bootctl(1) — Linux manual page


BOOTCTL(1)                       bootctl                      BOOTCTL(1)

NAME         top

       bootctl - Control EFI firmware boot settings and manage boot

SYNOPSIS         top

       bootctl [OPTIONS...] {COMMAND}

DESCRIPTION         top

       bootctl can check the EFI firmware and boot loader status, list
       and manage available boot loaders and boot loader entries, and
       install, update, or remove the systemd-boot(7) boot loader on the
       current system.


       These commands are available on any EFI system, regardless of the
       boot loader used.

           Shows brief information about the system firmware, the boot
           loader that was used to boot the system, the boot loaders
           currently available in the ESP, the boot loaders listed in
           the firmware's list of boot loaders and the current default
           boot loader entry. If no command is specified, this is the
           implied default.

           See the example below for details of the output.

           Added in version 239.

       reboot-to-firmware [BOOL]
           Query or set the "Reboot-Into-Firmware-Setup" flag of the EFI
           firmware. Takes a boolean argument which controls whether to
           show the firmware setup on next system reboot. If the
           argument is omitted shows the current status of the flag, or
           whether the flag is supported. This controls the same flag as
           systemctl reboot --firmware-setup, but is more low-level and
           allows setting the flag independently from actually
           requesting a reboot.

           Hint: use systemctl reboot --firmware-setup to reboot into
           firmware setup once. See systemctl(1) for details.

           Added in version 251.


       These commands are available for all boot loaders that implement
       the Boot Loader Specification[1], such as systemd-boot.

           Shows all available boot loader entries implementing the Boot
           Loader Specification[1], as well as any other entries
           discovered or automatically generated by a boot loader
           implementing the Boot Loader Interface[2]. JSON output may be
           requested with --json=.

           See the example below for details of the output.

           Added in version 239.

       unlink ID
           Removes a boot loader entry including the files it refers to.
           Takes a single boot loader entry ID string or a glob pattern
           as argument. Referenced files such as kernel or initrd are
           only removed if no other entry refers to them.

           Added in version 253.

           Removes files from the ESP and XBOOTLDR partitions that
           belong to the entry token but are not referenced in any boot
           loader entries.

           Added in version 253.


       These commands are available for all boot loaders that implement
       the Boot Loader Specification[1] and the Boot Loader
       Interface[2], such as systemd-boot.

       set-default ID, set-oneshot ID
           Sets the default boot loader entry. Takes a single boot
           loader entry ID string or a glob pattern as argument. The
           set-oneshot command will set the default entry only for the
           next boot, the set-default will set it persistently for all
           future boots.

           bootctl list can be used to list available boot loader
           entries and their IDs.

           In addition, the boot loader entry ID may be specified as one
           of: @default, @oneshot or @current, which correspond to the
           current default boot loader entry for all future boots, the
           current default boot loader entry for the next boot, and the
           currently booted boot loader entry. These special IDs are
           resolved to the current values of the EFI variables
           LoaderEntryDefault, LoaderEntryOneShot and
           LoaderEntrySelected, see Boot Loader Specification[1] for
           details. These special IDs are primarily useful as a quick
           way to persistently make the currently booted boot loader
           entry the default choice, or to upgrade the default boot
           loader entry for the next boot to the default boot loader
           entry for all future boots, but may be used for other
           operations too.

           If set to @saved the chosen entry will be saved as an EFI
           variable on every boot and automatically selected the next
           time the boot loader starts.

           When an empty string ("") is specified as the ID, then the
           corresponding EFI variable will be unset.

           Hint: use systemctl reboot --boot-loader-entry=ID to reboot
           into a specific boot entry and systemctl reboot
           --boot-loader-menu=timeout to reboot into the boot loader
           menu once. See systemctl(1) for details.

           Added in version 240.

       set-timeout TIMEOUT, set-timeout-oneshot TIMEOUT
           Sets the boot loader menu timeout in seconds. The
           set-timeout-oneshot command will set the timeout only for the
           next boot. See systemd.time(7) for details about the syntax
           of time spans.

           If this is set to menu-disabled or menu-hidden or 0, no menu
           is shown and the default entry will be booted immediately,
           while setting this to menu-force disables the timeout while
           always showing the menu. When an empty string ("") is
           specified the bootloader will revert to its default menu

           Added in version 250.


       These commands manage the systemd-boot EFI boot loader, and do
       not work in conjunction with other boot loaders.

           Installs systemd-boot into the EFI system partition. A copy
           of systemd-boot will be stored as the EFI default/fallback
           loader at ESP/EFI/BOOT/BOOT*.EFI. The boot loader is then
           added to the top of the firmware's boot loader list.

           Added in version 239.

