groff_trace(7) — Linux manual page

Name | Synopsis | Description | Examples | Files | Authors | See also | COLOPHON

groff_trace(7)      Miscellaneous Information Manual      groff_trace(7)

Name         top

       groff_trace - macros for debugging GNU roff documents

Synopsis         top

       groff -m trace [option ...] [file ...]

Description         top

       trace is a macro package for the groff(7) document formatting
       system, designed as an aid for debugging documents written in its
       language.  It issues a message to the standard error stream upon
       entry to and exit from each macro call.  This can ease the
       process of isolating errors in macro definitions.

       Activate the package by specifying the command-line option
       “-m trace” to the formatter program (often groff(1)).  You can
       achieve finer control by including the macro file within the
       document; invoke the mso request, as in “.mso trace.tmac”.  Only
       macros that are defined after this invocation are traced.  If the
       trace-full register is set to a true value, as with the command-
       line option “-r trace-full=1”, register and string assignments,
       along with some other requests, are traced also.  If another
       macro package should be traced as well, specify it after
       “-m trace” on the command line.

       The macro file trace.tmac is unusual because it does not contain
       any macros to be called by a user.  Instead, groff's macro
       definition and alteration facilities are wrapped such that they
       display diagnostic messages.

       Because trace.tmac wraps the de request (and its cousins), macro
       arguments are expanded one level more.  This causes problems if
       an argument uses four or more backslashes to delay interpretation
       of an escape sequence.  For example, the macro call
              .foo \\\\n[bar]
       normally passes “\\n[bar]” to macro “foo”, but with de redefined,
       it passes “\n[bar]” instead.

       The solution to this problem is to use groff's \E escape
       sequence, an escape character that is not interpreted in copy
              .foo \En[bar]

Examples         top

       We will illustrate trace.tmac using the shell's “here document”
       feature to supply groff with a document on the standard input
       stream.  Since we are interested only in diagnostic messages
       appearing on the standard error stream, we discard the formatted
       output by redirecting the standard output stream to /dev/null.

   Observing nested macro calls
       Macro calls can be nested, even with themselves.  Tracing
       recurses along with them; this feature can help to detangle
       complex call stacks.

              $ cat <<EOF | groff -m trace > /dev/null
              .de countdown
              . nop \\$1
              . nr count (\\$1 - 1)
              . if \\n[count] .countdown \\n[count]
              .countdown 3
               *** .de countdown
               *** de trace enter: .countdown "3"
                *** de trace enter: .countdown "2"
                 *** de trace enter: .countdown "1"
                 *** trace exit: .countdown "1"
                *** trace exit: .countdown "2"
               *** trace exit: .countdown "3"

   Tracing with the mso request
       Now let us activate tracing within the document, not with a
       command-line option.  We might do so when employing a macro
       package like ms or mom, to avoid distraction by traces of macros
       we didn't write.

              $ cat <<EOF | groff -ms > /dev/null
              This is my introductory paragraph.
              .mso trace.tmac
              .de Mymac
              Let us review the existing literature.
               *** .de Mymac
               *** de trace enter: .Mymac
               *** trace exit: .Mymac

       As tracing was not yet active when the macros “LP” and “PP” were
       defined (by s.tmac), their calls were not traced; contrast with
       the macro “Mymac”.

Files         top

              implements the package.

Authors         top

       trace.tmac was written by James Clark.  This document was written
       by Bernd Warken ⟨[email protected]⟩ and G. Branden
       Robinson ⟨[email protected]⟩.

See also         top

       Groff: The GNU Implementation of troff, by Trent A. Fisher and
       Werner Lemberg, is the primary groff manual.  You can browse it
       interactively with “info groff”.

              gives an overview of the groff document formatting system.

              supplies details of the -m command-line option.

              offers a survey of groff macro packages.

              is a reference manual for the groff language.

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the groff (GNU troff) project.  Information
       about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report
       for this manual page, see ⟨⟩.
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At
       that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in
       the repository was 2024-06-10.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

groff 23 September 2023             groff_trace(7)