pcp-atop(1) — Linux manual page


PCP-ATOP(1)              General Commands Manual             PCP-ATOP(1)

NAME         top

       pcp-atop - Advanced System and Process Monitor

SYNOPSIS         top

       Interactive Usage:

       pcp [pcp options] atop [-aABcCdDfFgGHmMnNopRsuvxyY1] [-L linelen]
       [-Plabel[,label]... [-Z]] [interval [samples]]

       Writing and reading PCP archive folios:

       pcp atop -w folio [-a] [-S] [interval [samples]]
       pcp atop -r folio [-AcCdDfFgGmMnNopRsuvxy1] [-b [yy-mm-dd] hh:mm]
       [-e yy-mm-dd] hh:mm] [-L linelen] [-Plabel[,label]... [-Z]]
       [interval [samples]]

DESCRIPTION         top

       The program pcp-atop is an interactive monitor to view various
       aspects of load on a system.  Every interval seconds (default: 10
       seconds) information is gathered about the resource occupation on
       system level of the most critical hardware resources (from a
       performance point of view), i.e. CPUs, memory, disks and network
       interfaces. Besides, information is gathered about the processes
       (or threads) that are responsible for the utilization of the
       CPUs, memory and disks.  Network load per process is shown only
       when the optional pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) metrics have been
       installed and configured.

BAR GRAPH MODE         top

       When running pcp-atop you can choose to view the system load in
       bar graph mode or in text mode.  In bar graph mode the resource
       utilization of CPUs, memory, disks and network interfaces is
       shown via (character-based) bar graphs, but only on system level.
       When you want to view more detailed information on system level
       or when you want to view the resource consumption on process or
       thread level, you can switch to text mode by pressing the 'B'
       key. Alternatively, you can use the 'B' key (again) to switch
       from text mode to bar graph mode.
       By default, pcp-atop starts in text mode unless the -B flag is
       used or unless 'B' has been configured as a default flag in the
       .atoprc file (for further information about default flags, refer
       to the pcp-atoprc(5) man page).

       In bar graph mode the terminal will be subdivided into four
       character-based windows, i.e. one window for each hardware

            The first bar shows the average busy percentage of all CPUs
            with the bar label 'Avg' (might be abbreviated to 'Av' or
            even just 'A').  The subsequent bars show the busy
            percentages of single CPUs.
            When there is not enough horizontal space to show all CPUs,
            only the most busy CPUs per sample will be shown after the
            width of each bar has been reduced to a minimum.

            By default, the categories of CPU consumption are shown by
            different colors in the bars, marked with a character 'S'
            (system mode), 'U' (user mode), 'I' (interrupt handling),
            's' (steal) and 'G' (guest, i.e. consumed by virtual
            The top of the bar might consist of an unmarked color
            representing a 'neutral' category. Suppose that the scale
            unit is 5% per line and the total busy percentage is 54%
            consisting of two categories of 27%.  The two categories
            will be rounded to 25% (5 lines of 5% each) but the total
            busy percentage will be rounded to 55% (11 lines of 5%).
            Then the top line will represent a 'neutral' category.
            By pressing the 'H' key or by starting pcp-atop with the -H
            flag, no categories are shown.

            A red line is drawn in the bar graph as critical threshold.
            By default this value is 90% and can be modified by the
            'cpucritperc' option in the configuration file (see separate
            pcp-atoprc(5) man page).  When this value is set to zero, no
            threshold line will be drawn.

       Memory and swap space
            Memory is presented as a column in which the specific
            categories of memory consumption are shown. These categories
            are (code, data and  stack of) processes/kernel, slab caches
            (i.e. dynamically allocated kernel memory), shared memory,
            tmpfs, static huge pages, page cache and free memory.
            Swap space (if present) is also presented as a column in
            which the categories processes/tmpfs, shared memory and free
            space are shown.

            At the right side memory-related event counters are shown.
            The bottom three counters are colored green when there is no
            memory pressure.  When considerable activity is noticed such
            counter might be colored orange and with high activity red.
            When memory pressure starts, usually memory page scanning
            will be activated first. When pressure increases, memory
            pages of processes might be swapped out to swap space (if
            The 'oomkills' counter (Out Of Memory killing) is most
            serious: it reflects the number of processes that are killed
            due to lack of memory (and swap). Therefore this counter
            shows the absolute number (not per second) of processes
            being killed during the last interval and will immediately
            be colored red when it is 1 or more.  Besides, after pcp-
            atop has noticed OOM killing the 'oomkills' counter remains
            orange for the next 15 minutes, just in case that you have
            missed the OOM killing event itself.
            When there is enough vertical space in the memory window,
            event counters are shown about the number of memory pages
            being swapped in, the number of memory pages paged out to
            block devices and the number of memory pages paged in from
            block devices.

            Memory and swap space consumption will preferably be shown
            in a character-based window that vertically uses the entire
            screen for optimal granularity. However, when there are a
            lot of disks and/or network interfaces the memory and swap
            space consumption will be shown in a character-based window
            that only uses the upper half of the screen.

            For each disk the busy percentage is shown as a bar.
            When there is not enough horizontal space to show all disks,
            only the most busy disks per sample will be shown.

            By default, categories of disk consumption are shown by
            different colors in the bars, marked with a character 'R'
            (read) and 'W' (write).
            The top of the bar might consist of an unmarked color
            representing a 'neutral' category. Suppose that the scale
            unit is 5% per line and the total busy percentage is 54%
            consisting of two categories of 27%.  The two categories
            will be rounded to 25% (5 lines of 5% each) but the total
            busy percentage will be rounded to 55% (11 lines of 5%).
            Then the top line will represent a 'neutral' category.
            By pressing the 'H' key or by starting pcp-atop with the -H
            flag, no categories are shown.

            A red line is drawn in the bar graph as critical threshold.
            By default this value is 90% and can be modified by the
            'dskcritperc' option in the configuration file (see separate
            atoprc man page). When this value is set to zero, no
            threshold line will be drawn.

            For each non-virtual network interface a double bar graph is
            shown with a dedicated scale that reflects the traffic rate.
            One of the bars shows the transmit rate ('TX') and the other
            bar the receive rate ('RX').  The traffic scale of each
            network interface remains at its highest level.  All
            interface scales can be reset during the measurement by
            pressing the 'L' key.

            Most often the real speed (maximum bandwidth) of network
            interfaces is not known, e.g. in case of the network
            interfaces of virtual machines.  Therefore it is not
            possible to show the interface utilization as a percentage.
            However, when the real speed of an interface is known it
            will be shown underneath the concerning bar graph.

            When there is not enough horizontal space to show all
            network interfaces, only the most busy interfaces per sample
            will be shown.

       Usually the bar graphs will not be sorted on busy percentage when
       there is enough horizontal space. However, after switching from
       text mode to bar graph mode the bar graphs might have been sorted
       because this was needed for the presentation in text mode. The
       next interval in bar graph mode shows the bars unsorted again
       unless the window width is insufficient for all bars.

       The remaining part of this manual page mainly describes the
       information shown in text mode.  When certain descriptions also
       apply to bar graph mode it will be mentioned explicitly.


       The initial screen in text mode shows if pcp-atop runs with
       restricted view (unprivileged user) or unrestricted view
       (privileged user).  In case of restricted view pcp-atop does not
       have the privileges (root identity or necessary capabilities) to
       retrieve all counter values on system level and on process level.
       does not have the privileges (no root identity nor the necessary
       capabilities) to retrieve all counter values on system level and
       on process level.

       With every interval information is shown about the resource
       occupation on system level (CPU, memory, disks and network
       layers), followed by a list of processes which have been active
       during the last interval.  Notice that all processes that were
       unchanged during the last interval re not shown, unless the key
       'a' has been pressed or unless sorting on memory occupation is
       done (then inactive processes are relevant as well).  If the list
       of active processes does not entirely fit on the screen, only the
       top of the list is shown (sorted in order of activity).
       The intervals are repeated till the number of samples (specified
       as command argument) is reached, or till the key 'q' is pressed
       in interactive mode.

       When invoked via the pcp(1) command, the PCPIntro(1) options
       -A/--align, -a/--archive, -h/--host, -O/--origin, -S/--start,
       -s/--samples, -T/--finish, -t/--interval, -v/--version,
       -z/--hostzone and -z/--timezone become indirectly available.
       Additionally, the --hotproc option can be used to request the
       per-process PCP metrics be used instead of the default proc
       metrics from pmdaproc(1).

       When pcp-atop is started, it checks whether the standard output
       channel is connected to a screen, or to a file/pipe.  In the
       first case it produces screen control codes (via the ncurses li‐
       brary) and behaves interactively; in the second case it produces
       flat text output.

       In interactive mode, the output of pcp-atop scales dynamically to
       the current dimensions of the screen/window.
       If the window is resized horizontally, columns will be added or
       removed automatically. For this purpose, every column has a par‐
       ticular weight.  The columns with the highest weights that fit
       within the current width will be shown.
       If the window is resized vertically, lines of the process/thread
       list will be added or removed automatically.

       In interactive mode the output of pcp-atop can be controlled by
       pressing particular keys.  However it is also possible to specify
       such key as flag on the command line.  In that case pcp-atop
       switches to the indicated mode on beforehand.  This mode can be
       modified again interactively.  Specifying such key as flag is es‐
       pecially useful when running pcp-atop with output to a pipe or
       file (non-interactively).  These flags are the same as the keys
       that can be pressed in interactive mode (see section INTERACTIVE
       Additional flags are available to support storage of pcp-atop da‐
       ta in PCP archive format (see section PCP DATA STORAGE).

COLORS         top

       For the resource consumption on system level, pcp-atop uses col‐
       ors in text mode to indicate that a critical occupation percent‐
       age has been (almost) reached.  A critical occupation percentage
       means that is likely that this load causes a noticeable negative
       performance influence for applications using this resource.  The
       critical percentage depends on the type of resource: e.g. the
       performance influence of a disk with a busy percentage of 80%
       might be more noticeable for applications/users than a CPU with a
       busy percentage of 90%.
       Currently pcp-atop uses the following default values to calculate
       a weighted percentage per resource:

            A busy percentage of 90% or higher is considered 'critical'
            (also in bar graph mode).

