lsblk(8) — Linux manual page


LSBLK(8)                  System Administration                 LSBLK(8)

NAME         top

       lsblk - list block devices

SYNOPSIS         top

       lsblk [options] [device...]

DESCRIPTION         top

       lsblk lists information about all available or the specified
       block devices. The lsblk command reads the sysfs filesystem and
       udev db to gather information. If the udev db is not available or
       lsblk is compiled without udev support, then it tries to read
       LABELs, UUIDs and filesystem types from the block device. In this
       case root permissions are necessary.

       By default, the command prints all block devices (except RAM
       disks) in a tree-like format. The same device can be repeated in
       the tree if it relates to other devices. The --merge option is
       recommended for more complicated setups to gather groups of
       devices and describe complex N:M relationships.

       The tree-like output (or children[] array in the JSON output) is
       enabled only if NAME column it present in the output or when
       --tree command line option is used. See also --nodeps and --list
       to control the tree formatting.

       The default output, as well as the default output from options
       like --fs and --topology, is subject to change. So whenever
       possible, you should avoid using default outputs in your scripts.
       Always explicitly define expected columns by using --output
       columns-list and --list in environments where a stable output is

       Use lsblk --list-columns to get a list of all available columns.

       Note that lsblk might be executed in time when udev does not have
       all information about recently added or modified devices yet. In
       this case it is recommended to use udevadm settle before lsblk to
       synchronize with udev.

       The relationship between block devices and filesystems is not
       always one-to-one. The filesystem may use more block devices, or
       the same filesystem may be accessible by more paths. This is the
       reason why lsblk provides MOUNTPOINT and MOUNTPOINTS (pl.)
       columns. The column MOUNTPOINT displays only one mount point
       (usually the last mounted instance of the filesystem), and the
       column MOUNTPOINTS displays by multi-line cell all mount points
       associated with the device.

OPTIONS         top

       -A, --noempty
           Don’t print empty devices.

       -a, --all
           Disable all built-in filters and list all empty devices and
           RAM disk devices too.

       -b, --bytes
           Print the sizes in bytes rather than in a human-readable

           By default, the unit, sizes are expressed in, is byte, and
           unit prefixes are in power of 2^10 (1024). Abbreviations of
           symbols are exhibited truncated in order to reach a better
           readability, by exhibiting alone the first letter of them;
           examples: "1 KiB" and "1 MiB" are respectively exhibited as
           "1 K" and "1 M", then omitting on purpose the mention "iB",
           which is part of these abbreviations.

       -H, --list-columns
           List the available columns, use with --json or --raw to get
           output in machine-readable format.

       -D, --discard
           Print information about the discarding capabilities (TRIM,
           UNMAP) for each device.

       -d, --nodeps
           Do not print holder devices or slaves. For example, lsblk
           --nodeps /dev/sda prints information about the sda device

       -E, --dedup column
           Use column as a de-duplication key to de-duplicate output
           tree. If the key is not available for the device, or the
           device is a partition and parental whole-disk device provides
           the same key than the device is always printed.

           The usual use case is to de-duplicate output on system
           multi-path devices, for example by -E WWN.

       -e, --exclude list
           Exclude the devices specified by the comma-separated list of
           major device numbers. Note that RAM disks (major=1) are
           excluded by default if --all is not specified. The filter is
           applied to the top-level devices only. This may be confusing
           for --list output format where hierarchy of the devices is
           not obvious.

       -f, --fs
           Output info about filesystems. This option is equivalent to
           The authoritative information about filesystems and raids is
           provided by the blkid(8) command.

       -I, --include list
           Include devices specified by the comma-separated list of
           major device numbers. The filter is applied to the top-level
           devices only. This may be confusing for --list output format
           where hierarchy of the devices is not obvious.

       -i, --ascii
           Use ASCII characters for tree formatting.

       -J, --json
           Use JSON output format. It’s strongly recommended to use
           --output and also --tree if necessary. Note that children[]
           is used only if NAME column or --tree is used.

       -l, --list
           Produce output in the form of a list. The output does not
           provide information about relationships between devices and
           since version 2.34 every device is printed only once if
           --pairs or --raw not specified (the parsable outputs are
           maintained in backwardly compatible way).

       -M, --merge
           Group parents of sub-trees to provide more readable output
           for RAIDs and Multi-path devices. The tree-like output is

       -m, --perms
           Output info about device owner, group and mode. This option
           is equivalent to -o NAME,SIZE,OWNER,GROUP,MODE.

       -N, --nvme
           Output info about NVMe devices only.

       -v, --virtio
           Output info about virtio devices only.

       -n, --noheadings
           Do not print a header line.

       -o, --output list
           Specify which output columns to print. Use --list-columns to
           get a list of all supported columns. The columns may affect
           tree-like output. The default is to use tree for the column
           'NAME' (see also --tree).

           The default list of columns may be extended if list is
           specified in the format +list (e.g., lsblk -o +UUID).

       -O, --output-all
           Output all available columns.

       -P, --pairs
           Produce output in the form of key="value" pairs. The output
           lines are still ordered by dependencies. All potentially
           unsafe value characters are hex-escaped (\x<code>). See also
           option --shell.

       -p, --paths
           Print full device paths.