           Updates all installed versions of systemd-boot(7), if the
           available version is newer than the version installed in the
           EFI system partition. This also includes the EFI
           default/fallback loader at ESP/EFI/BOOT/BOOT*.EFI. The boot
           loader is then added to end of the firmware's boot loader
           list if missing.

           Added in version 239.

           Removes all installed versions of systemd-boot from the EFI
           system partition and the firmware's boot loader list.

           Added in version 239.

           Checks whether systemd-boot is installed in the ESP. Note
           that a single ESP might host multiple boot loaders; this
           hence checks whether systemd-boot is one (of possibly many)
           installed boot loaders — and neither whether it is the
           default nor whether it is registered in any EFI variables.

           Added in version 243.

           Generates a random seed and stores it in the EFI System
           Partition (ESP), for use by the systemd-boot boot loader. If
           a random seed already exists in the ESP it is refreshed. Also
           generates a random 'system token' and stores it persistently
           as an EFI variable, if one has not been set before. If the
           boot loader finds the random seed in the ESP and the system
           token in the EFI variable it will derive a random seed to
           pass to the OS and a new seed to store in the ESP from the
           combination of both. The random seed passed to the OS is
           credited to the kernel's entropy pool by the system manager
           during early boot, and permits userspace to boot up with an
           entropy pool fully initialized very early on. Also see

           See Random Seeds[3] for further information.

           Added in version 243.


       kernel-identify kernel
           Takes a kernel image as argument. Checks what kind of kernel
           the image is. Returns one of "uki", "pe", and "unknown".

           Added in version 253.

       kernel-inspect kernel
           Takes a kernel image as argument. Prints details about the

           Added in version 253.

OPTIONS         top

       The following options are understood:

           Path to the EFI System Partition (ESP). If not specified,
           /efi/, /boot/, and /boot/efi/ are checked in turn. It is
           recommended to mount the ESP to /efi/, if possible.

           Path to the Extended Boot Loader partition, as defined in the
           Boot Loader Specification[1]. If not specified, /boot/ is
           checked. It is recommended to mount the Extended Boot Loader
           partition to /boot/, if possible.

           Takes a directory path as an argument. All paths will be
           prefixed with the given alternate root path, including config
           search paths.

           Added in version 252.

           Takes a path to a disk image file or block device node. If
           specified, all operations are applied to file system in the
           indicated disk image. This option is similar to --root=, but
           operates on file systems stored in disk images or block
           devices. The disk image should either contain just a file
           system or a set of file systems within a GPT partition table,
           following the Discoverable Partitions Specification[4]. For
           further information on supported disk images, see
           systemd-nspawn(1)'s switch of the same name.

           Added in version 252.

           Takes an image policy string as argument, as per
           systemd.image-policy(7). The policy is enforced when
           operating on the disk image specified via --image=, see
           above. If not specified defaults to the "*" policy, i.e. all
           recognized file systems in the image are used.

           When installing binaries with --root= or --image=, selects
           where to source them from. Takes one of "auto" (the default),
           "image" or "host". With "auto" binaries will be picked from
           the specified directory or image, and if not found they will
           be picked from the host. With "image" or "host" no fallback
           search will be performed if the binaries are not found in the
           selected source.

           Added in version 252.

       -p, --print-esp-path
           This option modifies the behaviour of status. Only prints the
           path to the EFI System Partition (ESP) to standard output and

           Added in version 236.

       -x, --print-boot-path
           This option modifies the behaviour of status. Only prints the
           path to the Extended Boot Loader partition if it exists, and
           the path to the ESP otherwise to standard output and exit.
           This command is useful to determine where to place boot
           loader entries, as they are preferably placed in the Extended
           Boot Loader partition if it exists and in the ESP otherwise.

           Boot Loader Specification Type #1 entries should generally be
           placed in the directory "$(bootctl -x)/loader/entries/".
           Existence of that directory may also be used as indication
           that boot loader entry support is available on the system.
           Similarly, Boot Loader Specification Type #2 entries should
           be placed in the directory "$(bootctl -x)/EFI/Linux/".

           Note that this option (similarly to the --print-esp-path
           option mentioned above), is available independently from the
           boot loader used, i.e. also without systemd-boot being

           Added in version 242.

       -R, --print-root-device
           Print the path to the block device node backing the root file
           system of the local OS. This prints a path such as
           /dev/nvme0n1p5. If the root file system is backed by
           dm-crypt/LUKS or dm-verity the underlying block device is
           returned. If the root file system is backed by multiple block
           devices (as supported by btrfs) the operation will fail. If
           the switch is specified twice (i.e.  -RR) and the discovered
           block device is a partition device the "whole" block device
           it belongs to is determined and printed (e.g.  /dev/nvme0n1).
           If the root file system is "tmpfs" (or a similar in-memory
           file system), the block device backing /usr/ is returned if
           applicable. If the root file system is a network file system
           (e.g. NFS, CIFS) the operation will fail.