            A busy percentage of 90% or higher is considered 'critical'.

            A busy percentage of 90% or higher for the load of an inter‐
            face is considered 'critical'.

            An occupation percentage of 90% is considered 'critical'.
            Notice that this occupation percentage is the accumulated
            memory consumption of the kernel (including slab) and all
            processes. The memory for the page cache ('cache' and 'buff'
            in the MEM-line) and the reclaimable part of the slab
            ('slrec') is not implied!
            If the number of pages swapped out ('swout' in the PAG-line)
            is larger than 10 per second, the memory resource is consid‐
            ered 'critical'.  A value of at least 1 per second is con‐
            sidered 'almost critical'.
            If the committed virtual memory exceeds the limit ('vmcom'
            and 'vmlim' in the SWP-line), the SWP-line is colored due to
            overcommitting the system.

            An occupation percentage of 80% is considered 'critical' be‐
            cause swap space might be completely exhausted in the near
            future.  It is not critical from a performance point-of-

       These default values can be modified in the configuration file
       (see separate pcp-atoprc(5) man page).

       When a resource exceeds its critical occupation percentage, the
       concerning values in the screen line are colored red by default.
       When a resource exceeds (by default) 80% of its critical percent‐
       age (so it is almost critical), the concerning values in the
       screen line are colored cyan by default.  This 'almost critical
       percentage' (one value for all resources) can be modified in the
       configuration file (see separate pcp-atoprc(5) man page).
       The default colors red and cyan can be modified in the configura‐
       tion file as well (see separate man-page of pcp-atoprc(5)).

       With the key 'x' (or flag -x), the use of colors can be sup‐
       pressed in text mode.  The use of colors is however mandatory in
       case of bar graph mode.


       Per-process and per-thread network activity can be measured by
       the netatop BPF module that can be separately installed with
       pmdabpf(1).  or pmdabcc(1).
       When pcp-atop gathers counters for a new interval, it verifies if
       the eBPF module is currently active. If so, pcp-atop obtains the
       relevant network counters from this module and shows the number
       of sent and received packets per process/thread in the generic
       screen. Besides, detailed counters can be requested by pressing
       the 'n' key.


       GPU statistics can be gathered by pmdanvidia(1) which is a sepa‐
       rate data collection daemon process.  It gathers cumulative uti‐
       lization counters of every Nvidia GPU in the system, as well as
       utilization counters of every process that uses a GPU.  When pcp-
       atop notices that the daemon is active, it reads these GPU uti‐
       lization counters with every interval.

       Find a description about the utilization counters in the section


       When running pcp-atop interactively (no output redirection), keys
       can be pressed to control the output.  In general, lower case
       keys can be used to show other information for the active
       processes while certain upper case keys can be used to influence
       the sort order of the active process/thread list. Some of these
       keys can also be used to switch from bar graph mode to particular
       detailed process information in text mode.

       g    Show generic output (default).

            Per process the following fields are shown in case of a win‐
            dow-width of 80 positions: process-id, CPU consumption dur‐
            ing the last interval in system and user mode, the virtual
            and resident memory growth of the process.
            The data transfer per process for read/write on disk can on‐
            ly be shown when pcp-atop accesses metrics with root privi‐
            When the optional pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) module netatop is
            loaded, the data transfer for send/receive of network pack‐
            ets is shown for each process.
            The last columns contain the state, the occupation percent‐
            age for the chosen resource (default: CPU) and the process

            When more than 80 positions are available, other information
            is added.

       m    Show memory related output.

            Per process the following fields are shown in case of a win‐
            dow width of 80 positions: process-id, minor and major memo‐
            ry faults, size of virtual shared text, total virtual
            process size, total resident process size, virtual and resi‐
            dent growth during last interval, memory occupation percent‐
            age and process name.

            When more than 80 positions are available, other information
            is added.

            For memory consumption, always all processes are shown (also
            the processes that were not active during the interval).

       d    Show disk-related output.

            When pcp-atop runs with root privileges, the following
            fields are shown: process-id, amount of data read from disk,
            amount of data written to disk, amount of data that was
            written but has been withdrawn again (WCANCL), disk occupa‐
            tion percentage and process name.

       n    Show network related output.

            Per process the following fields are shown in case of a win‐
            dow width of 80 positions: process-id, thread-id, total
            bandwidth for received packets, total bandwidth for sent
            packets, number of received TCP packets with the average
            size per packet (in bytes), number of sent TCP packets with
            the average size per packet (in bytes), number of received
            UDP packets with the average size per packet (in bytes),
            number of sent UDP packets with the average size per packet
            (in bytes), the network occupation percentage and process
            This information can only be shown when the optional
            pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) module netatop is installed.

            When more than 80 positions are available, other information
            is added.

       s    Show scheduling characteristics.

            Per process the following fields are shown in case of a win‐
            dow width of 80 positions: process-id, number of threads in
            state 'running' (R), number of threads in state 'interrupt‐
            ible sleeping' (S), number of threads in state 'uninterrupt‐
            ible sleeping' (D), number of threads in state 'idle' (I),
            scheduling policy (normal timesharing, realtime round-robin,
            realtime fifo), nice value, priority, realtime priority,
            current processor, status, exit code, state, the occupation
            percentage for the chosen resource and the process name.

            When more than 80 positions are available, other information
            is added.

       v    Show various process characteristics.

            Per process the following fields are shown in case of a win‐
            dow width of 80 positions: process-id, user name and group,
            start date and time, status (e.g. exit code if the process
            has finished), state, the occupation percentage for the cho‐
            sen resource and the process name.

            When more than 80 positions are available, other information
            is added.

       c    Show the command line of the process.

            Per process the following fields are shown: process-id, the
            occupation percentage for the chosen resource and the com‐
            mand line including arguments.

       X    Show cgroup v2 information.

            Per process the following fields are shown: process-id, the
            command name, and the cgroup path name (horizontally scrol‐

       e    Show GPU utilization.

            Per process at least the following fields are shown:
            process-id, range of GPU numbers on which the process cur‐
            rently runs, GPU busy percentage on all GPUs, memory busy
            percentage (i.e. read and write accesses on memory) on all
            GPUs, memory occupation at the moment of the sample, average
            memory occupation during the sample, and GPU percentage.

            When the pmdanvidia daemon does not run with root privi‐
            leges, the GPU busy percentage and the memory busy percent‐
            age are not available on process level.  In that case, the
            GPU percentage on process level reflects the GPU memory oc‐
            cupation instead of the GPU busy percentage (which is pre‐

       o    Show the user-defined line of the process.

            In the configuration file the keyword ownprocline can be
            specified with the description of a user-defined output-
            Refer to the man-page of pcp-atoprc(5) for a detailed de‐

       y    Show the individual threads within a process (toggle).

            Single-threaded processes are still shown as one line.
            For multi-threaded processes, one line represents the
            process while additional lines show the activity per indi‐
            vidual thread (in a different color).  Depending on the op‐
            tion 'a' (all or active toggle), all threads are shown or
            only the threads that were active during the last interval.
            Depending on the option 'Y' (sort threads), the threads per
            process will be sorted on the chosen sort criterion or not.
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       Y    Sort the threads per process when combined with option 'y'

       u    Show the process activity accumulated per user.

            Per user the following fields are shown: number of processes
            active or terminated during last interval (or in total if
            combined with command 'a'), accumulated CPU consumption dur‐
            ing last interval in system and user mode, the current vir‐
            tual and resident memory space consumed by active processes
            (or all processes of the user if combined with command 'a').
            When pcp-atop access metrics with root privileges, the accu‐
            mulated read and write throughput on disk is shown.  When
            the optional pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) module 'netproc' has
            been installed, the number of receive and send network calls
            are shown.
            The last columns contain the accumulated occupation percent‐
            age for the chosen resource (default: CPU) and the user

       p    Show the process activity accumulated per program (i.e.
            process name).

            Per program the following fields are shown: number of
            processes active or terminated during last interval (or in
            total if combined with command 'a'), accumulated CPU con‐
            sumption during last interval in system and user mode, the
            current virtual and resident memory space consumed by active
            processes (or all processes of the user if combined with
            command 'a').
            When pcp-atop access metrics with root privileges, the accu‐
            mulated read and write throughput on disk is shown.  When
            the pmdabcc(1) module 'netproc' has been installed, the num‐
            ber of receive and send network calls are shown.
            The last columns contain the accumulated occupation percent‐
            age for the chosen resource (default: CPU) and the program

       j    Show the process activity accumulated per container/pod.

            Per container (e.g. Docker/Podman) or pod (e.g. Kubernetes)
            the following fields are shown: number of processes active
            or terminated during last interval (or in total if combined
            with command 'a'), accumulated CPU consumption during last
            interval in system and user mode, the current virtual and
            resident memory space consumed by active processes (or all
            processes of the user if combined with command 'a').
            When pcp-atop access metrics with root privileges, the accu‐
            mulated read and write throughput on disk is shown.  When
            the pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) module 'netproc' has been in‐
            stalled, the number of receive and send network calls are
            The last columns contain the accumulated occupation percent‐
            age for the chosen resource (default: CPU) and the contain‐
            er/pod name (CID/POD).

       C    Sort the current list in the order of CPU consumption (de‐
            fault).  The one-but-last column changes to 'CPU'.

       E    Sort the current list in the order of GPU utilization (pre‐
            ferred, but only applicable when the pmdanvidia daemon runs
            under root privileges) or the order of GPU memory occupa‐
            tion).  The one-but-last column changes to 'GPU'.

       M    Sort the current list in the order of resident memory con‐
            sumption.  The one-but-last column changes to 'MEM'.  In
            case of sorting on memory, the full process list will be
            shown (not only the active processes).

       D    Sort the current list in the order of disk accesses issued.
            The one-but-last column changes to 'DSK'.

