slapo-remoteauth(5) — Linux manual page


SLAPO-REMOTEAUTH(5)        File Formats Manual       SLAPO-REMOTEAUTH(5)

NAME         top

       slapo-remoteauth - Delegate authentication requests to remote
       directories, e.g. Active Directory

SYNOPSIS         top


DESCRIPTION         top

       The remoteauth overlay to slapd(8) provides passthrough
       authentication to remote directory servers, e.g.  Active
       Directory, for LDAP simple bind operations. The local LDAP entry
       referenced in the bind operation is mapped to its counterpart in
       the remote directory. An LDAP bind operation is performed against
       the remote directory and results are returned based on those of
       the remote operation.

       A slapd server configured with the remoteauth overlay handles an
       authentication request based on the presence of userPassword in
       the local entry. If the userPassword is present, authentication
       is performed locally, otherwise the remoteauth overlay performs
       the authentication request to the configured remote directory


       The following options can be applied to the remoteauth overlay
       within the slapd.conf file. All options should follow the overlay
       remoteauth directive.

       overlay remoteauth
              This directive adds the remoteauth overlay to the current
              database, see slapd.conf(5) for details.

       remoteauth_dn_attribute <dnattr>
              Attribute in the local entry that is used to store the
              bind DN to a remote directory server.

       remoteauth_mapping <domain> <hostname|LDAP
              For a non-Windows deployment, a domain can be considered
              as a collection of one or more hosts to which slapd server
              authentcates against on behalf of authenticating users.
              For a given domain name, the mapping specifies the target
              server(s), e.g., Active Directory domain controller(s), to
              connect to via LDAP.  The second argument can be given
              either as a hostname, an LDAP URI, or a file containing a
              list of hostnames/URIs, one per line. The hostnames are
              tried in sequence until the connection succeeds.

              This option can be provided more than once to provide
              mapping information for different domains. For example:

                  remoteauth_mapping americas file:///path/to/americas.domain.hosts
                  remoteauth_mapping asiapacific file:///path/to/asiapacific.domain.hosts
                  remoteauth_mapping emea

       remoteauth_domain_attribute <attr>
              Attribute in the local entry that specifies the domain
              name, any text after "\" or ":" is ignored.

       remoteauth_default_domain <default domain>
              Default domain.

       remoteauth_default_realm <server>
              Fallback server to connect to for domains not specified in

       remoteauth_retry_count <num>
              Number of connection retries attempted. Default is 3.

       remoteauth_store <on|off>
              Whether to store the password in the local entry on
              successful bind. Default is off.

       remoteauth_tls [starttls=yes] [tls_cert=<file>] [tls_key=<file>]
              [tls_cacert=<file>] [tls_cacertdir=<path>]
              [tls_cipher_suite=<ciphers>] [tls_ecname=<names>]
              Remoteauth specific TLS configuration, see slapd.conf(5)
              for more details on each of the parameters and defaults.

       remoteauth_tls_peerkey_hash <hostname> <hashname>:<base64 of
       public key hash>
              Mapping between remote server hostnames and their public
              key hashes. Only one mapping per hostname is supported and
              if any pins are specified, all hosts need to be pinned. If
              set, pinning is in effect regardless of whether or not
              certificate name validation is enabled by tls_reqcert.

EXAMPLE         top

       A typical example configuration of remoteauth overlay for AD is
       shown below (as a slapd.conf(5) snippet):

          database <database>

          overlay remoteauth
          remoteauth_dn_attribute seeAlso
          remoteauth_domain_attribute associatedDomain

          remoteauth_mapping americas file:///home/ldap/etc/remoteauth.americas
          remoteauth_mapping emea

          remoteauth_tls starttls=yes tls_reqcert=demand tls_cacert=/home/ldap/etc/example-ca.pem
          remoteauth_tls_peerkey_hash ldap.americas.tld sha256:Bxv3MkLoDm6gt/iDfeGNdNNqa5TTpPDdIwvZM/cIgeo=

       Where seeAlso contains the AD bind DN for the user,
       associatedDomain contains the Windows Domain Id in the form of
       <NT-domain-name>:<NT-username> in which anything following,
       including ":", is ignored.

SEE ALSO         top

       slapd.conf(5), slapd(8).

Copyrights         top

       Copyright 2004-2024 The OpenLDAP Foundation.  Portions Copyright
       2004-2017 Howard Chu, Symas Corporation.  Portions Copyright
       2017-2021 Ondřej Kuzník, Symas Corporation.  Portions Copyright
       2004 Hewlett-Packard Company

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the OpenLDAP (an open source implementation
       of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this
       manual page, see ⟨⟩.  This page was
       obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-13.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]


Pages that refer to this page: slapd.overlays(5)