motd(5) — Linux manual page


motd(5)                    File Formats Manual                   motd(5)

NAME         top

       motd - message of the day

DESCRIPTION         top

       The contents of /etc/motd are displayed by login(1) after a
       successful login but just before it executes the login shell.

       The abbreviation "motd" stands for "message of the day", and this
       file has been traditionally used for exactly that (it requires
       much less disk space than mail to all users).

FILES         top


SEE ALSO         top

       login(1), issue(5)

COLOPHON         top

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       user-space interface documentation) project.  Information about
       the project can be found at 
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       2024-06-26.  If you discover any rendering problems in this HTML
       version of the page, or you believe there is a better or more up-
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Linux man-pages 6.9.1          2024-05-02                        motd(5)

Pages that refer to this page: issue(5)systemd.system-credentials(7)pam_motd(8)