flatpak-create-usb(1) — Linux manual page


FLATPAK CREATE-USB(1)      flatpak create-usb      FLATPAK CREATE-USB(1)

NAME         top

       flatpak-create-usb - Copy apps and/or runtimes onto removable

SYNOPSIS         top

       flatpak create-usb [OPTION...] MOUNT-PATH REF...

DESCRIPTION         top

       Copies the specified apps and/or runtimes REFs onto the removable
       media mounted at MOUNT-PATH, along with all the dependencies and
       metadata needed for installing them. This is one way of
       transferring flatpaks between computers that doesn't require an
       Internet connection. After using this command, the USB drive can
       be connected to another computer which already has the relevant
       remote(s) configured, and Flatpak will install or update from the
       drive offline (see below). If online, the drive will be used as a
       cache, meaning some objects will be pulled from it and others
       from the Internet. For this process to work a collection ID must
       be configured on the relevant remotes on both the source and
       destination computers, and on the remote server.

       On the destination computer one can install from the USB (or any
       mounted filesystem) using the --sideload-repo option with flatpak
       install. It's also possible to configure sideload paths using
       symlinks; see flatpak(1). Flatpak also includes systemd units to
       automatically sideload from hot-plugged USB drives, but these may
       or may not be enabled depending on your Linux distribution.

       Each REF argument is a full or partial identifier in the flatpak
       ref format, which looks like "(app|runtime)/ID/ARCH/BRANCH". All
       elements except ID are optional and can be left out, including
       the slashes, so most of the time you need only specify ID. Any
       part left out will be matched against what is installed, and if
       there are multiple matches an error message will list the

       By default this looks for both installed apps and runtimes with
       the given REF, but you can limit this by using the --app or
       --runtime option.

       All REFs must be in the same installation (user, system, or
       other). Otherwise it's ambiguous which repository metadata refs
       to put on the USB drive.

       By default flatpak create-usb uses .ostree/repo as the
       destination directory under MOUNT-PATH but if you specify another
       location using --destination-repo a symbolic link will be created
       for you in .ostree/repos.d. This ensures that either way the
       repository will be found by flatpak (and other consumers of
       libostree) for install/update operations.

       Unless overridden with the --system, --user, or --installation
       options, this command searches both the system-wide installation
       and the per-user one for REF and errors out if it exists in more
       than one.

OPTIONS         top

       The following options are understood:

       -h, --help
           Show help options and exit.

       -u, --user
           Copy refs from the per-user installation.

           Copy refs from the default system-wide installation.

           Copy refs from a system-wide installation specified by NAME
           among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using
           --installation=default is equivalent to using --system.

           Assume that all REFs are apps if not explicitly specified.

           Assume that all REFs are runtimes if not explicitly

           Create the repository in DEST under MOUNT-PATH, rather than
           the default location.

           Don't print a warning when exporting partially installed
           commits, for example locale extensions without all languages.
           These can cause problems when installing them, for example if
           the language config is different on the installing side.

       -v, --verbose
           Print debug information during command processing.

           Print OSTree debug information during command processing.

EXAMPLES         top

       $ flatpak create-usb

SEE ALSO         top

       flatpak(1), flatpak remote-modify(1), flatpak-install(1),
       flatpak-list(1), ostree-create-usb(1)

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the flatpak (a tool for building and
       distributing desktop applications on Linux) project.  Information
       about the project can be found at ⟨http://flatpak.org/⟩.  It is
       not known how to report bugs for this man page; if you know,
       please send a mail to [email protected].  This page was obtained
       from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-04.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

flatpak                                            FLATPAK CREATE-USB(1)

Pages that refer to this page: flatpak(1)