           Added in version 254.

           Do not touch the firmware's boot loader list stored in EFI

           Added in version 220.

           Ignore failure when the EFI System Partition cannot be found,
           when EFI variables cannot be written, or a different or newer
           boot loader is already installed. Currently only applies to
           is-installed, update, and random-seed verbs.

           Added in version 244.

       -q, --quiet
           Suppress printing of the results of various commands and also
           the hints about ESP being unavailable.

           Added in version 251.

           Controls creation and deletion of the Boot Loader
           Specification[1] Type #1 entry directory on the file system
           containing resources such as kernel and initrd images during
           install and remove, respectively. The directory is named
           after the entry token, as specified with --entry-token=
           parameter described below, and is placed immediately below
           the $BOOT root directory (i.e. beneath the file system
           returned by the --print-boot-path option, see above).
           Defaults to "no".

           Added in version 251.

           Controls how to name and identify boot loader entries for
           this OS installation. Accepted during install, and takes one
           of "auto", "machine-id", "os-id", "os-image-id" or an
           arbitrary string prefixed by "literal:" as argument.

           If set to machine-id the entries are named after the machine
           ID of the running system (e.g.
           "b0e793a9baf14b5fa13ecbe84ff637ac"). See machine-id(5) for
           details about the machine ID concept and file.

           If set to os-id the entries are named after the OS ID of the
           running system, i.e. the ID= field of os-release(5) (e.g.
           "fedora"). Similarly, if set to os-image-id the entries are
           named after the OS image ID of the running system, i.e. the
           IMAGE_ID= field of os-release (e.g.

           If set to auto (the default), the /etc/kernel/entry-token
           file will be read if it exists, and the stored value used.
           Otherwise if the local machine ID is initialized it is used.
           Otherwise IMAGE_ID= from os-release will be used, if set.
           Otherwise, ID= from os-release will be used, if set.

           Unless set to "machine-id", or when
           --make-entry-directory=yes is used the selected token string
           is written to a file /etc/kernel/entry-token, to ensure it
           will be used for future entries. This file is also read by
           kernel-install(8), in order to identify under which name to
           generate boot loader entries for newly installed kernels, or
           to determine the entry names for removing old ones.

           Using the machine ID for naming the entries is generally
           preferable, however there are cases where using the other
           identifiers is a good option. Specifically: if the
           identification data that the machine ID entails shall not be
           stored on the (unencrypted) $BOOT partition, or if the ID
           shall be generated on first boot and is not known when the
           entries are prepared. Note that using the machine ID has the
           benefit that multiple parallel installations of the same OS
           can coexist on the same medium, and they can update their
           boot loader entries independently. When using another
           identifier (such as the OS ID or the OS image ID), parallel
           installations of the same OS would try to use the same entry
           name. To support parallel installations, the installer must
           use a different entry token when adding a second

           Added in version 251.

           Install binaries for all supported EFI architectures (this
           implies --no-variables).

           Added in version 252.

           Description of the entry added to the firmware's boot option
           list. Defaults to "Linux Boot Manager".

           Using the default entry name "Linux Boot Manager" is
           generally preferable as only one bootloader installed to a
           single ESP partition should be used to boot any number of OS
           installations found on the various disks installed in the
           system. Specifically distributions should not use this flag
           to install a branded entry in the boot option list. However
           in situations with multiple disks, each with their own ESP
           partition, it can be beneficial to make it easier to identify
           the bootloader being used in the firmware's boot option menu.

           Added in version 252.

           Dry run for unlink and cleanup.

           In dry run mode, the unlink and cleanup operations only print
           the files that would get deleted without actually deleting

           Added in version 253.

           Do not pipe output into a pager.

           Shows output formatted as JSON. Expects one of "short" (for
           the shortest possible output without any redundant whitespace
           or line breaks), "pretty" (for a pretty version of the same,
           with indentation and line breaks) or "off" (to turn off JSON
           output, the default).

       -h, --help
           Print a short help text and exit.

           Print a short version string and exit.

SIGNED .EFI FILES         top

       bootctl install and update will look for a systemd-boot file
       ending with the ".efi.signed" suffix first, and copy that instead
       of the normal ".efi" file. This allows distributions or end-users
       to provide signed images for UEFI SecureBoot.

EXIT STATUS         top

       On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.
       bootctl --print-root-device returns exit status 80 in case the
       root file system is not backed by single block device, and other
       non-zero exit statuses on other errors.

ENVIRONMENT         top

       If $SYSTEMD_RELAX_ESP_CHECKS=1 is set the validation checks for
       the ESP are relaxed, and the path specified with --esp-path= may
       refer to any kind of file system on any kind of partition.

