pcp-atopsar(1) — Linux manual page


PCP-ATOPSAR(1)           General Commands Manual          PCP-ATOPSAR(1)

NAME         top

       pcp-atopsar - Advanced System Activity Report (pcp-atop related)

SYNOPSIS         top

       pcp [pcp options] atopsar [atop options] [-r file|date] [-h host]
       [-R cnt] [-b [YYYMMDD]hh:mm[ss]] [-e [YYYMMDD]hh:mm[ss]]
       pcp [pcp options] atopsar [atop options] interval [samples]

DESCRIPTION         top

       The pcp-atopsar program can be used to report statistics at the
       system level.

       In the first synopsis line (no sampling interval specified), pcp-
       atopsar extracts data from a raw logfile that has been recorded
       previously by pmlogger(1) (or via the -w option of the pcp-atop
       You can specify the name of the logfile with the -r option of the
       pcp-atopsar program.  When a pmlogger daily logfile is used,
       named $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/[host]/YYYYMMDD (where YYYYMMDD
       reflects the date), the required date of the form YYYYMMDD can be
       specified with the -r option instead of the filename, or the
       symbolic name 'y' can be used for yesterday's daily logfile (this
       can be repeated so 'yyyy' indicates the logfile of four days
       ago).  If the -r option is not specified at all, today's daily
       logfile is used by default.
       By default, the hostname of the localhost will be used when
       resolving pmlogger archives, however an alternative host can be
       specified using the -h option.
       The starting and ending times of the report can be defined using
       the options -b and -e followed by a time argument of the form

       In the second synopsis line, pcp-atopsar reads actual activity
       counters from the kernel with the specified interval (in seconds)
       and the specified number of samples (optionally).  When pcp-
       atopsar is activated in this way it immediately sends the output
       for every requested report to standard output.  If only one type
       of report is requested, the header is printed once and after
       every interval seconds the statistical counters are shown for
       that period.  If several reports are requested, a header is
       printed per sample followed by the statistical counters for that

       When invoked via the pcp(1) command, the PCPIntro(1) options
       -h/--host, -a/--archive, -O/--origin, -s/--samples,
       -t/--interval, -Z/--timezone and several other pcp options become
       indirectly available, see PCPIntro(1) for their descriptions.

       Some generic flags can be specified to influence the behaviour of
       the pcp-atopsar program:

       -S   By default the timestamp at the beginning of a line is
            suppressed if more lines are shown for one interval. With
            this flag a timestamp is given for every output-line (easier
            for post-processing).

       -a   By default certain resources as disks and network interfaces
            are only shown when they were active during the interval.
            With this flag all resources of a given type are shown, even
            if they were inactive during the interval.

       -x   By default pcp-atopsar only uses colors if output is
            directed to a terminal (window).  These colors might
            indicate that a critical occupation percentage has been
            reached (red) or has been almost reached (cyan) for a
            particular resource.  See the man-page of atop for a
            detailed description of this feature (section COLORS).
            With the flag -x the use of colors is suppressed

       -C   By default pcp-atopsar only uses colors if output is
            directed to a terminal (window).  These colors might
            indicate that a critical occupation percentage has been
            reached (red) or has been almost reached (cyan) for a
            particular resource.  See the man-page of atop for a
            detailed description of this feature (section COLORS).
            With the flag -C colors will always be used, even if output
            is not directed to a terminal.

       -M   Use markers at the end of a line to indicate that a critical
            occupation percentage has been reached ('*') or has been
            almost reached ('+') for particular resources. The marker
            '*' is similar to the color red and the marker '+' to the
            color cyan. See the man-page of atop for a detailed
            description of these colors (section COLORS).

       -H   Repeat the header line within a report for every N detail
            lines. The value of N is determined dynamically in case of
            output to a tty/window (depending on the number of lines);
            for output to a file or pipe this value is 23.

       -R   Summarize cnt samples into one sample. When the logfile
            contains e.g. samples of 10 minutes, the use of the flag '-R
            6' shows a report with one sample for every hour.