       -Q, --filter expr
           Print only the devices that meet the conditions specified by
           the expr. The filter is assessed prior to lsblk collecting
           data for all output columns. Only the necessary data for the
           lazy evaluation of the expression is retrieved from the
           system. This approach can enhance performance when compared
           to post-filtering, as commonly done by tools such as grep(1).

           This feature is EXPERIMENTAL. See also scols-filter(5). For
           example exclude sda  and sdb, but print everything else ('!~'
           is a negative regular expression matching operator):

              lsblk --filter 'NAME !~ "sd[ab]"'

       --highlight expr
           Colorize lines matching the expression. This feature is
           EXPERIMENTAL. See also scols-filter(5).

       --ct name [: param [: function ]]
           Define a custom counter. The counters are printed after the
           standard output. The name is the custom name of the counter,
           the optional param is the name of the column to be used for
           the counter, and the optional function specifies the
           aggregation function, supported functions are: count, min,
           max, or sum. The default is count.

           If the param is not specified, then the counter counts the
           number of lines. This feature is EXPERIMENTAL. See also

           For example, --ct MyCounter:SIZE:sum will count the summary
           for SIZE from all lines; and to count the number of SATA
           disks, it is possible to use:

              lsblk --ct-filter 'TYPE=="disk" && TRAN=="sata"' --ct "Number of SATA devices"

       --ct-filter expr
           Define a restriction for the next counter. This feature is
           EXPERIMENTAL. See also --ct and scols-filter(5). For example,
           aggregate sizes by device type:

              lsblk --ct-filter 'TYPE=="part"' --ct Partitions:SIZE:sum \
                    --ct-filter 'TYPE=="disk"' --ct WholeDisks:SIZE:sum

       -r, --raw
           Produce output in raw format. The output lines are still
           ordered by dependencies. All potentially unsafe characters
           are hex-escaped (\x<code>) in the NAME, KNAME, LABEL,
           PARTLABEL and MOUNTPOINT columns.

       -S, --scsi
           Output info about SCSI devices only. All partitions, slaves
           and holder devices are ignored.

       -s, --inverse
           Print dependencies in inverse order. If the --list output is
           requested then the lines are still ordered by dependencies.

       -T, --tree[=column]
           Force tree-like output format. If column is specified, then a
           tree is printed in the column. The default is NAME column.

       -t, --topology
           Output info about block-device topology. This option is
           equivalent to


       -h, --help
           Display help text and exit.

       -V, --version
           Print version and exit.

       -w, --width number
           Specifies output width as a number of characters. The default
           is the number of the terminal columns, and if not executed on
           a terminal, then output width is not restricted at all by
           default. This option also forces lsblk to assume that
           terminal control characters and unsafe characters are not
           allowed. The expected use-case is for example when lsblk is
           used by the watch(1) command.

       -x, --sort column
           Sort output lines by column. This option enables --list
           output format by default. It is possible to use the option
           --tree to force tree-like output and than the tree branches
           are sorted by the column.

       -y, --shell
           The column name will be modified to contain only characters
           allowed for shell variable identifiers, for example, MIN_IO
           and FSUSE_PCT instead of MIN-IO and FSUSE%. This is usable,
           for example, with --pairs. Note that this feature has been
           automatically enabled for --pairs in version 2.37, but due to
           compatibility issues, now it’s necessary to request this
           behavior by --shell.

       -z, --zoned
           Print the zone related information for each device.

       --sysroot directory
           Gather data for a Linux instance other than the instance from
           which the lsblk command is issued. The specified directory is
           the system root of the Linux instance to be inspected. The
           real device nodes in the target directory can be replaced by
           text files with udev attributes.

EXIT STATUS         top



           none of specified devices found

           some specified devices found, some not found

ENVIRONMENT         top

           enables lsblk debug output.

           enables libblkid debug output.

           enables libmount debug output.

           enables libsmartcols debug output.

           use visible padding characters.

NOTES         top

       For partitions, some information (e.g., queue attributes) is
       inherited from the parent device.

       The lsblk command needs to be able to look up each block device
       by major:minor numbers, which is done by using /sys/dev/block.
       This sysfs block directory appeared in kernel 2.6.27 (October
       2008). In case of problems with a new enough kernel, check that
       CONFIG_SYSFS was enabled at the time of the kernel build.

AUTHORS         top

       Milan Broz <[email protected]>, Karel Zak <[email protected]>

SEE ALSO         top

       blkid(8), findmnt(8) ls(1), scols-filter(5)

REPORTING BUGS         top

       For bug reports, use the issue tracker at

AVAILABILITY         top

       The lsblk command is part of the util-linux package which can be
       downloaded from Linux Kernel Archive
       <>. This page
       is part of the util-linux (a random collection of Linux
       utilities) project. Information about the project can be found at
       ⟨⟩. If you have
       a bug report for this manual page, send it to
       [email protected]. This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://⟩ on
       2024-06-14. (At that time, the date of the most recent commit
       that was found in the repository was 2024-06-10.) If you discover
       any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page, or you
       believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for the page,
       or you have corrections or improvements to the information in
       this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original manual page),
       send a mail to [email protected]

util-linux 2.41.devel-537-e... 2024-01-28                       LSBLK(8)

Pages that refer to this page: eject(1)mount(2)fstab(5)blkdeactivate(8)blkid(8)cfdisk(8)findfs(8)mount(8)