       N    Sort the current list in the order of network bandwidth (re‐
            ceived and transmitted).  The one-but-last column changes to

       A    Sort the current list automatically in the order of the most
            busy system resource during this interval.  The one-but-last
            column shows either 'ACPU', 'AMEM', 'ADSK' or 'ANET' (the
            preceding 'A' indicates automatic sorting-order).  The most
            busy resource is determined by comparing the weighted busy-
            percentages of the system resources, as described earlier in
            the section COLORS.
            This option remains valid until another sorting-order is ex‐
            plicitly selected again.
            A sorting order for disk is only possible when pcp-atop runs
            with root privileges.  A sorting-order for network is only
            possible when the pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) module 'netproc'
            has been installed.

       Miscellaneous interactive commands:

       ?    Request for help information (also the key 'h' can be

       V    Request for version information (version number and date).

       R    Gather and calculate the proportional set size of processes
            (toggle).  Gathering of all values that are needed to calcu‐
            late the PSIZE of a process is a very time-consuming task,
            so this key should only be active when analyzing the resi‐
            dent memory consumption of processes.

       W    Get the WCHAN per thread (toggle).  Gathering of the WCHAN
            string per thread is a relatively time-consuming task, so
            this key should only be made active when analyzing the rea‐
            son for threads to be in sleep state.

       x    Suppress colors to highlight critical resources (toggle).
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       z    The pause key can be used to freeze the current situation in
            order to investigate the output on the screen.  While pcp-
            atop is paused, the keys described above can be pressed to
            show other information about the current list of processes.
            Whenever the pause key is pressed again, pcp-atop will con‐
            tinue with the next sample.
            The pause key can be used in text mode and bar graph mode.

       i    Modify the interval timer (default: 10 seconds).  If an in‐
            terval timer of 0 is entered, the interval timer is switched
            off.  In that case a new sample can only be triggered manu‐
            ally by pressing the key 't'.
            The interval can be modified in text mode and bar graph

       t    Trigger a new sample manually.  This key can be pressed if
            the current sample should be finished before the timer has
            exceeded, or if no timer is set at all (interval timer de‐
            fined as 0).  In the latter case pcp-atop can be used as a
            stopwatch to measure the load being caused by a particular
            application transaction, without knowing on beforehand how
            many seconds this transaction will last.
            This key can be used in text mode and bar graph mode.

            When viewing the contents of an archive folio, this key can
            be used to show the next sample from the folio.

       T    When viewing the contents of an archive folio, this key can
            be used to show the previous sample from the folio.
            This key can be used in text mode and bar graph mode.

       b    When viewing the contents of an archive folio, this key can
            be used to move to a certain timestamp within the file (ei‐
            ther forward or backward).
            This key can be used in text mode and bar graph mode.

       r    Reset all counters to zero to see the system and process ac‐
            tivity since boot again.
            This key can be used in text mode and bar graph mode.

            When viewing the contents of an archive, this key can be
            used to rewind to the beginning of the file again.

       U    Specify a search string for specific user names as a regular
            expression.  From now on, only (active) processes will be
            shown from a user which matches the regular expression.  The
            system statistics are still system wide.  If the Enter-key
            is pressed without specifying a name, (active) processes of
            all users will be shown again.
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       I    Specify a list with one or more PIDs to be selected.  From
            now on, only processes will be shown with a PID which match‐
            es one of the given list.  The system statistics are still
            system wide.  If the Enter-key is pressed without specifying
            a PID, all (active) processes will be shown again.
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       P    Specify a search string for specific process names as a reg‐
            ular expression.  From now on, only processes will be shown
            with a name which matches the regular expression.  The sys‐
            tem statistics are still system wide.  If the Enter-key is
            pressed without specifying a name, all (active) processes
            will be shown again.
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       /    Specify a specific command line search string as a regular
            expression.  From now on, only processes will be shown with
            a command line which matches the regular expression.  The
            system statistics are still system wide.  If the Enter-key
            is pressed without specifying a string, all (active)
            processes will be shown again.
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       J    Specify a container id (e.g. Docker or Podman) or pod name
            (e.g. Kubernetes) of maximum 15 characters. In case the name
            is longer, the last 15 characters are expected.  From now
            on, only processes will be shown that run in that specific
            container or pod.  The system statistics are still system
            wide.  If the Enter-key is pressed without specifying a con‐
            tainer id or pod name, all (active) processes will be shown
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       Q    Specify a comma-separated list of process state characters.
            From now on, only processes will be shown that are in those
            specific process states.  Accepted states are: R (running),
            S (sleeping), D (disk sleep), T (stopped), t (tracing stop),
            X (dead), Z (zombie) and P (parked).  The system statistics
            are still system wide.  If the Enter-key is pressed without
            specifying a state, all (active) processes will be shown
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       S    Specify search strings for specific logical volume names,
            specific disk names and specific network interface names.
            All search strings are interpreted as a regular expressions.
            From now on, only those system resources are shown that
            match the concerning regular expression.  If the Enter-key
            is pressed without specifying a search string, all (active)
            system resources of that type will be shown again.
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       a    The 'all/active' key can be used to toggle between only
            showing/accumulating the processes that were active during
            the last interval (default) or showing/accumulating all
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       G    By default, pcp-atop shows/accumulates the processes that
            are alive and the processes that are exited during the last
            interval.  With this key (toggle), showing/accumulating the
            processes that are exited can be suppressed.
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       f    Show a fixed (maximum) number of header lines for system re‐
            sources (toggle).  By default only the lines are shown about
            system resources (CPUs, paging, logical volumes, disks, net‐
            work interfaces) that really have been active during the
            last interval.  With this key you can force pcp-atop to show
            lines of inactive resources as well.
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       F    Suppress sorting of system resources (toggle).  By default
            system resources (CPUs, logical volumes, disks, network in‐
            terfaces) are sorted on utilization.
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       1    Show relevant counters as an average per second (in the for‐
            mat '..../s') instead of as a total during the interval
            Whether this key is active or not can be seen in the header

       l    Limit the number of system level lines for the counters per-
            cpu, the active disks and the network interfaces.  By de‐
            fault lines are shown of all CPUs, disks and network inter‐
            faces which have been active during the last interval.  Lim‐
            iting these lines can be useful on systems with huge number
            CPUs, disks or interfaces in order to be able to run pcp-
            atop on a screen/window with e.g. only 24 lines.
            For all mentioned resources the maximum number of lines can
            be specified interactively. When using the flag -l the maxi‐
            mum number of per-cpu lines is set to 0, the maximum number
            of disk lines to 5 and the maximum number of interface lines
            to 3.  These values can be modified again in interactive

       k    Send a signal to an active process (a.k.a. kill a process).

       q    Quit the program.
            This key can be used in text mode and bar graph mode.

       PgDn Show the next page of the process/thread list.
            With the arrow-down key the list can be scrolled downwards
            with single lines.

       ^F   Show the next page of the process/thread list (forward).
            With the arrow-down key the list can be scrolled downwards
            with single lines.

       PgUp Show the previous page of the process/thread list.
            With the arrow-up key the list can be scrolled upwards with
            single lines.

       ^B   Show the previous page of the process/thread list (back‐
            With the arrow-up key the list can be scrolled upwards with
            single lines.

       ^L   Redraw the screen.

PCP DATA STORAGE         top

       In order to store system and process level statistics for long-
       term analysis (e.g. to check the system load and the active
       processes running yesterday between 3:00 and 4:00 PM), pcp-atop
       can store the system and process level statistics in the PCP
       archive format, as an archive folio (see mkaf(1)).
       All information about processes and threads is stored in the
       The interval (default: 10 seconds) and number of samples (de‐
       fault: infinite) can be passed as last arguments.  Instead of the
       number of samples, the flag -S can be used to indicate that pcp-
       atop should finish anyhow before midnight.

       A PCP archive can be read and visualized again with the -r op‐
       tion.  The argument is a comma-separated list of names, each of
       which may be the base name of an archive or the name of a direc‐
       tory containing one or more archives.  If no argument is speci‐
       fied, the file $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/HOST/YYYYMMDD is opened for
       input (where YYYYMMDD are digits representing the current date,
       and HOST is the hostname of the machine being logged).  If a
       filename is specified in the format YYYYMMDD (representing any
       valid date), the file $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/HOST/YYYYMMDD is
       opened.  If a filename with the symbolic name y is specified,
       yesterday's daily logfile is opened (this can be repeated so
       'yyyy' indicates the logfile of four days ago).
       The samples from the file can be viewed interactively by using
       the key 't' to show the next sample, the key 'T' to show the pre‐
       vious sample, the key 'b' to branch to a particular time or the
       key 'r' to rewind to the beginning of the file.  These keys can
       be used in text mode as well as in bar graph mode.
       When output is redirected to a file or pipe, pcp-atop prints all
       samples in plain ASCII.  The default line length is 80 characters
       in that case. With the flag -L followed by an alternate line
       length, more (or less) columns will be shown.
       With the flag -b (begin time) and/or -e (end time) followed by a
       time argument of the form [YYYYMMDD]hhmm[ss], a certain time pe‐
       riod within the archive can be selected.


       The first sample shows the system level activity since boot (the
       elapsed time in the header shows the time since boot).

       In text mode, pcp-atop first shows the lines related to system
       level activity for every sample.  If a particular system resource
       has not been used during the interval, the entire line related to
       this resource is suppressed. So the number of system level lines
       may vary for each sample.
       After that a list is shown of processes which have been active
       during the last interval.  This list is by default sorted on CPU
       consumption, but this order can be changed by the keys which are
       previously described.

       If values have to be shown by pcp-atop which do not fit in the
       column width, another format is used. If e.g. a CPU consumption
       of 233216 milliseconds should be shown in a column width of 4 po‐
       sitions, it is shown as '233s' (in seconds).  For large memory
       figures, another unit is chosen if the value does not fit (Mb in‐
       stead of Kb, Gb instead of Mb, Tb instead of Gb, etcetera).  For
       other values, a kind of exponent notation is used (value
       123456789 shown in a column of 5 positions gives 123e6).