       Other flags are used to define which reports are required:

       -A   Show all possible reports.

       -c   Report about CPU utilization (in total and per cpu).

       -g   Report about GPU utilization (per GPU).

       -p   Report about processor-related matters, like load-averages
            and hardware interrupts.

       -P   Report about processes.

       -m   Current memory- and swap-occupation.

       -s   Report about paging- and swapping-activity, and

       -B   Report about Pressure Stall Information (PSI).

       -l   Report about utilization of logical volumes.

       -f   Report about utilization of multiple devices.

       -d   Report about utilization of disks.

       -n   Report about NFS mounted filesystems on NFS client.

       -j   Report about NFS client activity.

       -J   Report about NFS server activity.

       -i   Report about the network interfaces.

       -I   Report about errors for network-interfaces.

       -w   Report about IP version 4 network traffic.

       -W   Report about errors for IP version 4 traffic.

       -y   General report about ICMP version 4 layer activity.

       -Y   Per-type report about ICMP version 4 layer activity.

       -u   Report about UDP version 4 network traffic.

       -z   Report about IP version 6 network traffic.

       -Z   Report about errors for IP version 6 traffic.

       -k   General report about ICMP version 6 layer activity.

       -K   Per-type report about ICMP version 6 layer activity.

       -U   Report about UDP version 6 network traffic.

       -t   Report about TCP network traffic.

       -T   Report about errors for TCP-traffic.

       -h   Report about Infiniband utilization.

       -O   Report about top-3 processes consuming most processor
            capacity.  This report is only available when using a log
            file (not when specifying an interval).

       -G   Report about top-3 processes consuming most resident memory.
            This report is only available when using a log file (not
            when specifying an interval).

       -D   Report about top-3 processes issuing most disk transfers.
            This report is only available when using a log file (not
            when specifying an interval).

       -N   Report about top-3 processes issuing most IPv4/IPv6 socket
            transfers.  This report is only available when using a log
            file (not when specifying an interval).


       The following additional PCP command line long options are also

            Force the initial sample to be aligned on the boundary of a
            natural time unit align.  Refer to PCPIntro(1) for a
            complete description of the syntax for align.

            Performance metric values are retrieved from the set of
            Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) archive files identified by the
            argument archive, which is a comma-separated list of names,
            each of which may be the base name of an archive or the name
            of a directory containing one or more archives.

            When reporting archived metrics, the report will be
            restricted to those records logged before or at endtime.
            Refer to PCPIntro(1) for a complete description of the
            syntax for endtime.

            Fetch performance metrics from pmcd(1) on host, rather than
            from the default localhost.

            Use the local timezone of the host that is the source of the
            performance metrics, as identified by either the --host or
            the --archive options.  The default is to use the timezone
            of the local host.

            Use the pmdaproc(1) hotproc metrics.

            Set the reporting interval to something other than the
            default 1 second.  The interval argument follows the syntax
            described in PCPIntro(1), and in the simplest form may be an
            unsigned integer (the implied units in this case are

            The samples option defines the number of samples to be
            retrieved and reported.

            When reporting archived metrics, the report will be
            restricted to those records logged at or after starttime.
            Refer to PCPIntro(1) for a complete description of the
            syntax for starttime.

            Use timezone for the date and time.  Timezone is in the
            format of the environment variable TZ as described in

            Display version number and exit.


       Depending on the requested report, a number of columns with
       output values are produced.  The values are mostly presented as a
       number of events per second.

