csysdig(8) — Linux manual page

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       csysdig - the ncurses user interface for sysdig

       csysdig [option]...  [filter]

       csysdig exports sysdig's functionality through an intuitive and
       powerful ncurses-based user interface.

       csysdig has been designed to mimic tools like top and htop, but
       it offers richer functionality, including:

       • Support for both live analysis and sysdig trace files.  Trace
         files can come from the same machine or from another machine.

       • Visibility into a broad range of metrics, including CPU, memo‐
         ry, disk I/O, network I/O.

       • Ability to observe input/output activity for processes, files,
         network connections and more.

       • Ability to drill down into processes, files, network connec‐
         tions and more to further explore their behavior.

       • Full customization support.

       • Support for sysdig's filtering language.

       • Container support by design.

       csysdig works on any terminal, and has support for colors and
       mouse input.


       csysdig is based on the concept of 'views', little Lua scripts
       that determine how metrics are collected, processed and repre‐
       sented on screen.  Including a new visualization to csysdig
       doesn't require to update the program, and is simply a matter of
       adding a new view.  Views rely on the sysdig processing engine,
       and this means that they can include any sysdig filter field.
       Views are located in the sysdig chisel directory path, usually
       /usr/share/sysdig/chisels and ~/.chisels.

       Here are some basic tips to get you started with sysdig:

       1. If you run csysdig without arguments, it will display live
          system data, updating every 2 seconds.  To analyze a trace
          file, use the -r command line flag.

       2. You can switch to a different view by using the F2 key.

       3. You can drill down into a selection by clicking enter.  You
          can navigate back by typing backspace.

       4. You can observe input/output for the currently selected entity
          by typing F5

       5. You can see sysdig events for the currently selected entity by
          typing F6

       You drill down by selecting an element in a view and then click‐
       ing enter.  Once inside a selection, you can switch to a differ‐
       ent view, and the new view will be applied in the context of the
       selection.  For example, if you drill down into a process called
       foo and then switch to the Connections view, the output will in‐
       clude only the connections made or received by foo.

       To drill down multiple times, keep clicking enter.  For example,
       you can click on a container in the Containers view to get the
       processes running inside it, and then click on one of the
       processes to see its threads.

       Each view has a list of command lines that can be executed in the
       context of the current selection by pressing 'hotkeys'.  For ex‐
       ample, pressing 'k' in the Processes view kills the selected
       process, pressing 'b' in the Containers view opens a bash shell
       in the selected container.

       Each view supports different actions.  You can see which actions
       a view supports by pressing F8.  You can customize the view's ac‐
       tions by editing the view's Lua file.

       Starting csysdig with the -pc command line switch will cause many
       of the views to include additional container information.  For
       example, the Processes will include a column showing the contain‐
       er the process belongs to.  Similarly, the Connections view will
       show which container each connection belongs to.

   Views Window
       Arrows, PgUP, PgDn, Home, End
       Change the selection and scroll view content, both vertically and

       Drill down into the currently highlighted entry.

       Navigate back to the previous view.

       Show the view picker.  This will let you switch to another view.

       CTRL+F /
       Incremental search in the list of view entries.

       Incremental filtering of the view entries.

       F5, e
       'echo FDs' for the selection, i.e.  view FD input/output for the
       currently highlighted entry.

       F6, d
       'dig' into the selection, i.e.  view sysdig events for the cur‐
       rently highlighted entry.  Refer to the sysdig man page to learn
       about interpreting the content of this window.

       Show the help page for the currently displayed view.

       Open the view's actions panel.

       F9, >
       Open the column sort panel.

       F10, q

       DEL, c
       For views that are listing elements without aggregating them by
       key (identifiable by yellow column headers), this command clears
       the view content.

       Pause screen updates.

       <shift> <1-9>
       sort column <n>

       F1, h, ?
       Show the help screen.

   Echo and sysdig Windows
       Arrows, PgUP, PgDn, Home, End
       Scroll the page content.

       Navigate back to the previous view.

       CTRL+F /
       Search inside the window content.

       Find Next.

       Chose the output rendering format.  Options are 'Dotted ASCII'
       (non-printable binary bytes are rendered as dots), 'Printable
       ASCII' (non-printable binary bytes are not included and line end‐
       ings are rendered accurately) and 'Hex' (dotted ASCII representa‐
       tion is included together with the Hexadecimal rendering of the

       DEL, c
       Clear the screen content.

       Pause screen updates.

       Go to line.

   Spectrogram Window
       Show the view picker.  This will let you switch to another view.

       Pause/Resume the visualization.

       Navigate back to the previous view.

       • Clicking on column headers lets you sort the table.

       • Double clicking on row entries performs a drill down.