       The system level information in text mode consists of the follow‐
       ing output lines:

       PRC  Process and thread level totals.
            This line contains the total CPU time consumed in system
            mode ('sys') and in user mode ('user'), the total number of
            processes present at this moment ('#proc'), the total number
            of threads present at this moment in state 'running'
            ('#trun'), 'sleeping interruptible' ('#tslpi'), 'sleeping
            uninterruptible' ('#tslpu') and 'idle' ('#tidle'), the num‐
            ber of zombie processes ('#zombie'), the number of clone
            system calls ('clones'), and the number of processes that
            ended during the interval ('#exit') when process accounting
            is used. Instead of '#exit' the last column may indicate
            that process accounting could not be activated ('no procac‐
            If the screen width does not allow all of these counters,
            only a relevant subset is shown.

       CPU  CPU utilization.
            At least one line is shown for the total occupation of all
            CPUs together.
            In case of a multi-processor system, an additional line is
            shown for every individual processor (with 'cpu' in lower
            case), sorted on activity.  Inactive CPUs will not be shown
            by default.  The lines showing the per-cpu occupation con‐
            tain the CPU number in the field combined with the wait per‐

            Every line contains the percentage of CPU time spent in ker‐
            nel mode by all active processes ('sys'), the percentage of
            cpu time consumed in user mode ('user') for all active
            processes (including processes running with a nice value
            larger than zero), the percentage of CPU time spent for in‐
            terrupt handling ('irq') including softirq, the percentage
            of unused CPU time while no processes were waiting for disk
            I/O ('idle'), and the percentage of unused CPU time while at
            least one process was waiting for disk I/O ('wait').
            In case of per-cpu occupation, the CPU number and the wait
            percentage ('w') for that CPU.  The number of lines showing
            the per-cpu occupation can be limited.

            For virtual machines, the steal-percentage ('steal') shows
            the percentage of CPU time stolen by other virtual machines
            running on the same hardware.
            For physical machines hosting one or more virtual machines,
            the guest-percentage ('guest') shows the percentage of CPU
            time used by the virtual machines.  Notice that this per‐
            centage overlaps the user-percentage!

            When PMC performance monitoring counters are supported by
            the CPU and the kernel (and pmdaperfevent(1) runs with root
            privileges), the number of instructions per CPU cycle
            ('ipc') is shown.  The first sample always shows the value
            'initial', because the counters are just activated at the
            moment that pcp-atop is started.
            When the CPU busy percentage is high and the IPC is less
            than 1.0, it is likely that the CPU is frequently waiting
            for memory access during instruction execution (larger CPU
            caches or faster memory might be helpful to improve perfor‐
            mance).  When the CPU busy percentage is high and the IPC is
            greater than 1.0, it is likely that the CPU is instruction-
            bound (more/faster cores might be helpful to improve perfor‐
            Furthermore, per CPU the effective number of cycles ('cycl')
            is shown.  This value can reach the current CPU frequency if
            such CPU is 100% busy.  When an idle CPU is halted, the num‐
            ber of effective cycles can be (considerably) lower than the
            current frequency.
            Notice that the average instructions per cycle and number of
            cycles is shown in the CPU line for all CPUs.
            See also:

            In case of frequency scaling, all previously mentioned CPU
            percentages are relative to the used scaling of the CPU dur‐
            ing the interval.  If a CPU has been active for e.g. 50% in
            user mode during the interval while the frequency scaling of
            that CPU was 40%, only 20% of the full capacity of the CPU
            has been used in user mode.
            In case that the kernel module 'cpufreq_stats' is active
            (after issuing 'modprobe cpufreq_stats'), the average fre‐
            quency ('avgf') and the average scaling percentage
            ('avgscal') is shown. Otherwise the current frequency
            ('curf') and the current scaling percentage ('curscal') is
            shown at the moment that the sample is taken.  Notice that
            average values for frequency and scaling are shown in the
            CPU line for every CPU.
            Frequency scaling statistics are only gathered for systems
            with maximum 8 CPUs, since gathering of these values per CPU
            is very time consuming.

            If the screen-width does not allow all of these counters,
            only a relevant subset is shown.

       CPL  CPU load information.
            This line contains the load average figures reflecting the
            number of threads that are available to run on a CPU (i.e.
            part of the runqueue) or that are waiting for disk I/O.
            These figures are averaged over 1 ('avg1'), 5 ('avg5') and
            15 ('avg15') minutes.
            Furthermore the number of context switches ('csw'), the num‐
            ber of serviced interrupts ('intr') and the number of avail‐
            able CPUs are shown.

            If the screen-width does not allow all of these counters,
            only a relevant subset is shown.

       GPU  GPU utilization (Nvidia).
            Read the section GPU STATISTICS GATHERING in this document
            to find the details about the activation of the pmdanvidia

            In the first column of every line, the bus-id (last nine
            characters) and the GPU number are shown.  The subsequent
            columns show the percentage of time that one or more kernels
            were executing on the GPU ('gpubusy'), the percentage of
            time that global (device) memory was being read or written
            ('membusy'), the occupation percentage of memory ('memocc'),
            the total memory ('total'), the memory being in use at the
            moment of the sample ('used'), the average memory being in
            use during the sample time ('usavg'), the number of process‐
            es being active on the GPU at the moment of the sample
            ('#proc'), and the type of GPU.

            If the screen-width does not allow all of these counters,
            only a relevant subset is shown.
            The number of lines showing the GPUs can be limited.

       MEM  Memory occupation (two lines).
            These lines contain the total amount of physical memory
            ('tot'), the amount of memory which is currently free
            ('free'), the amount of memory that is available for new
            workloads without pushing the system into swap ('avail'),
            the amount of memory in use as page cache including the to‐
            tal resident shared memory ('cache'), the amount of memory
            within the page cache that has to be flushed to disk
            ('dirty'), the amount of memory used for filesystem meta da‐
            ta ('buff'), the amount of memory being used for kernel mal‐
            locs ('slab'), the amount of slab memory that is reclaimable
            ('slrec'), the resident size of SYSV shared memory including
            tmpfs but excluding static huge pages ('shmem'), the resi‐
            dent size of SYSV shared memory including static huge pages
            ('shrss'), the amount of SYSV shared memory that is current‐
            ly swapped ('shswp'), the amount of memory that is currently
            used for page tables ('pgtab'), the number of NUMA nodes in
            this system ('numnode'), the amount of memory that is cur‐
            rently claimed by vmware's balloon driver ('vmbal'), the
            amount of memory that is currently claimed by the ARC
            (cache) of ZFSonlinux ('zfarc'), the amount of memory for
            anonymous transparent huge pages ('anthp'), the amount of
            memory that is claimed for huge pages ('hptot'), the amount
            of huge page memory that is really in use ('hpuse'), the
            amount of memory that is used for TCP sockets ('tcps'), and
            the amount of memory that is used for UDP sockets ('udps').

            If the screen-width does not allow all of these counters,
            only a relevant subset is shown.

       SWP  Swap occupation and overcommit info.
            This line contains the total amount of swap space on disk
            ('tot') and the amount of free swap space ('free'), the size
            of the swap cache ('swcac'), the size of compressed storage
            used for zswap ('zswap'), the real (decompressed) size of
            the pages stored in zswap ('zstor'), the total size of the
            memory used for KSM ('ksuse', i.e. shared), and the total
            size of the memory saved (deduped) by KSM ('kssav', i.e.
            Furthermore the committed virtual memory space ('vmcom') and
            the maximum limit of the committed space ('vmlim', which is
            by default swap size plus 50% of memory size) is shown.  The
            committed space is the reserved virtual space for all allo‐
            cations of private memory space for processes.  The kernel
            only verifies whether the committed space exceeds the limit
            if strict overcommit handling is configured (vm.overcom‐
            mit_memory is 2).

       LLC  Last-Level Cache of CPU info.
            This line contains the total memory bandwidth of LLC
            ('tot'), the bandwidth of the local NUMA node ('loc'), and
            the percentage of LLC in use ('LLCXX YY%').

            Note that this feature depends on the 'resctrl' pseudo
            filesystem.  Be sure that the kernel is built with the rele‐
            vant config and take care that the pseudo-filesystem is

              mount -t resctrl resctrl -o mba_MBps /sys/fs/resctrl (on
              mount -t resctrl resctrl -o cdp      /sys/fs/resctrl (on

       NUM  Memory utilization per NUMA node (not shown for single NUMA
            This line shows the total amount of physical memory of this
            node ('tot'), the amount of free memory ('free'), the amount
            of memory for cached file data ('file'), modified cached
            file data ('dirty'), recently used memory ('activ'), less
            recently used memory ('inact'), memory being used for kernel
            mallocs ('slab'), the amount of slab memory that is re‐
            claimable ('slrec'), shared memory including tmpfs
            ('shmem'), total huge pages ('hptot'), used huge
            pages('hpuse'), and the fragmentation percentage ('frag').

       NUC  CPU utilization per NUMA node (not shown for single NUMA
            This line shows the utilization percentages of all CPUs re‐
            lated to this NUMA node, categorized for  system mode
            ('sys'), user mode ('user'), user mode for niced processes
            ('niced'), idle mode ('idle'), wait mode ('w' preceded by
            the node number), irq mode ('irq'), softirq mode ('sirq'),
            steal mode ('steal'), and guest mode ('guest') overlapping
            user mode.

       PAG  Paging frequency.
            This line contains the number of scanned pages ('scan') due
            to the fact that free memory drops below a particular
            threshold, the number of times that the kernel tries to re‐
            claim pages due to an urgent need ('stall'), the number of
            process stalls to run memory compaction to allocate huge
            pages ('compact'), the number of NUMA pages migrated ('nu‐
            mamig'), and the total number of memory pages migrated suc‐
            cessfully e.g. between NUMA nodes or for compaction ('mi‐
            grate') are shown.
            Also the number of memory pages the system read from block
            devices ('pgin'), the number of memory pages the system
            wrote to block devices ('pgout'), the number of memory pages
            swapped in from zswap ('zswin'), the number of memory pages
            swapped out to zswap ('zswout'), the number of memory pages
            the system read from swap space ('swin'), the number of mem‐
            ory pages the system wrote to swap space ('swout'), and the
            number of out-of-memory kills ('oomkill').