       The output for the flag -c contains the following columns per

       usr%   Percentage of cpu-time consumed in user mode (program
              text) for all active processes running with a nice value
              of zero (default) or a negative nice value (which means a
              higher priority than usual).  The cpu consumption in user
              mode of processes with a nice value larger than zero
              (lower priority) is indicated in the nice%-column.

       nice%  Percentage of cpu time consumed in user mode (i.e. program
              text) for all processes running witn a nice value larger
              than zero (which means with a lower priority than

       sys%   Percentage of cpu time consumed in system mode (kernel
              text) for all active processes. A high percentage usually
              indicates a lot of system calls being issued.

       irq%   Percentage of cpu time consumed for handling of device

              Percentage of cpu time consumed for soft interrupt

       steal% Percentage of cpu time stolen by other virtual machines
              running on the same hardware.

       guest% Percentage of cpu time used by other virtual machines
              running on the same hardware (overlaps with usr%/nice%).

       wait%  Percentage of unused cpu time while at least one of the
              processes in wait-state awaits completion of disk I/O.

       idle%  Percentage of unused cpu time because all processes are in
              a wait-state but not waiting for disk-I/O.

       The output for the flag -g contains the following columns per

              GPU number and bus-ID (separated by '/').

              GPU busy percentage during interval.

              GPU memory busy percentage during interval, i.e. time to
              issue read and write accesses on memory.

       memocc Percentage of memory occupation at this moment.

       memtot Total memory available.

       memuse Used GPU memory at this moment.

              Type of GPU.

       The output for the flag -p contains the following values:

              Number of process switches (also called context switches)
              per second on this cpu. A process switch occurs at the
              moment that an active thread (i.e.  the thread using a
              cpu) enters a wait state or has used its time slice
              completely; another thread will then be chosen to use the

              Number of hardware interrupts handled per second on this

              The number of new threads started per second.

              Load average reflecting the average number of threads in
              the runqueue or in non-interruptible wait state (usually
              waiting for disk or tape I/O) during the last minute.

              Load average reflecting the average number of threads in
              the runqueue or in non-interruptible wait state (usually
              waiting for disk or tape I/O) during the last 5 minutes.

              Load average reflecting the average number of threads in
              the runqueue or in non-interruptible wait state (usually
              waiting for disk or tape I/O) during the last 15 minutes.

       The output for the flag -P contains information about the
       processes and threads:

              The number of new threads started per second.


              Total number of processes present in the system.

              Number of zombie processes present in the system.

       trun   Total number of threads present in the system in state

       tslpi  Total number of threads present in the system in state
              'interruptible sleeping'.

       tslpu  Total number of threads present in the system in state
              'uninterruptible sleeping'.

       tidle  Total number of threads present in the system in state
              'idle' (uninterruptible sleeping but not counted in the
              load average).

       The output for the flag -m contains information about the memory-
       and swap-utilization:

              Total usable main memory size.

              Available main memory size at this moment (snapshot).

              Main memory used at this moment to cache metadata-blocks

       cached Main memory used at this moment to cache data-blocks

       dirty  Amount of memory in the page cache that still has to be
              flushed to disk at this moment (snapshot).

              Main memory used at this moment for dynamically allocated
              memory by the kernel (snapshot).

              Total swap space size at this moment (snapshot).

              Available swap space at this moment (snapshot).

       The output for the flag -s contains information about the
       frequency of swapping:

              Number of scanned pages per second due to the fact that
              free memory drops below a particular threshold.

              The number of memory-pages the system read from the swap-
              device per second.

              The number of memory-pages the system wrote to the swap-
              device per second.

              The number of processes being killed during the last
              interval due to lack of memory/swap. The value -1 means
              that this counter is not supported by the current kernel

              The committed virtual memory space i.e.  the reserved
              virtual space for all allocations of private memory space
              for processes.

              The maximum limit for the committed space, which is by
              default swap size plus 50% of memory size.  The kernel
              only verifies whether the committed space exceeds the
              limit if strict overcommit handling is configured
              (vm.overcommit_memory is 2).

       The output for the flag -B contains the Pressure Stall
       Information (PSI):

              Average pressure percentage during the interval for the
              category 'CPU some'.

              Average pressure percentage during the interval for the
              category 'memory some'.

              Average pressure percentage during the interval for the
              category 'memory full'.

       iosome Average pressure percentage during the interval for the
              category 'I/O some'.

       iofull Average pressure percentage during the interval for the
              category 'I/O full'.