       • Clicking on the filter string at the top of the screen (the
         text after 'Filter:') lets you change the sysdig filter and
         customize the view content.

       • You can use the mouse on the entries in the menu at the bottom
         of the screen to perform their respective actions.

       -d period, --delay=period
       Set the delay between updates, in milliseconds (by default =
       2000).  This works similarly to the -d option in top.

       -E, --exclude-users
       Don't create the user/group tables by querying the OS when sysdig
       starts.  This also means that no user or group info will be writ‐
       ten to the tracefile by the -w flag.  The user/group tables are
       necessary to use filter fields like user.name or group.name.
       However, creating them can increase sysdig's startup time.

       Try to configure simple terminal settings (xterm-1002) that work
       better with terminals like putty.  Try to use this flag if you
       experience terminal issues like the mouse not working.

       -h, --help
       Print this page

       -k, --k8s-api Enable Kubernetes support by connecting to the API
       server specified as argument.  E.g.  "<http://admin:pass‐
       [email protected]:8080>".  The API server can also be specified via
       the environment variable SYSDIG_K8S_API.

       -K btfile | certfile:keyfile[#password][:cacertfile], --k8s-api-
       cert=_btfile | certfile:keyfile[#password][:cacertfile]_ Use the
       provided files names to authenticate user and (optionally) verify
       the K8S API server identity.  Each entry must specify full (ab‐
       solute, or relative to the current directory) path to the respec‐
       tive file.  Private key password is optional (needed only if key
       is password protected).  CA certificate is optional.  For all
       files, only PEM file format is supported.  Specifying CA certifi‐
       cate only is obsoleted - when single entry is provided for this
       option, it will be interpreted as the name of a file containing
       bearer token.  Note that the format of this command-line option
       prohibits use of files whose names contain ':' or '#' characters
       in the file name.  Option can also be provided via the environ‐
       ment variable SYSDIG_K8S_API_CERT.

       -l, --list
       List all the fields that can be used in views.

       --logfile file
       Print program logs into the given file.

       -m url[,marathon-url], --mesos-api=_url[,marathon-url]_ Enable
       Mesos support by connecting to the API server specified as argu‐
       ment (e.g.  <http://admin:[email protected]:5050>).  Mesos url
       is required.  Marathon url is optional, defaulting to auto-follow
       - if Marathon API server is not provided, csysdig will attempt to
       retrieve (and subsequently follow, if it migrates) the location
       of Marathon API server from the Mesos master.  Note that, with
       auto-follow, csysdig will likely receive a cluster internal IP
       address for Marathon API server, so running csysdig with Marathon
       auto-follow from a node that is not part of Mesos cluster may not
       work.  Additionally, running csysdig with Mesos support on a node
       that has no containers managed by Mesos is of limited use be‐
       cause, although cluster metadata will be collected, there will be
       no Mesos/Marathon filtering capability.  The API servers can also
       be specified via the environment variable SYSDIG_MESOS_API.

       -n num, --numevents=num
       Stop capturing after num events

       --page-faults Capture user/kernel major/minor page faults

       -pc, -pcontainers_
       Instruct csysdig to use a container-friendly format in its views.
       This will cause several of the views to contain additional con‐
       tainer-related columns.

       -R, --resolve-ports Resolve port numbers to names.

       -r readfile, --read=readfile
       Read the events from readfile.

       -s len, --snaplen=len
       Capture the first len bytes of each I/O buffer.  By default, the
       first 80 bytes are captured.  Use this option with caution, it
       can generate huge trace files.

       -T, --force-tracers-capture
       Tell the driver to make sure full buffers are captured from
       /dev/null, to make sure that tracers are completely captured.
       Note that sysdig will enable extended /dev/null capture by itself
       after detecting that tracers are written there, but that could
       result in the truncation of some tracers at the beginning of the
       capture.  This option allows preventing that.

       -v view_id, --views=view_id
       Run the view with the given ID when csysdig starts.  View IDs can
       be found in the view documentation pages in csysdig.  Combine
       this option with a command line filter for complete output cus‐

       Print version number.

       Similarly to what you do with sysdig, you can specify a filter on
       the command line to restrict the events that csysdig processes.
       To modify the filter while the program is running, or to add a
       filter at runtime, click on the filter text in the UI with the

       csysdig is completely customizable.  This means that you can mod‐
       ify any of the csysdig views, and even create your own views.
       Like sysdig chisels, csysdig views are Lua scripts.  Full infor‐
       mation can be found at the following github wiki page:

       The global views directory.

       The personal views directory.

       Draios Inc.  (dba Sysdig) <[email protected]>

       sysdig(8), strace(8), tcpdump(8), lsof(8)


Pages that refer to this page: sysdig(8)