       PSI  Pressure Stall Information.
            This line contains percentages about resource pressure re‐
            lated to CPU, memory and I/O. Certain percentages refer to
            'some' meaning that some processes/threads were delayed due
            to resource overload. Other percentages refer to 'full'
            meaning a loss of overall throughput due to resource over‐
            The values 'cpusome', 'memsome', 'memfull', 'iosome' and
            'iofull' show the pressure percentage during the entire in‐
            The values 'cs' (cpu some), 'ms' (memory some), 'mf' (memory
            full), ´is' (I/O some) and 'if' (I/O full) each show three
            percentages separated by slashes: pressure percentage over
            the last 10, 60 and 300 seconds.

            Logical volume/multiple device/disk utilization.
            Per active unit one line is produced, sorted on unit activi‐
            ty.  Such line shows the name (e.g. VolGroup00-lvtmp for a
            logical volume or sda for a hard disk), the percentage of
            elapsed time during which I/O requests were issued to the
            device ('busy') (note that for devices serving requests in
            parallel, such as RAID arrays, SSD and NVMe, this number
            does not reflect their performance limits), the number of
            read requests issued ('read'), the number of write requests
            issued ('write'), the number of discard requests issued
            ('discrd') if supported by kernel version, the number of
            KiBytes per read ('KiB/r'), the number of KiBytes per write
            ('KiB/w'), the number of KiBytes per discard ('KiB/d') if
            supported by kernel version, the number of MiBytes per sec‐
            ond throughput for reads ('MBr/s'), the number of MiBytes
            per second throughput for writes ('MBw/s'), requests issued
            to the device driver but not completed ('inflt'), the aver‐
            age queue depth ('avq') and the average number of millisec‐
            onds needed by a request ('avio') for seek, latency and data
            If the screen-width does not allow all of these counters,
            only a relevant subset is shown.

            The number of lines showing the units can be limited per
            class (LVM, MDD or DSK) with the 'l' key or statically (see
            separate man-page of pcp-atoprc(5)).  By specifying the val‐
            ue 0 for a particular class, no lines will be shown any more
            for that class.

       NFM  Network Filesystem (NFS) mount at the client side.
            For each NFS-mounted filesystem, a line is shown that con‐
            tains the mounted server directory, the name of the server
            ('srv'), the total number of bytes physically read from the
            server ('read') and the total number of bytes physically
            written to the server ('write').  Data transfer is subdivid‐
            ed in the number of bytes read via normal read() system
            calls ('nread'), the number of bytes written via normal
            read() system calls ('nwrit'), the number of bytes read via
            direct I/O ('dread'), the number of bytes written via direct
            I/O ('dwrit'), the number of bytes read via memory mapped
            I/O pages ('mread'), and the number of bytes written via
            memory mapped I/O pages ('mwrit').

       NFC  Network Filesystem (NFS) client side counters.
            This line contains the number of RPC calls issues by local
            processes ('rpc'), the number of read RPC calls ('read') and
            write RPC calls ('rpwrite') issued to the NFS server, the
            number of RPC calls being retransmitted ('retxmit') and the
            number of authorization refreshes ('autref').

       NFS  Network Filesystem (NFS) server side counters.
            This line contains the number of RPC calls received from NFS
            clients ('rpc'), the number of read RPC calls received
            ('cread'), the number of write RPC calls received ('cwrit'),
            the number of Megabytes/second returned to read requests by
            clients ('MBcr/s'), the number of Megabytes/second passed in
            write requests by clients ('MBcw/s'), the number of network
            requests handled via TCP ('nettcp'), the number of network
            requests handled via UDP ('netudp'), the number of reply
            cache hits ('rchits'), the number of reply cache misses
            ('rcmiss') and the number of uncached requests ('rcnoca').
            Furthermore some error counters indicating the number of re‐
            quests with a bad format ('badfmt') or a bad authorization
            ('badaut'), and a counter indicating the number of bad
            clients ('badcln').

       NET  Network utilization (TCP/IP).
            One line is shown for activity of the transport layer (TCP
            and UDP), one line for the IP layer and one line per active
            For the transport layer, counters are shown concerning the
            number of received TCP segments including those received in
            error ('tcpi'), the number of transmitted TCP segments ex‐
            cluding those containing only retransmitted octets ('tcpo'),
            the number of UDP datagrams received ('udpi'), the number of
            UDP datagrams transmitted ('udpo'), the number of active TCP
            opens ('tcpao'), the number of passive TCP opens ('tcppo'),
            the number of TCP output retransmissions ('tcprs'), the num‐
            ber of TCP input errors ('tcpie'), the number of TCP output
            resets ('tcpor'), the number of UDP no ports ('udpnp'), the
            number of UDP input errors ('udpie'), and the number of TCP
            incorrect checksums ('csumie').
            If the screen-width does not allow all of these counters,
            only a relevant subset is shown.
            These counters are related to IPv4 and IPv6 combined.

            For the IP layer, counters are shown concerning the number
            of IP datagrams received from interfaces, including those
            received in error ('ipi'), the number of IP datagrams that
            local higher-layer protocols offered for transmission
            ('ipo'), the number of received IP datagrams which were for‐
            warded to other interfaces ('ipfrw'), the number of IP data‐
            grams which were delivered to local higher-layer protocols
            ('deliv'), the number of received ICMP datagrams ('icmpi'),
            and the number of transmitted ICMP datagrams ('icmpo').
            If the screen-width does not allow all of these counters,
            only a relevant subset is shown.
            These counters are related to IPv4 and IPv6 combined.

            For every active network interface one line is shown, sorted
            on the interface activity.  Such line shows the name of the
            interface and its busy percentage in the first column.  The
            busy percentage for half duplex is determined by comparing
            the interface speed with the number of bits transmitted and
            received per second; for full duplex the interface speed is
            compared with the highest of either the transmitted or the
            received bits.  When the interface speed can not be deter‐
            mined (e.g. for the loopback interface), '---' is shown in‐
            stead of the percentage.
            Furthermore the number of received packets ('pcki'), the
            number of transmitted packets ('pcko'), the line speed of
            the interface ('sp'), the effective amount of bits received
            per second ('si'), the effective amount of bits transmitted
            per second ('so'), the number of collisions ('coll'), the
            number of received multicast packets ('mlti'), the number of
            errors while receiving a packet ('erri'), the number of er‐
            rors while transmitting a packet ('erro'), the number of re‐
            ceived packets dropped ('drpi'), and the number of transmit‐
            ted packets dropped ('drpo').
            If the screen-width does not allow all of these counters,
            only a relevant subset is shown.
            The number of lines showing the network interfaces can be

       IFB  Infiniband utilization.
            For every active Infiniband port one line is shown, sorted
            on activity.  Such line shows the name of the port and its
            busy percentage in the first column.  The busy percentage is
            determined by taking the highest of either the transmitted
            or the received bits during the interval, multiplying that
            value by the number of lanes and comparing it against the
            maximum port speed.
            Furthermore the number of received packets divided by the
            number of lanes ('pcki'), the number of transmitted packets
            divided by the number of lanes ('pcko'), the maximum line
            speed ('sp'), the effective amount of bits received per sec‐
            ond ('si'), the effective amount of bits transmitted per
            second ('so'), and the number of lanes ('lanes').
            If the screen-width does not allow all of these counters,
            only a relevant subset is shown.
            The number of lines showing the Infiniband ports can be lim‐


       Following the system level information, a list of processes is
       shown in text mode from which the resource utilization has
       changed during the last interval.  These processes might have
       used CPU time or issued disk or network requests.  However a
       process is also shown if part of it has been paged out due to
       lack of memory (while the process itself was in sleep state).

       Per process the following fields may be shown (in alphabetical
       order), depending on the current output mode as described in the
       section INTERACTIVE COMMANDS and depending on the current width
       of your window:

       AVGRSZ   The average size of one read-action on disk.

       AVGWSZ   The average size of one write-action on disk.

       BANDWI   Total bandwidth for received TCP and UDP packets con‐
                sumed by this process (bits-per-second).  This value can
                be compared with the value 'si' on interface level (used
                bandwidth per interface).
                This information will only be shown when the optional
                pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) module 'netproc' has been in‐

       BANDWO   Total bandwidth for sent TCP and UDP packets consumed by
                this process (bits-per-second).  This value can be com‐
                pared with the value 'so' on interface level (used band‐
                width per interface).
                This information will only be shown when the optional
                pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) module 'netproc' has been in‐

       BDELAY   Aggregated block I/O delay, i.e. time waiting for disk

       CGROUP   Path name of the cgroup (version 2) to which this
                process belongs.  This path name is relative to the
                cgroup root directory, which is usually

       CID/POD  Container id (e.g. Docker or Podman) or pod name (e.g.
                Kubernetes) referring to the container/pod in which the
                process/thread is running.  When a pod name is longer
                than 15 characters, only the last 15 characters are

                If a process has been started and finished during the
                last interval, a '?' is shown because the container id
                or pod name is not part of the standard process account‐
                ing record.

                This column will only be shown when atop runs with supe‐
                ruser privileges and when at least one containerized
                process is detected.

       CMD      The name of the process.  This name can be surrounded by
                "less/greater than" signs ('<name>') which means that
                the process has finished during the last interval. A
                single accounting record is written for the entire
                process on termination of the last thread in the
                process. When the main thread exits, the process name is
                changed to the thread name.
                Behind the abbreviation 'CMD' in the header line, the
                current page number and the total number of pages of the
                process/thread list are shown.

                The full command line of the process (including argu‐
                ments). If the length of the command line exceeds the
                length of the screen line, the arrow keys -> and <- can
                be used for horizontal scroll.

                The '-z <regex>' command line option can be used to
                prepend matching environment variables to the displayed
                command line. POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax
                are used (see regex(3)). When a matching environment
                variable is too long (exceeding the buffer that should
                contain the command line), it will be truncated.
                Behind the verb 'COMMAND-LINE' in the header line, the
                current page number and the total number of pages of the
                process/thread list are shown.

