curs_border_set(3X)

NAME         top

       border_set, wborder_set, box_set, hline_set, whline_set,
       mvhline_set, mvwhline_set, vline_set, wvline_set, mvvline_set,
       mvwvline_set - create curses borders or lines using complex
       characters and renditions

SYNOPSIS         top

       #include <curses.h>

       int border_set(
          const cchar_t *ls, const cchar_t *rs,
          const cchar_t *ts, const cchar_t *bs,
          const cchar_t *tl, const cchar_t *tr,
          const cchar_t *bl, const cchar_t *br );
       int wborder_set(
          WINDOW *win,
          const cchar_t *ls, const cchar_t *rs,
          const cchar_t *ts, const cchar_t *bs,
          const cchar_t *tl, const cchar_t *tr,
          const cchar_t *bl, const cchar_t *br);
       int box_set(
          WINDOW *win,
          const cchar_t *verch,
          const cchar_t *horch);
       int hline_set(
          const cchar_t *wch, int n);
       int whline_set(
          WINDOW *win,
          const cchar_t *wch, int n);
       int mvhline_set(
          int y, int x,
          const cchar_t *wch, int n);
       int mvwhline_set(
          WINDOW *win,
          int y, int x,
          const cchar_t *wch, int n);
       int vline_set(
          const cchar_t *wch, int n);
       int wvline_set(
          WINDOW *win,
          const cchar_t *wch, int n);
       int mvvline_set(
          int y, int x,
          const cchar_t *wch, int n);
       int mvwvline_set(
          WINDOW *win,
          int y, int x,
          const cchar_t *wch, int n);

DESCRIPTION         top

       The border_set and wborder_set functions draw a border around the
       edges of the current or specified window.  These functions do not
       change the cursor position, and do not wrap.

       Other  than the window, each argument is a complex character with
              ls - left side,
              rs - right side,
              ts - top side,
              bs - bottom side,
              tl - top left-hand corner,
              tr - top right-hand corner,
              bl - bottom left-hand corner, and
              br - bottom right-hand corner.

       If any of these arguments is zero, then the corresponding default
       values (defined in curses.h) are used instead:
              WACS_LLCORNER, and

       box_set(win, verch, horch); is  a  shorthand  for  the  following

       wborder_set(win, verch, verch,
           horch, horch, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

       The  *line_set  functions  use wch to draw a line starting at the
       current cursor position in the window.  The line  is  at  most  n
       characters  long  or as many as fit into the window.  The current
       cursor position is not changed.

       The hline_set, mvhline_set, mvwhline_set,  and  whline_set  func‐
       tions  draw  a line proceeding toward the last column of the same

       The vline_set, mvvline_set, mvwvline_set,  and  wvline_set  func‐
       tions draw a line proceeding toward the last line of the window.

NOTES         top

       Note  that border_set, hline_set, mvhline_set, mvvline_set, mvwh‐
       line_set, mvwvline_set, and vline_set may be macros.

RETURN VALUE         top

       Upon successful completion, these functions  return  OK.   Other‐
       wise, they return ERR.

       Functions using a window parameter return an error if it is null.

       Functions  with a “mv” prefix first perform a cursor movement us‐
       ing wmove, and return an error if the  position  is  outside  the
       window, or if the window pointer is null.

SEE ALSO         top

       ncurses(3X), curs_add_wch(3X), curs_border(3X), curs_outopts(3X)

COLOPHON         top

       This  page is part of the ncurses (new curses) project.  Informa‐
       tion    about    the    project    can    be    found    at    
       ⟨⟩.   If you have
       a   bug   report   for   this   manual   page,   send    it    to
       [email protected].   This  page  was  obtained from the
       project's   upstream   Git   mirror   of   the   CVS   repository
       ⟨⟩  on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was  found  in  the
       repository  was  2023-03-12.)   If  you  discover  any  rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you  believe  there
       is  a  better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in  this  COLOPHON
       (which  is  not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]
