semodule(8) — Linux manual page


SEMODULE(8)                        NSA                       SEMODULE(8)

NAME         top

       semodule - Manage SELinux policy modules.

SYNOPSIS         top

       semodule [option]... MODE...

DESCRIPTION         top

       semodule is the tool used to manage SELinux policy modules,
       including installing, upgrading, listing and removing modules.
       semodule may also be used to force a rebuild of policy from the
       module store and/or to force a reload of policy without
       performing any other transaction.  semodule acts on module
       packages created by semodule_package.  Conventionally, these
       files have a .pp suffix (policy package), although this is not
       mandated in any way.

MODES         top

       -R, --reload
              force a reload of policy

       -B, --build
              force a rebuild of policy (also reloads unless -n is used)

              Like --build, but reuses existing linked policy if no
              changes to module files are detected (by comparing with
              checksum from the last transaction).  One can use this
              instead of -B to ensure that any changes to the module
              store done by an external tool (e.g. a package manager)
              are applied, while automatically skipping the module re-
              linking if there are no module changes.

       -D, --disable_dontaudit
              Temporarily remove dontaudits from policy.  Reverts
              whenever policy is rebuilt

              install/replace a module package

              deprecated, alias for --install

              deprecated, alias for --install

              remove existing module at desired priority (defaults to -X

              display list of installed modules (other than base)


              list highest priority, enabled, non-base modules

       full   list all modules

              set priority for following operations (1-999)

              enable module

              disable module

              Extract a module from the store as an HLL or CIL file to
              the current directory.  A module is extracted as HLL by
              default. The name of the module written is <module-

OPTIONS         top

              name of the store to operate on

              do not reload policy after commit

              prints help message and quit

              Preserve tunables in policy

              Recompile CIL modules built from HLL files

              Use an alternate path for the policy root

              Use an alternate path for the policy store root

              be verbose

              Extract module as a CIL file. This only affects the
              --extract option and only modules listed in --extract
              after this option.

              Extract module as an HLL file. This only affects the
              --extract option and only modules listed in --extract
              after this option.

              Add SHA256 checksum of modules to the list output.

EXAMPLE         top

       # Install or replace a base policy package.
       $ semodule -b base.pp
       # Install or replace a non-base policy package.
       $ semodule -i httpd.pp
       # Install or replace all non-base modules in the current directory.
       # This syntax can be used with -i/u/r/E, but no other option can be entered after the module names
       $ semodule -i *.pp
       # Install or replace all modules in the current directory.
       $ ls *.pp | grep -Ev "base.pp|enableaudit.pp" | xargs /usr/sbin/semodule -b base.pp -i
       # List non-base modules.
       $ semodule -l
       # List all modules including priorities
       $ semodule -lfull
       # Remove a module at priority 100
       $ semodule -X 100 -r wireshark
       # Turn on all AVC Messages for which SELinux currently is "dontaudit"ing.
       $ semodule -DB
       # Turn "dontaudit" rules back on.
       $ semodule -B
       # Disable a module (all instances of given module across priorities will be disabled).
       $ semodule -d alsa
       # Install a module at a specific priority.
       $ semodule -X 100 -i alsa.pp
       # List all modules.
       $ semodule --list=full
       # Set an alternate path for the policy root
       $ semodule -B -p "/tmp"
       # Set an alternate path for the policy store root
       $ semodule -B -S "/tmp/var/lib/selinux"
       # Write the HLL version of puppet and the CIL version of wireshark
       # modules at priority 400 to the current working directory
       $ semodule -X 400 --hll -E puppet --cil -E wireshark
       # Check whether a module in "localmodule.pp" file is same as installed module "localmodule"
       $ /usr/libexec/selinux/hll/pp localmodule.pp | sha256sum
       $ semodule -l -m | grep localmodule

SEE ALSO         top

       checkmodule(8), semodule_package(8)

AUTHORS         top

       This manual page was written by Dan Walsh <[email protected]>.
       The program was written by Karl MacMillan <[email protected]>, Joshua Brindle <[email protected]>, Jason Tang <[email protected]>

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the selinux (Security-Enhanced Linux user-
       space libraries and tools) project.  Information about the
       project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a
       bug report for this manual page, see
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At
       that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in
       the repository was 2023-05-11.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

Security Enhanced Linux         Nov 2005                     SEMODULE(8)

Pages that refer to this page: selabel_file(5)checkmodule(8)genhomedircon(8)semanage-module(8)