       CPU      The occupation percentage of this process related to the
                available capacity for this resource on system level.

       CPUNR    The identification of the CPU the (main) thread is run‐
                ning on or has recently been running on.

       CTID     Container ID (OpenVZ).  If a process has been started
                and finished during the last interval, a '?' is shown
                because the container ID is not part of the standard
                process accounting record.

       DSK      The occupation percentage of this process related to the
                total load that is produced by all processes (i.e. total
                disk accesses by all processes during the last inter‐
                This information is shown when per process "storage ac‐
                counting" is active in the kernel.

       EGID     Effective group-id under which this process executes.

       ENDATE   Date that the process has been finished.  If the process
                is still running, this field shows 'active'.

       ENTIME   Time that the process has been finished.  If the process
                is still running, this field shows 'active'.

       ENVID    Virtual environment identified (OpenVZ only).

       EUID     Effective user-id under which this process executes.

       EXC      The exit code of a terminated process (second position
                of column 'ST' is E) or the fatal signal number (second
                position of column 'ST' is S or C).

       FSGID    Filesystem group-id under which this process executes.

       FSUID    Filesystem user-id under which this process executes.

       GPU      When the pmdanvidia daemon does not run with root privi‐
                leges, the GPU percentage reflects the GPU memory occu‐
                pation percentage (memory of all GPUs is 100%).
                When the pmdanvidia daemon runs with root privileges,
                the GPU percentage reflects the GPU busy percentage.

       GPUBUSY  Busy percentage on all GPUs (one GPU is 100%).
                When the pmdanvidia daemon does not run with root privi‐
                leges, this value is not available.

       GPUNUMS  Comma-separated list of GPUs used by the process during
                the interval.  When the comma-separated list exceeds the
                width of the column, a hexadecimal value is shown.

       LOCKSZ   The virtual amount of memory being locked (i.e. non-
                swappable) by this process (or user).

       MAJFLT   The number of page faults issued by this process that
                have been solved by creating/loading the requested memo‐
                ry page.

       MEM      The occupation percentage of this process related to the
                available capacity for this resource on system level.

       MEMAVG   Average memory occupation during the interval on all
                used GPUs.

       MEMBUSY  Busy percentage of memory on all GPUs (one GPU is 100%),
                i.e.  the time needed for read and write accesses on
                When the pmdanvidia daemon does not run with root privi‐
                leges, this value is not available.

       MEMNOW   Memory occupation at the moment of the sample on all
                used GPUs.

       MINFLT   The number of page faults issued by this process that
                have been solved by reclaiming the requested memory page
                from the free list of pages.

       NET      The occupation percentage of this process related to the
                total load that is produced by all processes (i.e. con‐
                sumed network bandwidth of all processes during the last
                This information will only be shown when the optional
                pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) module 'netproc' has been in‐

       NICE     The more or less static priority that can be given to a
                process on a scale from -20 (high priority) to +19 (low

       NIVCSW   Number of times the process/thread was context-switched
                involuntarily, in case that the time slice expired.

       NPROCS   The number of active and terminated processes accumulat‐
                ed for this user or program.

       NVCSW    Number of times that the process/thread was context-
                switched voluntarily in case of a blocking system call,
                e.g. to wait for an I/O operation to complete.

       PID      Process-id.

       POLI     The policies 'norm' (normal, which is SCHED_OTHER),
                'btch' (batch) and 'idle' refer to timesharing process‐
                es.  The policies 'fifo' (SCHED_FIFO) and 'rr' (round
                robin, which is SCHED_RR) refer to realtime processes.

       PPID     Parent process-id.

       PRI      The process' priority ranges from 0 (highest priority)
                to 139 (lowest priority).  Priority 0 to 99 are used for
                realtime processes (fixed priority independent of their
                behavior) and priority 100 to 139 for timesharing
                processes (variable priority depending on their recent
                CPU consumption and the nice value).

       PSIZE    The proportional memory size of this process (or user).
                Every process shares resident memory with other process‐
                es.  E.g. when a particular program is started several
                times, the code pages (text) are only loaded once in
                memory and shared by all incarnations.  Also the code of
                shared libraries is shared by all processes using that
                shared library, as well as shared memory and memory-
                mapped files.  For the PSIZE calculation of a process,
                the resident memory of a process that is shared with
                other processes is divided by the number of sharers.
                This means, that every process is accounted for a pro‐
                portional part of that memory.  Accumulating the PSIZE
                values of all processes in the system gives a reliable
                impression of the total resident memory consumed by all
                Since gathering of all values that are needed to calcu‐
                late the PSIZE is a very time-consuming task, the 'R'
                key (or '-R' flag) should be active.  Gathering these
                values also requires superuser privileges (otherwise
                '?K' is shown in the output).

       RDDSK    The read data transfer issued physically on disk (so
                reading from the disk cache is not accounted for).
                Unfortunately, the kernel aggregates the data transfer
                of a process to the data transfer of its parent process
                when terminating, so you might see transfers for (par‐
                ent) processes like cron, bash or init, that are not re‐
                ally issued by them.

       RDELAY   Runqueue delay, i.e. time spent waiting on a runqueue.

       RGID     The real group-id under which the process executes.

       RGROW    The amount of resident memory that the process has grown
                during the last interval.  A resident growth can be
                caused by touching memory pages which were not physical‐
                ly created/loaded before (load-on-demand).  Note that a
                resident growth can also be negative e.g. when part of
                the process is paged out due to lack of memory or when
                the process frees dynamically allocated memory.  For a
                process which started during the last interval, the res‐
                ident growth reflects the total resident size of the
                process at that moment.

       RNET     The number of TCP- and UDP packets received by this
                process.  This information will only be shown when the
                optional pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) netatop module is in‐
                If a process has finished during the last interval, no
                value is shown since network counters are not part of
                the standard process accounting record.

       RSIZE    The total resident memory usage consumed by this process
                (or user).  Notice that the RSIZE of a process includes
                all resident memory used by that process, even if cer‐
                tain memory parts are shared with other processes (see
                also the explanation of PSIZE).

       RTPR     Realtime priority according the POSIX standard.  Value
                can be 0 for a timesharing process (policy 'norm',
                'btch' or 'idle') or ranges from 1 (lowest) till 99
                (highest) for a realtime process (policy 'rr' or 'fi‐

       RUID     The real user-id under which the process executes.

       S        The current state of the (main) thread: 'R' for running
                (currently processing or in the runqueue), 'S' for
                sleeping interruptible (wait for an event to occur), 'D'
                for sleeping non-interruptible, 'Z' for zombie (waiting
                to be synchronized with its parent process), 'T' for
                stopped (suspended or traced), 'W' for swapping, and 'E'
                (exit) for processes which have finished during the last

       SGID     The saved group-id of the process.

       SNET     The number of TCP and UDP packets transmitted by this
                process.  This information will only be shown when the
                optional pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) netatop module is in‐

       ST       The status of a process.
                The first position indicates if the process has been
                started during the last interval (the value N means 'new

                The second position indicates if the process has been
                finished during the last interval.
                The value E means 'exit' on the process' own initiative;
                the exit code is displayed in the column 'EXC'.
                The value S means that the process has been terminated
                involuntarily by a signal; the signal number is dis‐
                played in the in the column 'EXC'.
                The value C means that the process has been terminated
                involuntarily by a signal, producing a core dump in its
                current directory; the signal number is displayed in the
                column 'EXC'.

       STDATE   The start date of the process.

       STTIME   The start time of the process.

       SUID     The saved user-id of the process.

       SWAPSZ   The swap space consumed by this process (or user).

       SYSCPU   CPU time consumption of this process in system mode
                (kernel mode), usually due to system call handling.

       TCPRASZ  The average size of a received TCP buffer in bytes.
                This information will only be shown when the optional
                pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) netproc module is enabled.

       TCPRCV   The number of tcp_recvmsg()/tcp_cleanup_rbuf() calls
                from this process.  This information will only be shown
                when the optional pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) netproc mod‐
                ule is enabled.

       TCPSASZ  The average size of a TCP buffer requested to be trans‐
                mitted in bytes.  This information will only be shown
                when the optional pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) netproc mod‐
                ule is enabled.

       TCPSND   The number of tcp_sendmsg() calls from this process.
                This information will only be shown when the optional
                pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) netproc module is enabled.

       THR      Total number of threads within this process.  All relat‐
                ed threads are contained in a thread group, represented
                by pcp-atop as one line or as a separate line when the
                'y' key (or -y flag) is active.

       TID      Thread-id.  All threads within a process run with the
                same PID but with a different TID.  This value is shown
                for individual threads in multi-threaded processes (when
                using the key 'y').

       TIDLE    Number of threads within this process that are in the
                state 'idle' (I), i.e. uninterruptible sleeping threads
                that do not count for the load average.

       TRUN     Number of threads within this process that are in the
                state 'running' (R).

       TSLPI    Number of threads within this process that are in the
                state 'interruptible sleeping' (S).

       TSLPU    Number of threads within this process that are in the
                state 'uninterruptible sleeping' (D).

       UDPRASZ  The average size of a received UDP buffer in bytes.
                This information will only be shown when the optional
                pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) netproc module is enabled.

       UDPRCV   The number of udp_recvmsg()/skb_consume_udp() calls from
                this process.  This information will only be shown when
                the optional pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) netproc module is

       UDPSASZ  The average size of a UDP buffer requested to be trans‐
                mitted in bytes.  This information will only be shown
                when the optional pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) netproc mod‐
                ule is enabled.

       UDPSND   The number of udp_sendmsg() calls from this process.
                This information will only be shown when the optional
                pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) netproc module is enabled.

       USRCPU   CPU time consumption of this process in user mode, due
                to processing the own program text.

       VDATA    The virtual memory size of the private data used by this
                process (including heap and shared library data).