       The output for the flags -l (LVM), -f (MD), and -d (hard disk)
       contains the following columns per active unit:

       disk   Name.

       busy   Busy-percentage of the unit (i.e. the portion of time that
              the device was busy handling requests).

       read/s Number of read-requests issued per second on this unit.

              Average number of Kbytes transferred per read-request for
              this unit.

       writ/s Number of write-requests (including discard requests)
              issued per second on this unit.

              Average number of Kbytes transferred per write-request for
              this unit.

       avque  Average number of requests outstanding in the queue during
              the time that the unit is busy.

       avserv Average number of milliseconds needed by a request on this
              unit (seek, latency and data-transfer).

       The output for the flag -n contains information about activity on
       NFS mounted filesystems (client):

              Mounted device containing server name and server directory
              being mounted.

              Kilobytes data physically read from the NFS server by
              processes running on the NFS client.

              Kilobytes data physically written to the NFS server by
              processes running on the NFS client.
              When the NFS filesystem was mounted during the interval,
              the state 'M' is shown.

       The output for the flag -j contains information about NFS client

       rpc/s  Number of RPC calls per second issued to NFS server(s).

              Number of read RPC calls per second issued to NFS

              Number of write RPC calls per second issued to NFS

              Number of retransmitted RPC calls per second.

              Number of authorization refreshes per second.

       The output for the flag -J contains information about NFS server

       rpc/s  Number of RPC calls per second received from NFS

              Number of read RPC calls per second received from NFS

              Number of write RPC calls per second received from NFS

       MBcr/s Number of Megabytes per second returned to read requests
              by clients.

       MBcw/s Number of Megabytes per second passed in write requests by

              Number of requests per second handled via TCP.

              Number of requests per second handled via UDP.

       The output for the flag -i provides information about utilization
       of network interfaces:

       interf Name of interface.

       busy   Busy percentage for this interface.  If the linespeed of
              this interface could not be determined (e.g. for virtual
              interfaces), a question mark is shown.

              Number of packets received from this interface per second.

              Number of packets transmitted to this interface per

              Number of Kbytes received from this interface per second.

              Number of Kbytes transmitted via this interface per

              Effective number of megabits received per second.

              Effective number of megabits transmitted per second.

              Linespeed as number of megabits per second.  If the
              linespeed could not be determined (e.g. virtual
              interfaces), value 0 is shown.
              The linespeed is followed by the indication 'f' (full
              duplex) or 'h' (half duplex).

       The output for the flag -I provides information about the
       failures that were detected for network interfaces:

       interf Name of interface.

       ierr/s Number of bad packets received from this interface per

       oerr/s Number of times that packet transmission to this interface
              failed per second.

       coll/s Number of collisions encountered per second while
              transmitting packets.

              Number of received packets dropped per second due to lack
              of buffer-space in the local system.

              Number of transmitted packets dropped per second due to
              lack of buffer-space in the local system.

              Number of frame alignment-errors encountered per second on
              received packets.

              Number of carrier-errors encountered per second on
              transmitted packets.

       The output for the flag -w provides information about the
       utilization of the IPv4-layer (formal SNMP-names between

              Number of IP datagrams received from interfaces per
              second, including those received in error (ipInReceives).

              Number of IP datagrams that local higher-layer protocols
              supplied to IP in requests for transmission per second

              Number of received IP datagrams that have been
              successfully delivered to higher protocol-layers per
              second (ipInDelivers).

              Number of received IP datagrams per second for which this
              entity was not their final IP destination, as a result of
              which an attempt was made to forward (ipForwDatagrams).

              Number of IP datagrams successfully reassembled per second

              Number of IP datagram fragments generated per second at
              this entity (ipFragCreates).