       Similarly, $SYSTEMD_RELAX_XBOOTLDR_CHECKS=1 turns off some
       validation checks for the Extended Boot Loader partition.

EXAMPLES         top

       Example 1. Output from status and list

           $ bootctl status
                Firmware: UEFI 2.40 (firmware-version)  ← firmware vendor and version
             Secure Boot: disabled (setup)              ← Secure Boot status
            TPM2 Support: yes
            Boot into FW: supported                     ← does the firmware support booting into itself

           Current Boot Loader:                         ← details about sd-boot or another boot loader
                 Product: systemd-boot version            implementing the Boot Loader Interface[2]
                Features: ✓ Boot counting
                          ✓ Menu timeout control
                          ✓ One-shot menu timeout control
                          ✓ Default entry control
                          ✓ One-shot entry control
                          ✓ Support for XBOOTLDR partition
                          ✓ Support for passing random seed to OS
                          ✓ Load drop-in drivers
                          ✓ Boot loader sets ESP information
                          ✓ Menu can be disabled
                     ESP: /dev/disk/by-partuuid/01234567-89ab-cdef-dead-beef00000000
                    File: └─/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi

           Random Seed:                                 ← random seed used for entropy in early boot
            Passed to OS: yes
            System Token: set
                  Exists: yes

           Available Boot Loaders on ESP:
                     ESP: /boot/efi (/dev/disk/by-partuuid/01234567-89ab-cdef-dead-beef00000000)
                    File: └─/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi (systemd-boot 251
                    File: └─/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI (systemd-boot 251

           Boot Loaders Listed in EFI Variables:
                   Title: Linux Boot Manager
                      ID: 0x0001
                  Status: active, boot-order
               Partition: /dev/disk/by-partuuid/...
                    File: └─/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi

                   Title: Fedora
                      ID: 0x0000
                  Status: active, boot-order
               Partition: /dev/disk/by-partuuid/...
                    File: └─/EFI/fedora/shimx64.efi

                   Title: Linux-Firmware-Updater
                      ID: 0x0002
                  Status: active, boot-order
               Partition: /dev/disk/by-partuuid/...
                    File: └─/EFI/fedora/fwupdx64.efi

           Boot Loader Entries:
                   $BOOT: /boot/efi (/dev/disk/by-partuuid/01234567-89ab-cdef-dead-beef00000000)

           Default Boot Loader Entry:
                    type: Boot Loader Specification Type #1 (.conf)
                   title: Fedora Linux 36 (Workstation Edition)
                      id: ...
                  source: /boot/efi/loader/entries/entry-token-kernel-version.conf
                 version: kernel-version
              machine-id: ...
                   linux: /entry-token/kernel-version/linux
                  initrd: /entry-token/kernel-version/initrd
                 options: root=...

           $ bootctl list
           Boot Loader Entries:
                    type: Boot Loader Specification Type #1 (.conf)
                   title: Fedora Linux 36 (Workstation Edition) (default) (selected)
                      id: ...
                  source: /boot/efi/loader/entries/entry-token-kernel-version.conf
                 version: kernel-version
              machine-id: ...
                   linux: /entry-token/kernel-version/linux
                  initrd: /entry-token/kernel-version/initrd
                 options: root=...

                    type: Boot Loader Specification Type #2 (.efi)
                   title: Fedora Linux 35 (Workstation Edition)
                      id: ...
                  source: /boot/efi/EFI/Linux/fedora-kernel-version.efi
                 version: kernel-version
              machine-id: ...
                   linux: /EFI/Linux/fedora-kernel-version.efi
                 options: root=...

                    type: Automatic
                   title: Reboot Into Firmware Interface
                      id: auto-reboot-to-firmware-setup
                  source: /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/LoaderEntries-4a67b082-0a4c-41cf-b6c7-440b29bb8c4f

       In the listing, "(default)" specifies the entry that will be used
       by default, and "(selected)" specifies the entry that was
       selected the last time (i.e. is currently running).

SEE ALSO         top

       systemd-boot(7), Boot Loader Specification[1], Boot Loader
       Interface[2], systemd-boot-random-seed.service(8)

NOTES         top

        1. Boot Loader Specification

        2. Boot Loader Interface

        3. Random Seeds

        4. Discoverable Partitions Specification

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the systemd (systemd system and service
       manager) project.  Information about the project can be found at
       ⟨⟩.  If you have
       a bug report for this manual page, see
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-13.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

systemd 257~devel                                             BOOTCTL(1)

Pages that refer to this page: systemctl(1)loader.conf(5)kernel-command-line(7)systemd-boot(7)systemd.directives(7)systemd.index(7)systemd-stub(7)systemd-boot-random-seed.service(8)systemd-pcrlock(8)