loader.conf(5) — Linux manual page


LOADER.CONF(5)                 loader.conf                LOADER.CONF(5)

NAME         top

       loader.conf - Configuration file for systemd-boot

SYNOPSIS         top

       ESP/loader/loader.conf, ESP/loader/entries/*.conf

DESCRIPTION         top

       systemd-boot(7) will read ESP/loader/loader.conf, and any files
       with the ".conf" extension under ESP/loader/entries/ on the EFI
       system partition (ESP), and XBOOTLDR/loader/entries/ on the
       extended boot loader partition (XBOOTLDR) as defined by Boot
       Loader Specification[1].

       Each of these configuration files must consist of series of
       newline (i.e. ASCII code 10) separated lines, each consisting of
       an option name, followed by whitespace, and the option value.
       "#" may be used to start a comment line. Empty and comment lines
       are ignored. The files use UTF-8 encoding.

       Boolean arguments may be written as "yes"/"y"/"true"/"t"/"on"/"1"
       or "no"/"n"/"false"/"f"/"off"/"0".

OPTIONS         top

       The configuration options supported by ESP/loader/entries/*.conf
       and XBOOTLDR/loader/entries/*.conf files are defined as part of
       the Boot Loader Specification[1].

       The following configuration are supported by the loader.conf
       configuration file:

           A glob pattern to select the default entry. The default entry
           may be changed in the boot menu itself, in which case the
           name of the selected entry will be stored as an EFI variable,
           overriding this option.

           If set to "@saved" the chosen entry will be saved as an EFI
           variable on every boot and automatically selected the next
           time the boot loader starts.

           Table 1. Automatically detected entries will use the
           following names:
           │ Name                          Description          │
           │ auto-efi-default              │ EFI Default Loader   │
           │ auto-efi-shell                │ EFI Shell            │
           │ auto-osx                      │ macOS                │
           │ auto-poweroff                 │ Power Off The System │
           │ auto-reboot                   │ Reboot The System    │
           │ auto-reboot-to-firmware-setup │ Reboot Into Firmware │
           │                               │ Interface            │
           │ auto-windows                  │ Windows Boot Manager │

           Supported glob wildcard patterns are "?", "*", and "[...]"
           (including ranges). Note that these patterns use the same
           syntax as glob(7), but do not support all features. In
           particular, set negation and named character classes are not
           supported. The matching is done case-insensitively on the
           entry ID (as shown by bootctl list).

           Added in version 239.

           How long the boot menu should be shown before the default
           entry is booted, in seconds. This may be changed in the boot
           menu itself and will be stored as an EFI variable in that
           case, overriding this option.

           If set to "menu-disabled" or "menu-hidden" or "0" (the
           default), no menu is shown and the default entry will be
           booted immediately. Unless "menu-disabled" is used, the menu
           can be shown by pressing and holding a key before
           systemd-boot is launched. Setting this to "menu-force"
           disables the timeout while always showing the menu.

           Added in version 239.

           This option configures the resolution of the console. This
           may be changed in the boot menu itself and will be stored as
           an EFI variable in that case, overriding this option.

           Takes a number or one of the special values listed below. The
           following values may be used:

               Standard UEFI 80x25 mode

               Added in version 239.

               80x50 mode, not supported by all devices

               Added in version 239.

               the first non-standard mode provided by the device
               firmware, if any

               Added in version 239.

               Pick a suitable mode automatically using heuristics

               Added in version 239.

               Pick the highest-numbered available mode

               Added in version 239.

               Keep the mode selected by firmware (the default)

               Added in version 239.

           Added in version 239.

           Takes a boolean argument. Enable (the default) or disable the
           editor. The editor should be disabled if the machine can be
           accessed by unauthorized persons.

           Added in version 239.

           Takes a boolean argument. Enable (the default) or disable
           entries for other boot entries found on the boot partition.
           In particular, this may be useful when loader entries are
           created to show replacement descriptions for those entries.

           Added in version 239.

           A boolean controlling the presence of the "Reboot Into
           Firmware Interface" entry (enabled by default). If this is
           disabled, the firmware interface may still be reached by
           using the f key.

           Added in version 239.

           Takes a boolean argument. If timeout enabled beep every
           second, otherwise beep n times when n-th entry in boot menu
           is selected (default disabled). Currently, only x86 is
           supported, where it uses the PC speaker.

           Added in version 251.

           Danger: this feature might soft-brick your device if used

           Controls enrollment of secure boot keys found on the ESP if
           the system is in setup mode:

               No action is taken.

               Added in version 253.

               Boot entries for found secure boot keys are created that
               allow manual enrollment.

               Added in version 253.

               Same behavior as manual, but will try to automatically
               enroll the key "auto" if it is considered to be safe.
               Currently, this is only the case if the system is running
               inside a virtual machine.

               Added in version 253.

               Always enroll the "auto" key if found. Note that a
               warning message with a timeout will still be shown if
               this operation is unknown to be safe.

               Added in version 253.

           The different sets of variables can be set up under
           /loader/keys/NAME where NAME is the name that is going to be
           used as the name of the entry. This allows one to ship
           multiple sets of Secure Boot variables and choose which one
           to enroll at runtime.

           Supported Secure Boot variables are one database for
           authorized images, one for the key exchange key (KEK) and one
           for the platform key (PK). For more information, refer to the
           UEFI specification[2], under Secure Boot and Driver Signing.
           Another resource that describe the interplay of the different
           variables is the EDK2 documentation[3].