       VGROW    The amount of virtual memory that the process has grown
                during the last interval. A virtual growth can be caused
                by e.g. issuing a malloc() or attaching a shared memory
                segment. Note that a virtual growth can also be negative
                by e.g. issuing a free() or detaching a shared memory
                segment.  For a process which started during the last
                interval, the virtual growth reflects the total virtual
                size of the process at that moment.

       VPID     Virtual process-id (within an OpenVZ container).  If a
                process has been started and finished during the last
                interval, a '?' is shown because the virtual process-id
                is not part of the standard process accounting record.

       VSIZE    The total virtual memory usage consumed by this process
                (or user).

       VSLIBS   The virtual memory size of the (shared) text of all
                shared libraries used by this process.

       VSTACK   The virtual memory size of the (private) stack used by
                this process

       VSTEXT   The virtual memory size of the (shared) text of the exe‐
                cutable program.

       WCHAN    Wait channel of thread in sleep state, i.e. the name of
                the kernel function in which the thread has been put
                Since determining the name string of the kernel function
                is a relatively time-consuming task, the 'W' key (or
                '-W' flag) should be active.

       WRDSK    The write data transfer issued physically on disk (so
                writing to the disk cache is not accounted for).  This
                counter is maintained for the application process that
                writes its data to the cache (assuming that this data is
                physically transferred to disk later on).  Notice that
                disk I/O needed for swapping is not taken into account.
                Unfortunately, the kernel aggregates the data transfer
                of a process to the data transfer of its parent process
                when terminating, so you might see transfers for (par‐
                ent) processes like cron, bash or init, that are not re‐
                ally issued by them.

       WCANCL   The write data transfer previously accounted for this
                process or another process that has been cancelled.
                Suppose that a process writes new data to a file and
                that data is removed again before the cache buffers have
                been flushed to disk.  Then the original process shows
                the written data as WRDSK, while the process that re‐
                moves/truncates the file shows the unflushed removed da‐
                ta as WCANCL.


       With the flag -P followed by a list of one or more labels (comma-
       separated), parsable output is produced for each sample.  The la‐
       bels that can be specified for system-level statistics correspond
       to the labels (first verb of each line) that can be found in the
       interactive output: "CPU", "cpu", "CPL", "GPU", "MEM", "SWP",
       "PAG", "PSI", "LVM", "MDD", "DSK", "NFM", "NFC", "NFS", "NET",
       "IFB", "LLC", "NUM" and "NUC".
       For process-level statistics special labels are introduced: "PRG"
       (general), "PRC" (CPU), "PRE" (GPU), "PRM" (memory), "PRD" (disk,
       only if "storage accounting" is active) and "PRN" (only if the
       optional pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1) netproc module is installed).
       With the label "ALL", all system and process level statistics are

       The command and command line in the parsable output might contain
       spaces and are therefore by default surrounded by parenthesis.
       However, since a space is often used as separator between the
       fields by parsing tools, with the additional flag -Z it is possi‐
       ble to exchange the spaces in the command (line) by underscores
       and omit the parenthesis.

       For every interval all requested lines are shown whereafter pcp-
       atop shows a line just containing the label "SEP" as a separator
       before the lines for the next sample are generated.
       When a sample contains the values since boot, pcp-atop shows a
       line just containing the label "RESET" before the lines for this
       sample are generated.

       The first part of each output-line consists of the following six
       fields: label (the name of the label), host (the name of this ma‐
       chine), epoch (the time of this interval as number of seconds
       since 1-1-1970), date (date of this interval in format
       YYYY/MM/DD), time (time of this interval in format HH:MM:SS), and
       interval (number of seconds elapsed for this interval).

       The subsequent fields of each output-line depend on the label:

       CPU      Subsequent fields: total number of clock-ticks per sec‐
                ond for this machine, number of processors, consumption
                for all CPUs in system mode (clock-ticks), consumption
                for all CPUs in user mode (clock-ticks), consumption for
                all CPUs in user mode for niced processes (clock-ticks),
                consumption for all CPUs in idle mode (clock-ticks),
                consumption for all CPUs in wait mode (clock-ticks),
                consumption for all CPUs in irq mode (clock-ticks), con‐
                sumption for all CPUs in softirq mode (clock-ticks),
                consumption for all CPUs in steal mode (clock-ticks),
                consumption for all CPUs in guest mode (clock-ticks)
                overlapping user mode, frequency of all CPUs and fre‐
                quency percentage of all CPUs.

       cpu      Subsequent fields: total number of clock-ticks per sec‐
                ond for this machine, processor-number, consumption for
                this CPU in system mode (clock-ticks), consumption for
                this CPU in user mode (clock-ticks), consumption for
                this CPU in user mode for niced processes (clock-ticks),
                consumption for this CPU in idle mode (clock-ticks),
                consumption for this CPU in wait mode (clock-ticks),
                consumption for this CPU in irq mode (clock-ticks), con‐
                sumption for this CPU in softirq mode (clock-ticks),
                consumption for this CPU in steal mode (clock-ticks),
                consumption for this CPU in guest mode (clock-ticks)
                overlapping user mode, frequency of all CPUs, frequency
                percentage of all CPUs, instructions executed by all
                CPUs and cycles for all CPUs.

       CPL      Subsequent fields: number of processors, load average
                for last minute, load average for last five minutes,
                load average for last fifteen minutes, number of con‐
                text-switches, and number of device interrupts.

       GPU      Subsequent fields: GPU number, bus-id string, type of
                GPU string, GPU busy percentage during last second (-1
                if not available), memory busy percentage during last
                second (-1 if not available), total memory size (KiB),
                used memory (KiB) at this moment, number of samples tak‐
                en during interval, cumulative GPU busy percentage dur‐
                ing the interval (to be divided by the number of samples
                for the average busy percentage, -1 if not available),
                cumulative memory busy percentage during the interval
                (to be divided by the number of samples for the average
                busy percentage, -1 if not available), and cumulative
                memory occupation during the interval (to be divided by
                the number of samples for the average occupation).

       MEM      Subsequent fields: page size for this machine (in
                bytes), size of physical memory (pages), size of free
                memory (pages), size of page cache (pages), size of
                buffer cache (pages), size of slab (pages), dirty pages
                in cache (pages), reclaimable part of slab (pages), to‐
                tal size of vmware's balloon pages (pages), total size
                of shared memory (pages), size of resident shared memory
                (pages), size of swapped shared memory (pages), smaller
                huge page size (in bytes), total size of smaller huge
                pages (huge pages), size of free smaller huge pages
                (huge pages), size of ARC (cache) of ZFSonlinux (pages),
                size of sharing pages for KSM (pages), size of shared
                pages for KSM (pages), size of memory used for TCP sock‐
                ets (pages), size of memory used for UDP sockets
                (pages), size of pagetables (pages), larger huge page
                size (in bytes), total size of larger huge pages (huge
                pages), size of free larger huge pages (huge pages),
                size of available memory (pages) for new workloads with‐
                out swapping, and size of anonymous transparent huge
                pages ('normal' pages).

       SWP      Subsequent fields: page size for this machine (in
                bytes), size of swap (pages), size of free swap (pages),
                size of swap cache (pages), size of committed space
                (pages), limit for committed space (pages), size of the
                swap cache (pages), the real (decompressed) size of the
                pages stored in zswap (pages), and the size of com‐
                pressed storage used for zswap (pages).

       LLC      Subsequent fields: LLC id, percentage of LLC in use, to‐
                tal memory bandwidth of this LLC (in bytes), and memory
                bandwidth on local NUMA node of this LLC (in bytes).

       PAG      Subsequent fields: page size for this machine (in
                bytes), number of page scans, number of allocstalls, 0
                (future use), number of swapins, number of swapouts,
                number of oomkills (-1 when counter not present), number
                of process stalls to run memory compaction, number of
                pages successfully migrated in total, number of NUMA
                pages migrated, number of pages read from block devices,
                number of pages written to block devices, number of
                swapins from zswap, and number of swapouts to zswap.

       PSI      Subsequent fields: PSI statistics present on this system
                (n or y), CPU some avg10, CPU some avg60, CPU some
                avg300, CPU some accumulated microseconds during inter‐
                val, memory some avg10, memory some avg60, memory some
                avg300, memory some accumulated microseconds during in‐
                terval, memory full avg10, memory full avg60, memory
                full avg300, memory full accumulated microseconds during
                interval, I/O some avg10, I/O some avg60, I/O some
                avg300, I/O some accumulated microseconds during inter‐
                val, I/O full avg10, I/O full avg60, I/O full avg300,
                and I/O full accumulated microseconds during interval.

                For every logical volume/multiple device/hard disk one
                line is shown.
                Subsequent fields: name, number of milliseconds spent
                for I/O, number of reads issued, number of sectors
                transferred for reads, number of writes issued, number
                of sectors transferred for write, number of discards is‐
                sued (-1 if not supported), number of sectors trans‐
                ferred for discards, number of requests currently in
                flight (not yet completed), and the average queue depth
                while the disk was busy.

       NFM      Subsequent fields: mounted NFS filesystem, total number
                of bytes read, total number of bytes written, number of
                bytes read by normal system calls, number of bytes writ‐
                ten by normal system calls, number of bytes read by di‐
                rect I/O, number of bytes written by direct I/O, number
                of pages read by memory-mapped I/O, and number of pages
                written by memory-mapped I/O.

       NFC      Subsequent fields: number of transmitted RPCs, number of
                transmitted read RPCs, number of transmitted write RPCs,
                number of RPC retransmissions, and number of authoriza‐
                tion refreshes.

       NFS      Subsequent fields: number of handled RPCs, number of re‐
                ceived read RPCs, number of received write RPCs, number
                of bytes read by clients, number of bytes written by
                clients, number of RPCs with bad format, number of RPCs
                with bad authorization, number of RPCs from bad client,
                total number of handled network requests, number of han‐
                dled network requests via TCP, number of handled network
                requests via UDP, number of handled TCP connections,
                number of hits on reply cache, number of misses on reply
                cache, and number of uncached requests.

