flatpak-build-finish(1) — Linux manual page


FLATPAK BUILD-FINIS(1)    flatpak build-finish    FLATPAK BUILD-FINIS(1)

NAME         top

       flatpak-build-finish - Finalize a build directory

SYNOPSIS         top

       flatpak build-finish [OPTION...] DIRECTORY

DESCRIPTION         top

       Finalizes a build directory, to prepare it for exporting.
       DIRECTORY is the name of the directory.

       The result of this command is that desktop files, icons, D-Bus
       service files, and AppStream metainfo files from the files
       subdirectory are copied to a new export subdirectory. In the
       metadata file, the command key is set in the [Application] group,
       and the supported keys in the [Environment] group are set
       according to the options.

       As part of finalization you can also specify permissions that the
       app needs, using the various options specified below.
       Additionally during finalization the permissions from the runtime
       are inherited into the app unless you specify

       You should review the exported files and the application metadata
       before creating and distributing an application bundle.

       It is an error to run build-finish on a directory that has not
       been initialized as a build directory, or has already been

OPTIONS         top

       The following options are understood:

       -h, --help
           Show help options and exit.

           The command to use. If this option is not specified, the
           first executable found in files/bin is used.

           Note that the command is used when the application is run via
           flatpak run, and does not affect what gets executed when the
           application is run in other ways, e.g. via the desktop file
           or D-Bus activation.

           Require this version or later of flatpak to install/update to
           this build.

           Share a subsystem with the host session. This updates the
           [Context] group in the metadata. SUBSYSTEM must be one of:
           network, ipc. This option can be used multiple times.

           Don't share a subsystem with the host session. This updates
           the [Context] group in the metadata. SUBSYSTEM must be one
           of: network, ipc. This option can be used multiple times.

           Expose a well-known socket to the application. This updates
           the [Context] group in the metadata. SOCKET must be one of:
           x11, wayland, fallback-x11, pulseaudio, system-bus,
           session-bus, ssh-auth, pcsc, cups, gpg-agent,
           inherit-wayland-socket. This option can be used multiple

           The fallback-x11 option makes the X11 socket available only
           if there is no Wayland socket. This option was introduced in
           0.11.3. To support older Flatpak releases, specify both x11
           and fallback-x11. The fallback-x11 option takes precedence
           when both are supported.

           Don't expose a well known socket to the application. This
           updates the [Context] group in the metadata. SOCKET must be
           one of: x11, wayland, fallback-x11, pulseaudio, system-bus,
           session-bus, ssh-auth, pcsc, cups, gpg-agent,
           inherit-wayland-socket. This option can be used multiple

           Expose a device to the application. This updates the
           [Context] group in the metadata. DEVICE must be one of: dri,
           input, kvm, shm, all. This option can be used multiple times.

           Don't expose a device to the application. This updates the
           [Context] group in the metadata. DEVICE must be one of: dri,
           input, kvm, shm, all. This option can be used multiple times.

           Allow access to a specific feature. This updates the
           [Context] group in the metadata. FEATURE must be one of:
           devel, multiarch, bluetooth, canbus, per-app-dev-shm. This
           option can be used multiple times.

           The devel feature allows the application to access certain
           syscalls such as ptrace(), and perf_event_open().

           The multiarch feature allows the application to execute
           programs compiled for an ABI other than the one supported
           natively by the system. For example, for the x86_64
           architecture, 32-bit x86 binaries will be allowed as well.

           The bluetooth feature allows the application to use bluetooth
           (AF_BLUETOOTH) sockets. Note, for bluetooth to fully work you
           must also have network access.

           The canbus feature allows the application to use canbus
           (AF_CAN) sockets. Note, for this work you must also have
           network access.

           The per-app-dev-shm feature shares a single instance of
           /dev/shm between the application, any unrestricted
           subsandboxes that it creates, and any other instances of the
           application that are launched while it is running.

           Disallow access to a specific feature. This updates the
           [Context] group in the metadata. FEATURE must be one of:
           devel, multiarch, bluetooth, canbus, per-app-dev-shm. This
           option can be used multiple times.