           A complete set of UEFI variable includes db.auth, KEK.auth
           and PK.auth. Note that these files need to be authenticated
           UEFI variables. See below for an example of how to generate
           them from regular X.509 keys.

               uuid=$(systemd-id128 new --uuid)
               for key in PK KEK db; do
                 openssl req -new -x509 -subj "/CN=${key}/" -keyout "${key}.key" -out "${key}.pem"
                 openssl x509 -outform DER -in "${key}.pem" -out "${key}.der"
                 sbsiglist --owner "${uuid}" --type x509 --output "${key}.esl" "${key}.der"

               # See also: Windows Secure Boot Key Creation and Management Guidance[4]
               curl --location \
                    "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=321192" -o ms-db-2011.der \
                    "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=321185" -o ms-kek-2011.der \
                    "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=321194" -o ms-uefi-db-2011.der \
                    "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2239776" -o ms-db-2023.der \
                    "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2239775" -o ms-kek-2023.der \
                    "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2239872" -o ms-uefi-db-2023.der
               sha1sum -c <<END
               580a6f4cc4e4b669b9ebdc1b2b3e087b80d0678d  ms-db-2011.der
               31590bfd89c9d74ed087dfac66334b3931254b30  ms-kek-2011.der
               46def63b5ce61cf8ba0de2e6639c1019d0ed14f3  ms-uefi-db-2011.der
               45a0fa32604773c82433c3b7d59e7466b3ac0c67  ms-db-2023.der
               459ab6fb5e284d272d5e3e6abc8ed663829d632b  ms-kek-2023.der
               b5eeb4a6706048073f0ed296e7f580a790b59eaa  ms-uefi-db-2023.der
               for key in ms-*.der; do
                 sbsiglist --owner 77fa9abd-0359-4d32-bd60-28f4e78f784b --type x509 --output "${key%der}esl" "${key}"

               # Optionally add Microsoft Windows certificates (needed to boot into Windows).
               cat ms-db-*.esl >>db.esl

               # Optionally add Microsoft UEFI certificates for firmware drivers / option ROMs and third-party
               # boot loaders (including shim). This is highly recommended on real hardware as not including this
               # may soft-brick your device (see next paragraph).
               cat ms-uefi-*.esl >>db.esl

               # Optionally add Microsoft KEK certificates. Recommended if either of the Microsoft keys is used as
               # the official UEFI revocation database is signed with this key. The revocation database can be
               # updated with fwupdmgr(1).
               cat ms-kek-*.esl >>KEK.esl

               sbvarsign --attr "${attr}" --key PK.key --cert PK.pem --output PK.auth PK PK.esl
               sbvarsign --attr "${attr}" --key PK.key --cert PK.pem --output KEK.auth KEK KEK.esl
               sbvarsign --attr "${attr}" --key KEK.key --cert KEK.pem --output db.auth db db.esl

           This feature is considered dangerous because even if all the
           required files are signed with the keys being loaded, some
           files necessary for the system to function properly still
           won't be. This is especially the case with Option ROMs (e.g.
           for storage controllers or graphics cards). See Secure Boot
           and Option ROMs[5] for more details.

           Added in version 252.

           Caveat: This feature is experimental, and is likely to be
           changed (or removed in its current form) in a future version
           of systemd.

           Work around BitLocker requiring a recovery key when the boot
           loader was updated (disabled by default).

           Try to detect BitLocker encrypted drives along with an active
           TPM. If both are found and Windows Boot Manager is selected
           in the boot menu, set the "BootNext" EFI variable and restart
           the system. The firmware will then start Windows Boot Manager
           directly, leaving the TPM PCRs in expected states so that
           Windows can unseal the encryption key. This allows
           systemd-boot(7) to be updated without having to provide the
           recovery key for BitLocker drive unlocking.

           Note that the PCRs that Windows uses can be configured with
           the "Configure TPM platform validation profile for native
           UEFI firmware configurations" group policy under "Computer
           Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows
           Components\BitLocker Drive Encryption". When Secure Boot is
           enabled, changing this to PCRs "0,2,7,11" should be safe. The
           TPM key protector needs to be removed and then added back for
           the PCRs on an already encrypted drive to change. If PCR 4 is
           not measured, this setting can be disabled to speed up
           booting into Windows.

           Added in version 251.

EXAMPLE         top

           # /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf
           timeout 0
           default 01234567890abcdef1234567890abdf0-*
           editor no

       The menu will not be shown by default (the menu can still be
       shown by pressing and holding a key during boot). One of the
       entries with files with a name starting with
       "01234567890abcdef1234567890abdf0-" will be selected by default.
       If more than one entry matches, the one with the highest priority
       will be selected (generally the one with the highest version
       number). The editor will be disabled, so it is not possible to
       alter the kernel command line.

SEE ALSO         top

       systemd-boot(7), bootctl(1)

NOTES         top

        1. Boot Loader Specification

        2. UEFI specification

        3. EDK2 documentation

        4. Windows Secure Boot Key Creation and Management Guidance

        5. Secure Boot and Option ROMs

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the systemd (systemd system and service
       manager) project.  Information about the project can be found at
       ⟨http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd⟩.  If you have
       a bug report for this manual page, see
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨https://github.com/systemd/systemd.git⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-13.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

systemd 257~devel                                         LOADER.CONF(5)

Pages that refer to this page: systemd-boot(7)systemd.directives(7)systemd.index(7)