systemd-logind.service(8) — Linux manual page


SYSTEMD-L...D.SERVICE(8) systemd-logind.service SYSTEMD-L...D.SERVICE(8)

NAME         top

       systemd-logind.service, systemd-logind - Login manager

SYNOPSIS         top



DESCRIPTION         top

       systemd-logind is a system service that manages user logins. It
       is responsible for:

       •   Keeping track of users and sessions, their processes and
           their idle state. This is implemented by allocating a systemd
           slice unit for each user below user.slice, and a scope unit
           below it for each concurrent session of a user. Also, a
           per-user service manager is started as system service
           instance of [email protected] for each logged in user.

       •   Generating and managing session IDs. If auditing is available
           and an audit session ID is already set for a session, then
           this ID is reused as the session ID. Otherwise, an
           independent session counter is used.

       •   Providing polkit[1]-based access for users for operations
           such as system shutdown or sleep

       •   Implementing a shutdown/sleep inhibition logic for

       •   Handling of power/sleep hardware keys

       •   Multi-seat management

       •   Session switch management

       •   Device access management for users

       •   Automatic spawning of text logins (gettys) on virtual console
           activation and user runtime directory management

       •   Scheduled shutdown

       •   Sending "wall" messages

       User sessions are registered with logind via the pam_systemd(8)
       PAM module.

       See logind.conf(5) for information about the configuration of
       this service.

       See sd-login(3) for information about the basic concepts of
       logind such as users, sessions and seats.

       See org.freedesktop.login1(5) and org.freedesktop.LogControl1(5)
       for information about the D-Bus APIs systemd-logind provides.

       For more information see Inhibitor Locks[2].

       If you are interested in writing a display manager that makes use
       of logind, please have look at Writing Display Managers[3]. If
       you are interested in writing a desktop environment that makes
       use of logind, please have look at Writing Desktop

SEE ALSO         top

       systemd(1), systemd-user-sessions.service(8), loginctl(1),
       logind.conf(5), pam_systemd(8), sd-login(3)

NOTES         top

        1. polkit

        2. Inhibitor Locks

        3. Writing Display Managers

        4. Writing Desktop Environments

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the systemd (systemd system and service
       manager) project.  Information about the project can be found at
       ⟨⟩.  If you have
       a bug report for this manual page, see
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-13.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

systemd 257~devel                               SYSTEMD-L...D.SERVICE(8)

Pages that refer to this page: loginctl(1)systemctl(1)sd_bus_creds_get_pid(3)sd-login(3)logind.conf(5)org.freedesktop.login1(5)systemd.slice(5)[email protected](5)systemd.directives(7)systemd.index(7)systemd.special(7)pam_systemd(8)systemd-machined.service(8)systemd-user-sessions.service(8)