       The output for the flag -W provides information about the
       failures that were detected in the IPv4-layer (formal SNMP-names
       between brackets):

       in: dsc/s
              Number of input IP datagrams per second for which no
              problems were encountered to prevent their continued
              processing but that were discarded, e.g. for lack of
              buffer space (ipInDiscards).

       in: hder/s
              Number of input IP datagrams per second discarded due to
              errors in the IP header (ipInHdrErrors).

       in: ader/s
              Number of input IP datagrams per second discarded because
              the IP address in the destination field was not valid to
              be received by this entity (ipInAddrErrors).

       in: unkp/s
              Number of inbound packets per second that were discarded
              because of an unknown or unsupported protocol

       in: ratim/s
              Number of timeout-situations per second while other
              fragments were expected for successful reassembly

       in: rfail/s
              Number of failures detected per second by the IP
              reassembly algorithm (ipReasmFails).

       out: dsc/s
              Number of output IP datagrams per second for which no
              problems were encountered to prevent their continued
              processing but that were discarded, e.g. for lack of
              buffer space (ipOutDiscards).

       out: nrt/s
              Number of IP datagrams per second discarded because no
              route could be found (ipOutNoRoutes).

       The output for the flag -y provides information about the general
       utilization of the ICMPv4-layer and some information per type of
       ICMP-message (formal SNMP-names between brackets):

              Number of ICMP messages (any type) received per second at
              this entity (icmpInMsgs).

              Number of ICMP messages (any type) transmitted per second
              from this entity (icmpOutMsgs).

              Number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received per second

              Number of ICMP Echo-Reply messages received per second

              Number of ICMP Echo (request) messages transmitted per
              second (icmpOutEchos).

              Number of ICMP Echo-Reply messages transmitted per second

       The output for the flag -Y provides information about other types
       of ICMPv4-messages (formal SNMP-names between brackets):

       ierr/s Number of ICMP messages received per second but determined
              to have ICMP-specific errors (icmpInErrors).

       isq/s  Number of ICMP Source Quench messages received per second

       ird/s  Number of ICMP Redirect messages received per second

       idu/s  Number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received
              per second (icmpInDestUnreachs).

       ite/s  Number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received per second

       oerr/s Number of ICMP messages transmitted per second but
              determined to have ICMP-specific errors (icmpOutErrors).

       osq/s  Number of ICMP Source Quench messages transmitted per
              second (icmpOutSrcQuenchs).

       ord/s  Number of ICMP Redirect messages transmitted per second

       odu/s  Number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages
              transmitted per second (icmpOutDestUnreachs).

       ote/s  Number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages transmitted per
              second (icmpOutTimeExcds).

       The output for the flag -u provides information about the
       utilization of the UDPv4-layer (formal SNMP-names between

              Number of UDP datagrams per second delivered to UDP users

              Number of UDP datagrams transmitted per second from this
              entity (udpOutDatagrams).

              Number of received UDP datagrams per second that could not
              be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an
              application at the destination port (udpInErrors).

              Number of received UDP datagrams per second for which
              there was no application at the destination port

       The output for the flag -z provides information about the
       utilization of the IPv6-layer (formal SNMP-names between

              Number of input IPv6-datagrams received from interfaces
              per second, including those received in error

              Number of IPv6-datagrams per second that local higher-
              layer protocols supplied to IP in requests for
              transmission (ipv6IfStatsOutRequests).  This counter does
              not include any forwarded datagrams.

       inmc/s Number of multicast packets per second that have been
              received by the interface (ipv6IfStatsInMcastPkts).

              Number of multicast packets per second that have been
              transmitted to the interface (ipv6IfStatsOutMcastPkts).

              Number of IP datagrams successfully delivered per second
              to IPv6 user-protocols, including ICMP

              Number of IPv6 datagrams successfully reassembled per
              second (ipv6IfStatsReasmOKs).

              Number of IPv6 datagram fragments generated per second at
              this entity (ipv6IfStatsOutFragCreates).

