cryptsetup-luksResume(8) — Linux manual page



NAME         top

       cryptsetup-luksResume - resume a suspended device and reinstate
       the key

SYNOPSIS         top

       cryptsetup luksResume [<options>] <name>

DESCRIPTION         top

       Resumes a suspended device and reinstates the encryption key.
       Prompts interactively for a passphrase if no token is usable
       (LUKS2 only) or --key-file is not given.

       <options> can be [--key-file, --keyfile-size, --keyfile-offset,
       --key-slot, --header, --disable-keyring, --disable-locks,
       --token-id, --token-only, --token-type,
       --disable-external-tokens, --type, --tries, --timeout,
       --verify-passphrase, --volume-key-keyring, --link-vk-to-keyring,

OPTIONS         top

       --batch-mode, -q
           Suppresses all confirmation questions. Use with care!

           If the --verify-passphrase option is not specified, this
           option also switches off the passphrase verification.

       --debug or --debug-json
           Run in debug mode with full diagnostic logs. Debug output
           lines are always prefixed by #.

           If --debug-json is used, additional LUKS2 JSON data
           structures are printed.

           Disable loading of plugins for external LUKS2 tokens.

           Do not load volume key in kernel keyring and store it
           directly in the dm-crypt target instead. This option is
           supported only for the LUKS2 type.

           Disable lock protection for metadata on disk. This option is
           valid only for LUKS2 and ignored for other formats.

           WARNING: Do not use this option unless you run cryptsetup in
           a restricted environment where locking is impossible to
           perform (where /run directory cannot be used).

       --external-tokens-path absolute_path
           Override system directory path where cryptsetup searches for
           external token handlers (or token plugins). It must be
           absolute path (starting with '/' character).

       --header <device or file storing the LUKS header>
           Use a detached (separated) metadata device or file where the
           LUKS header is stored. This option allows one to store
           ciphertext and LUKS header on different devices.

           For commands that change the LUKS header (e.g. luksAddKey),
           specify the device or file with the LUKS header directly as
           the LUKS device.

       --help, -?
           Show help text and default parameters.

       --key-description <text>
           Set key description in keyring that will be used for
           passphrase retrieval.

       --key-file, -d name
           Read the passphrase from file.

           If the name given is "-", then the passphrase will be read
           from stdin. In this case, reading will not stop at newline

           See section NOTES ON PASSPHRASE PROCESSING in cryptsetup(8)
           for more information.

       --keyfile-offset value
           Skip value bytes at the beginning of the key file.

       --keyfile-size, -l value
           Read a maximum of value bytes from the key file. The default
           is to read the whole file up to the compiled-in maximum that
           can be queried with --help. Supplying more data than the
           compiled-in maximum aborts the operation.

           This option is useful to cut trailing newlines, for example.
           If --keyfile-offset is also given, the size count starts
           after the offset.

       --key-slot, -S <0-N>
           For LUKS operations that add key material, this option allows
           you to specify which key slot is selected for the new key.

           The maximum number of key slots depends on the LUKS version.
           LUKS1 can have up to 8 key slots. LUKS2 can have up to 32 key
           slots based on key slot area size and key size, but a valid
           key slot ID can always be between 0 and 31 for LUKS2.

       --link-vk-to-keyring <keyring_description>::<key_description>
           Link volume key in a keyring with specified key name. The
           volume key is linked only if requested action is successfully
           finished (with --test-passphrase the verified volume key is
           linked in a keyring without taking further action).

           <keyring_description> string has to contain existing kernel
           keyring description. The keyring name may be optionally
           prefixed with "%:" or "%keyring:" type descriptions. Or, the
           keyring may also be specified directly by numeric key id.
           Also special keyring notations starting with "@" may be used
           to select existing predefined kernel keyrings.

           The string "::" is delimiter used to separate keyring
           description and key description.

           <key_description> part describes key type and key name of
           volume key linked in the keyring described in
           <keyring_description>. The type may be specified by adding
           "%<type_name>:" prefix in front of key name. If type is
           missing default user type is applied. If the key of same name
           and same type already exists (already linked in the keyring)
           it will get replaced in the process.

           See also KEY IDENTIFIERS section of keyctl(1).

       --timeout, -t <number of seconds>
           The number of seconds to wait before timeout on passphrase
           input via terminal. It is relevant every time a passphrase is
           asked. It has no effect if used in conjunction with

           This option is useful when the system should not stall if the
           user does not input a passphrase, e.g. during boot. The
           default is a value of 0 seconds, which means to wait forever.

           Specify what token to use and allow token PIN prompt to take
           precedence over interactive keyslot passphrase prompt. If
           omitted, all available tokens (not protected by PIN) will be
           checked before proceeding further with passphrase prompt.

           Do not proceed further with action if token based keyslot
           unlock failed. Without the option, action asks for passphrase
           to proceed further.

           It allows LUKS2 tokens protected by PIN to take precedence
           over interactive keyslot passphrase prompt.

       --token-type type
           Restrict tokens eligible for operation to specific token
           type. Mostly useful when no --token-id is specified.

           It allows LUKS2 type tokens protected by PIN to take
           precedence over interactive keyslot passphrase prompt.

       --tries, -T
           How often the input of the passphrase shall be retried. The
           default is 3 tries.

       --type <device-type>
           Specifies required device type, for more info read BASIC
           ACTIONS section in cryptsetup(8).

           Show short option help.

       --verify-passphrase, -y
           When interactively asking for a passphrase, ask for it twice
           and complain if both inputs do not match. Ignored on input
           from file or stdin.

       --version, -V
           Show the program version.

       --volume-key-keyring <key description>
           Use a volume key stored in a keyring. This allows one to open
           luks and device types without giving a passphrase. The key
           and associated type has to be readable from userspace so that
           volume key digest may be verified in before activation.

           The <key description> uses keyctl-compatible syntax. This can
           either be a numeric key ID or a string name in the format
           %<key type>:<key name>. See also KEY IDENTIFIERS section of
           keyctl(1). When no %<key type>: prefix is specified we assume
           the key type is user (default type).

REPORTING BUGS         top

       Report bugs at cryptsetup mailing list
       <[email protected]> or in Issues project section

       Please attach output of the failed command with --debug option

SEE ALSO         top

       Cryptsetup FAQ

       cryptsetup(8), integritysetup(8) and veritysetup(8)

CRYPTSETUP         top

       Part of cryptsetup project
       <>. This page is part of
       the Cryptsetup ((open-source disk encryption)) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩. If you have a bug
       report for this manual page, send it to [email protected]. This
       page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14. (At
       that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in
       the repository was 2024-06-11.) If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
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cryptsetup 2.8.0-git           2023-12-22       CRYPTSETUP-LUKSRESUME(8)

Pages that refer to this page: cryptsetup(8)