babeltrace2-filter.utils.trimmer(7) — Linux manual page


BABELTRACE2-FILTER()                                BABELTRACE2-FILTER()

NAME         top

       babeltrace2-filter.utils.trimmer - Babeltrace 2's trimmer filter
       component class

DESCRIPTION         top

       A Babeltrace 2 filter.utils.trimmer message iterator discards all
       the consumed messages with a time less than a given beginning
       time and greater than a given end time. It effectively “cuts”, or
       trims trace streams.

                       | flt.utils.trimmer |
                       |                   |
           Messages -->@ in            out @--> Less messages

       See babeltrace2-intro(7) to learn more about the Babeltrace 2
       project and its core concepts.

       A filter.utils.trimmer message iterator makes its upstream
       message iterator seek the configured beginning time (see the
       begin parameter) before it starts to consume messages. This
       seeking operation can have an effect on the times of stream
       beginning, packet beginning, discarded events, and discarded
       packets messages so that they fall within the configured trimming
       time range.

       As such, when a filter.utils.trimmer message iterator consumes a
       message of which the time is greater than the configured end time
       (see the end parameter), it can alter the time of stream end,
       packet end, discarded events, and discarded packets messages so
       that they fall within the configured trimming time range.

       A filter.utils.trimmer message iterator requires that all the
       upstream messages it consumes have times, except for stream
       beginning and end messages, returning an error status otherwise.


       begin=TIME [optional string or signed integer]
           Set the trimming time range’s beginning time to TIME.

           If TIME is a string, see below for its format. If TIME is a
           signed integer, the component converts it to a string and
           treats it as such.

           If you don’t specify this parameter, the component discards
           no events until the end of the trimming time range.

           The format of TIME when it’s a string is one of:

               YYYY-MM-DD HH:II[:SS[.NANO]]

               4-digit year.

               2-digit month (January is 01).

               2-digit day.

               2-digit hour (24-hour format).

               2-digit minute.

               2-digit second.

               Nanoseconds (up to nine digits).

               Seconds since origin.

           If TIME has no date information, then the message iterator
           uses the first upstream message’s time to determine the date.

       end=TIME [optional string or signed integer]
           Set the trimming time range’s end time to TIME.

           If TIME is a string, see the begin parameter for its format.
           If TIME is a signed integer, the component converts it to a
           string and treats it as such.

           If you don’t specify this parameter, the component discards
           no events from the beginning of the trimming time range.

       gmt=VAL [optional boolean]
           If VAL is true, then set the time zone of the begin and end
           parameters to GMT instead of the local time zone.

           Default: false.

PORTS         top

           | flt.utils.trimmer |
           |                   |
           @ in            out @

           Single input port.

           Single output port.

BUGS         top

       If you encounter any issue or usability problem, please report it
       on the Babeltrace bug tracker (see

RESOURCES         top

       The Babeltrace project shares some communication channels with
       the LTTng project (see <>).

       •   Babeltrace website (see <>)

       •   Mailing list (see <>) for support and
           development: [email protected]

       •   IRC channel (see <irc://>): #lttng on

       •   Bug tracker (see

       •   Git repository (see

       •   GitHub project (see <>)

       •   Continuous integration (see

       •   Code review (see

AUTHORS         top

       The Babeltrace 2 project is the result of hard work by many
       regular developers and occasional contributors.

       The current project maintainer is Jérémie Galarneau
       <mailto:[email protected]>.

COPYRIGHT         top

       This component class is part of the Babeltrace 2 project.

       Babeltrace is distributed under the MIT license (see

SEE ALSO         top

       babeltrace2-intro(7), babeltrace2-plugin-utils(7)

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the babeltrace (trace read and write
       libraries and a trace converter) project.  Information about the
       project can be found at ⟨⟩.  If
       you have a bug report for this manual page, send it to
       [email protected].  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-05-31.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]


Pages that refer to this page: babeltrace2(1)babeltrace2-convert(1)babeltrace2-plugin-utils(7)