           Allow the application access to a subset of the filesystem.
           This updates the [Context] group in the metadata. FS can be
           one of: home, host, host-os, host-etc, xdg-desktop,
           xdg-documents, xdg-download, xdg-music, xdg-pictures,
           xdg-public-share, xdg-templates, xdg-videos, xdg-run,
           xdg-config, xdg-cache, xdg-data, an absolute path, or a
           homedir-relative path like ~/dir or paths relative to the xdg
           dirs, like xdg-download/subdir. The optional :ro suffix
           indicates that the location will be read-only. The optional
           :create suffix indicates that the location will be read-write
           and created if it doesn't exist. This option can be used
           multiple times. See the "[Context] filesystems" list in
           flatpak-metadata(5) for details of the meanings of these

           Remove access to the specified subset of the filesystem from
           the application. This overrides to the Context section from
           the application metadata. FILESYSTEM can be one of: home,
           host, host-os, host-etc, xdg-desktop, xdg-documents,
           xdg-download, xdg-music, xdg-pictures, xdg-public-share,
           xdg-templates, xdg-videos, an absolute path, or a
           homedir-relative path like ~/dir. This option can be used
           multiple times.

           Add generic policy option. For example,
           "--add-policy=subsystem.key=v1 --add-policy=subsystem.key=v2"
           would map to this metadata:

               [Policy subsystem]

           This option can be used multiple times.

           Remove generic policy option. This option can be used
           multiple times.

           Set an environment variable in the application. This updates
           the [Environment] group in the metadata. This overrides to
           the Context section from the application metadata. This
           option can be used multiple times.

           Unset an environment variable in the application. This
           updates the unset-environment entry in the [Context] group of
           the metadata. This option can be used multiple times.

           Read environment variables from the file descriptor FD, and
           set them as if via --env. This can be used to avoid
           environment variables and their values becoming visible to
           other users.

           Each environment variable is in the form VAR=VALUE followed
           by a zero byte. This is the same format used by env -0 and

           Allow the application to own the well known name NAME on the
           session bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application
           to own all matching names. This updates the [Session Bus
           Policy] group in the metadata. This option can be used
           multiple times.

           Allow the application to talk to the well known name NAME on
           the session bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the
           application to talk to all matching names. This updates the
           [Session Bus Policy] group in the metadata. This option can
           be used multiple times.

           Allow the application to own the well known name NAME on the
           system bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the application
           to own all matching names. This updates the [System Bus
           Policy] group in the metadata. This option can be used
           multiple times.

           Allow the application to talk to the well known name NAME on
           the system bus. If NAME ends with .*, it allows the
           application to talk to all matching names. This updates the
           [System Bus Policy] group in the metadata. This option can be
           used multiple times.

           If the application doesn't have access to the real homedir,
           make the (homedir-relative) path FILENAME a bind mount to the
           corresponding path in the per-application directory, allowing
           that location to be used for persistent data. This updates
           the [Context] group in the metadata. This option can be used
           multiple times.

       --runtime=RUNTIME, --sdk=SDK
           Change the runtime or sdk used by the app to the specified
           partial ref. Unspecified parts of the ref are taken from the
           old values or defaults.

           Set a generic key in the metadata file. If value is left out
           it will be set to "true".

           Add extension point info. See the documentation for
           flatpak-metadata(5) for the possible values of VARIABLE and

           Remove extension point info.

           Set the priority (library override order) of the extension
           point. Only useful for extensions. 0 is the default, and
           higher value means higher priority.

           Adds information about extra data uris to the app. These will
           be downloaded and verified by the client when the app is
           installed and placed in the /app/extra directory. You can
           also supply an /app/bin/apply_extra script that will be run
           after the files are downloaded.

           Don't look for exports in the build.

           Don't inherit runtime permissions in the app.

       -v, --verbose
           Print debug information during command processing.

           Print OSTree debug information during command processing.

EXAMPLES         top

       $ flatpak build-finish /build/my-app --socket=x11 --share=ipc

           Exporting share/applications/gnome-calculator.desktop
           Exporting share/dbus-1/services/org.gnome.Calculator.SearchProvider.service
           More than one executable
           Using gcalccmd as command
           Please review the exported files and the metadata

SEE ALSO         top

       flatpak(1), flatpak-build-init(1), flatpak-build(1),

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the flatpak (a tool for building and
       distributing desktop applications on Linux) project.  Information
       about the project can be found at ⟨http://flatpak.org/⟩.  It is
       not known how to report bugs for this man page; if you know,
       please send a mail to [email protected].  This page was obtained
       from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-04.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

flatpak                                           FLATPAK BUILD-FINIS(1)

Pages that refer to this page: flatpak(1)flatpak-build(1)flatpak-build-bundle(1)flatpak-build-commit-from(1)flatpak-build-export(1)flatpak-build-init(1)flatpak-override(1)flatpak-run(1)