       NET      First, one line is produced for the upper layers of the
                TCP/IP stack.
                Subsequent fields: the verb "upper", number of packets
                received by TCP, number of packets transmitted by TCP,
                number of packets received by UDP, number of packets
                transmitted by UDP, number of packets received by IP,
                number of packets transmitted by IP, number of packets
                delivered to higher layers by IP, number of packets for‐
                warded by IP, number of input errors (UDP), number of
                noport errors (UDP), number of active opens (TCP), num‐
                ber of passive opens (TCP), number of passive opens
                (TCP), number of established connections at this moment
                (TCP), number of retransmitted segments (TCP), number of
                input errors (TCP), number of output resets (TCP), and
                number of checksum errors on received packets (TCP).

                Next, one line is shown for every interface.
                Subsequent fields: name of the interface, number of
                packets received by the interface, number of bytes re‐
                ceived by the interface, number of packets transmitted
                by the interface, number of bytes transmitted by the in‐
                terface, interface speed, and duplex mode (0=half,

       IFB      Subsequent fields: name of the InfiniBand interface,
                port number, number of lanes, maximum rate (Mbps), num‐
                ber of bytes received, number of bytes transmitted, num‐
                ber of packets received, and number of packets transmit‐

       NUM      Subsequent fields: NUMA node number, page size for this
                machine (in bytes), the fragmentation percentage of this
                node, size of physical memory (pages), size of free mem‐
                ory (pages), recently (active) used memory (pages), less
                recently (inactive) used memory (pages), size of cached
                file data (pages), dirty pages in cache (pages), slab
                memory being used for kernel mallocs (pages), slab memo‐
                ry that is reclaimable (pages), shared memory including
                tmpfs (pages), total huge pages (huge pages), and free
                huge pages (huge pages).

       NUC      Subsequent fields: NUMA node number, number of proces‐
                sors for this node, consumption for node CPUs in system
                mode (clock-ticks), consumption for node CPUs in user
                mode (clock-ticks), consumption for node CPUs in user
                mode for niced processes (clock-ticks), consumption for
                node CPUs in idle mode (clock-ticks), consumption for
                node CPUs in wait mode (clock-ticks), consumption for
                node CPUs in irq mode (clock-ticks), consumption for
                node CPUs in softirq mode (clock-ticks), consumption for
                node CPUs in steal mode (clock-ticks), and consumption
                for node CPUs in guest mode (clock-ticks) overlapping
                user mode.

       PRG      For every process one line is shown.
                Subsequent fields: PID (unique ID of task), name (be‐
                tween parenthesis or underscores for spaces), state, re‐
                al uid, real gid, TGID (group number of related
                tasks/threads), total number of threads, exit code (in
                case of fatal signal: signal number + 256), start time
                (epoch), full command line (between parenthesis or un‐
                derscores for spaces), PPID, number of threads in state
                'running' (R), number of threads in state 'interruptible
                sleeping' (S), number of threads in state 'uninterrupt‐
                ible sleeping' (D), effective uid, effective gid, saved
                uid, saved gid, filesystem uid, filesystem gid, elapsed
                time of terminated process (hertz), is_process (y/n),
                OpenVZ  virtual pid (VPID), OpenVZ container id (CTID),
                container/pod name (CID/POD), indication if the task is
                newly started during this interval ('N'), cgroup v2 path
                name (between parenthesis or underscores for spaces),
                end time (epoch. or 0 if still active), and number of
                threads in state 'idle' (I).

       PRC      For every process one line is shown.
                Subsequent fields: PID, name (between parenthesis or un‐
                derscores for spaces), state, total number of clock-
                ticks per second for this machine, CPU-consumption in
                user mode (clockticks), CPU-consumption in system mode
                (clockticks), nice value, priority, realtime priority,
                scheduling policy, current CPU, sleep average, TGID
                (group number of related tasks/threads), is_process
                (y/n), runqueue delay in nanoseconds for this thread or
                for all threads (in case of process), wait channel of
                this thread (between parenthesis or underscores for
                spaces), block I/O delay (clockticks), number of volun‐
                tary context switches, and number of involuntary context

       PRE      For every process one line is shown.
                Subsequent fields: PID, name (between parenthesis or un‐
                derscores for spaces), process state, GPU state (A for
                active, E for exited, N for no GPU user), number of GPUs
                used by this process, bitlist reflecting used GPUs, GPU
                busy percentage during interval, memory busy percentage
                during interval, memory occupation (KiB) at this moment
                cumulative memory occupation (KiB) during interval, and
                number of samples taken during interval.

       PRM      For every process one line is shown.
                Subsequent fields: PID, name (between parenthesis or un‐
                derscores for spaces), state, page size for this machine
                (in bytes), virtual memory size (Kbytes), resident memo‐
                ry size (Kbytes), shared text memory size (Kbytes), vir‐
                tual memory growth (Kbytes), resident memory growth
                (Kbytes), number of minor page faults, number of major
                page faults, virtual library exec size (Kbytes), virtual
                data size (Kbytes), virtual stack size (Kbytes), swap
                space used (Kbytes), TGID (group number of related
                tasks/threads), is_process (y/n), proportional set size
                (Kbytes) if in 'R' option is specified and virtually
                locked memory space (Kbytes).

       PRD      For every process one line is shown.
                Subsequent fields: PID, name (between parenthesis or un‐
                derscores for spaces), state, obsoleted kernel patch in‐
                stalled ('n'), standard io statistics used ('y' or 'n'),
                number of reads on disk, cumulative number of sectors
                read, number of writes on disk, cumulative number of
                sectors written, cancelled number of written sectors,
                TGID (group number of related tasks/threads), obsoleted
                value ('n'), and is_process (y/n).

       PRN      For every process one line is shown.
                Subsequent fields: PID, name (between parenthesis or un‐
                derscores for spaces), state, pmdabpf(1) or pmdabcc(1)
                module 'netproc' loaded ('y' or 'n'), number of
                tcp_sendmsg() calls, cumulative size of TCP buffers re‐
                quested to be transmitted, number of
                tcp_recvmsg()/tcp_cleanup_rbuf() calls, cumulative size
                of TCP buffers received, number of udp_sendmsg() calls,
                cumulative size of UDP buffers requested to be transmit‐
                ted, number of udp_recvmsg()/skb_consume_udp() calls,
                cumulative size of UDP buffers transmitted, number of
                raw packets transmitted (obsolete, always 0), number of
                raw packets received (obsolete, always 0), TGID (group
                number of related tasks/threads) and is_process (y/n).

SIGNALS         top

       By sending the SIGUSR1 signal to pcp-atop a new sample will be
       forced, even if the current timer interval has not exceeded yet.
       The behavior is similar to pressing the 't' key in an interactive

       By sending the SIGUSR2 signal to pcp-atop a final sample will be
       forced after which pcp-atop will terminate.

EXAMPLES         top

       To monitor the current system load interactively with an interval
       of (default) 10 seconds:

         pcp atop

       To monitor the system load as bar graphs with an interval of 5

         pcp atop -B 5

       Store information about the system and process activity in a PCP
       archive folio with an interval of ten minutes during an hour:

         pcp atop -w /tmp/pcp-atop 600 6

       View the contents of this file interactively:

         pcp atop -r /tmp/pcp-atop

       View the processor and disk utilization of this file in parsable

         pcp atop -PCPU,DSK -r /tmp/pcp-atop.folio

       View the contents of today's standard logfile interactively:

         pcp atop -r

       View the contents of the standard logfile of the day before yes‐
       terday interactively:

         pcp atop -r yy

       View the contents of the standard logfile of 2023, June 7 from
       02:00 PM onwards interactively:

         pcp atop -r 20230607 -b 14:00

       To monitor the system load and write it to a file (in plain
       ASCII) with an interval of one minute during half an hour with
       active processes sorted on memory consumption:

         pcp atop -M 60 30 > /log/pcp-atop.mem

NOTES         top

       pcp-atop is based on the source code of the atop(1) command from
       https://atoptool.nl , maintained by Gerlof Langeveld
       ([email protected]), and aims to be command line and
       output compatible with it as much as possible.

       Some features of pcp-atop (such as reporting on the Apache HTTP
       daemon, Infiniband, NFS client mounts, hardware event counts, GPU
       statistics and per-process TCP and UDP statistics) are only acti‐
       vated if the corresponding PCP metrics are available. Refer to
       the documentation for pmdaapache(1), pmdainfiniband(1),
       pmdanfsclient(1), pmdanvidia(1), pmdaperfevent(1) pmdabcc(1) and
       pmdabpf(1) for further details on activating these metrics.

       The semantics of the per-process network statistics deviate
       slightly from the atop(1) tool: instead of the number of TCP/UDP
       packets sent/received (which may be inaccurate due to TCP segmen‐
       tation offload), pcp-atop shows the number of
       tcp_sendmsg()/udp_sendmsg()/etc. kernel calls per process.

FILES         top

            Configuration file containing system-wide default values.
            For further information about the default values, refer to
            the pcp-atoprc(5) man page).

            Configuration file containing personal default values.  For
            further information about the default values, refer to the
            pcp-atoprc(5) man page).


       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameter‐
       ize the file and directory names used by PCP.  On each installa‐
       tion, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values for these
       variables.  The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to specify an al‐
       ternative configuration file, as described in pcp.conf(5).

       For environment variables affecting PCP tools, see

SEE ALSO         top

       PCPIntro(1), pcp(1), pcp-atopsar(1), pmdaapache(1), pmdabcc(1),
       pmdabpf(1), pmdainfiniband(1), pmdanfsclient(1), pmdanvidia(1),
       pmdaproc(1), mkaf(1), pmlogger(1), pmlogger_daily(1) and

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) project.  In‐
       formation about the project can be found at ⟨http://www.pcp.io/⟩.
       If you have a bug report for this manual page, send it to
       [email protected].  This page was obtained from the project's
       upstream Git repository
       ⟨https://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp.git⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-14.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

Performance Co-Pilot               PCP                       PCP-ATOP(1)

Pages that refer to this page: pcp-atopsar(1)pmafm(1)pmdanvidia(1)pmrep(1)pcp-atoprc(5)