ip-stats(8) — Linux manual page


IP-STATS(8)                       Linux                      IP-STATS(8)

NAME         top

       ip-stats - manage and show interface statistics

SYNOPSIS         top

       ip stats  { COMMAND | help }

       ip stats show [ dev DEV ] [ group GROUP [ subgroup SUBGROUP  [
               suite  SUITE ] ... ] ... ] ...

       ip stats set dev DEV l3_stats { on | off }

DESCRIPTION         top

       ip stats set
              is used for toggling whether a certain HW statistics suite
              is collected on a given netdevice. The following
              statistics suites are supported:

              l3_stats L3 stats reflect traffic that takes place in a HW
                     device on an object that corresponds to the given
                     software netdevice.

       ip stats show
              is used for showing stats on a given netdevice, or dumping
              statistics across all netdevices. By default, all stats
              are requested. It is possible to filter which stats are
              requested by using the group and subgroup keywords.

              It is possible to specify several groups, or several
              subgroups for one group. When no subgroups are given for a
              group, all the subgroups are requested.

              The following groups are recognized:

              group link - Link statistics. The same suite that "ip -s
                     link show" shows.

              group offload - A group that contains a number of HW-
                     oriented statistics. See below for individual
                     subgroups within this group.

              group xstats - Extended statistics. A subgroup identifies
                     the type of netdevice to show the statistics for.

              group xstats_slave - Extended statistics for the slave of
                     a netdevice of a given type. A subgroup identifies
                     the type of master netdevice.

              group afstats - A group for address-family specific
                     netdevice statistics.

       group offload subgroups:

              subgroup cpu_hit - The cpu_hit statistics suite is useful
                     on hardware netdevices. The link statistics on
                     these devices reflect both the hardware- and
                     software-datapath traffic. The cpu_hit statistics
                     then only reflect software-datapath traffic.

              subgroup hw_stats_info - This suite does not include
                     traffic statistics, but rather communicates the
                     state of other statistics. Through this subgroup,
                     it is possible to discover whether a given
                     statistic was enabled, and when it was, whether any
                     device driver actually configured its device to
                     collect these statistics. For example, l3_stats was
                     enabled in the following case, but no driver has
                     installed it:

                     # ip stats show dev swp1 group offload subgroup
                     56: swp1: group offload subgroup hw_stats_info
                         l3_stats on used off

                     After an L3 address is added to the netdevice, the
                     counter will be installed:

                     # ip addr add dev swp1
                     # ip stats show dev swp1 group offload subgroup
                     56: swp1: group offload subgroup hw_stats_info
                         l3_stats on used on

              subgroup l3_stats - These statistics reflect L3 traffic
                     that takes place in HW on an object that
                     corresponds to the netdevice. Note that this suite
                     is disabled by default and needs to be first
                     enabled through ip stats set.

                     For example:

                     # ip stats show dev swp2.200 group offload subgroup
                     112: swp2.200: group offload subgroup l3_stats on
                     used on
                         RX:  bytes packets errors dropped   mcast
                               8900      72      2       0       3
                         TX:  bytes packets errors dropped
                               7176      58      0       0

                     Note how the l3_stats_info for the selected group
                     is also part of the dump.

       group xstats and group xstats_slave subgroups:

              subgroup bridge [ suite stp ] [ suite mcast ] - Statistics
                     for STP and, respectively, IGMP / MLD (under the
                     keyword mcast) traffic on bridges and their slaves.

              subgroup bond [ suite 802.3ad ] - Statistics for LACP
                     traffic on bond devices and their slaves.

       group afstats subgroups:

              subgroup mpls - Statistics for MPLS traffic seen on the
                     netdevice. For example:

                     # ip stats show dev veth01 group afstats subgroup
                     3: veth01: group afstats subgroup mpls
                         RX: bytes packets errors dropped noroute
                                 0       0      0       0       0
                         TX: bytes packets errors dropped
                               216       2      0       0

EXAMPLES         top

       # ip stats set dev swp1 l3_stats on
              Enables collection of L3 HW statistics on swp1.

       # ip stats show group offload
              Shows all offload statistics on all netdevices.

       # ip stats show dev swp1 group link
              Shows link statistics on the given netdevice.

SEE ALSO         top

       ip(8), ip-link(8),

AUTHOR         top

       Manpage by Petr Machata.

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the iproute2 (utilities for controlling
       TCP/IP networking and traffic) project.  Information about the
       project can be found at 
       If you have a bug report for this manual page, send it to
       [email protected], [email protected].  This page was
       obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/iproute2/iproute2.git⟩ on
       2024-06-14.  (At that time, the date of the most recent commit
       that was found in the repository was 2024-06-11.)  If you
       discover any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page,
       or you believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for
       the page, or you have corrections or improvements to the
       information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original
       manual page), send a mail to [email protected]

iproute2                       16 Mar 2022                   IP-STATS(8)

Pages that refer to this page: ip(8)