       The output for the flag -Z provides information about the
       failures that were detected in the IPv6-layer (formal SNMP-names
       between brackets):

       in: dsc/s
              Number of input IPv6 datagrams per second for which no
              problems were encountered to prevent their continued
              processing but that were discarded, e.g. for lack of
              buffer space (ipv6IfStatsInDiscards).

       in: hder/s
              Number of input datagrams per second discarded due to
              errors in the IPv6 header (ipv6IfStatsInHdrErrors).

       in: ader/s
              Number of input datagrams per second discarded because the
              IPv6 address in the destination field was not valid to be
              received by this entity (ipv6IfStatsInAddrErrors).

       in: unkp/s
              Number of locally-addressed datagrams per second that were
              discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol

       in: ratim/s
              Number of timeout-situations per second while other IPv6
              fragments were expected for successful reassembly

       in: rfail/s
              Number of failures detected per second by the IPv6
              reassembly-algorithm (ipv6IfStatsReasmFails).

       out: dsc/s
              Number of output IPv6 datagrams per second for which no
              problems were encountered to prevent their continued
              processing but that were discarded, e.g. for lack of
              buffer space (ipv6IfStatsOutDiscards).

       out: nrt/s
              Number of IPv6 datagrams per second discarded because no
              route could be found (ipv6IfStatsInNoRoutes).

       The output for the flag -k provides information about the general
       utilization of the ICMPv6-layer and some information per type of
       ICMP-message (formal SNMP-names between brackets):

              Number of ICMPv6 messages (any type) received per second
              at the interface (ipv6IfIcmpInMsgs).

              Number of ICMPv6 messages (any type) transmitted per
              second from this entity (ipv6IfIcmpOutMsgs).

              Number of ICMPv6 messages received per second that had
              ICMP-specific errors, such as bad ICMP checksums, bad
              length, etc (ipv6IfIcmpInErrors).

              Number of ICMP Neighbor Solicit messages received per
              second (ipv6IfIcmpInNeighborSolicits).

              Number of ICMP Neighbor Advertisement messages received
              per second (ipv6IfIcmpInNeighborAdvertisements).

              Number of ICMP Neighbor Solicit messages transmitted per
              second (ipv6IfIcmpOutNeighborSolicits).

              Number of ICMP Neighbor Advertisement messages transmitted
              per second (ipv6IfIcmpOutNeighborAdvertisements).

       The output for the flag -K provides information about other types
       of ICMPv6-messages (formal SNMP-names between brackets):

              Number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received per second

              Number of ICMP Echo-Reply messages received per second

              Number of ICMP Echo-Reply messages transmitted per second

       idu/s  Number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received
              per second (ipv6IfIcmpInDestUnreachs).

       odu/s  Number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages
              transmitted per second (ipv6IfIcmpOutDestUnreachs).

       ird/s  Number of ICMP Redirect messages received per second

       ord/s  Number of ICMP Redirect messages transmitted per second

       ite/s  Number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received per second

       ote/s  Number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages transmitted per
              second (ipv6IfIcmpOutTimeExcds).

       The output for the flag -U provides information about the
       utilization of the UDPv6-layer (formal SNMP-names between

              Number of UDPv6 datagrams per second delivered to UDP
              users (udpInDatagrams),

              Number of UDPv6 datagrams transmitted per second from this
              entity (udpOutDatagrams),

              Number of received UDPv6 datagrams per second that could
              not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an
              application at the destination port (udpInErrors).

              Number of received UDPv6 datagrams per second for which
              there was no application at the destination port

       The output for the flag -t provides information about the
       utilization of the TCP-layer (formal SNMP-names between

              Number of received segments per second, including those
              received in error (tcpInSegs).

              Number of transmitted segments per second, excluding those
              containing only retransmitted octets (tcpOutSegs).

              Number of active opens per second that have been supported
              by this entity (tcpActiveOpens).

              Number of passive opens per second that have been
              supported by this entity (tcpPassiveOpens).

              Number of connections currently open (snapshot), for which
              the state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT

       The output for the flag -T provides information about the
       failures that were detected in the TCP-layer (formal SNMP-names
       between brackets):

              Number of received segments per second received in error

              Number of retransmitted segments per second

              Number of failed connection attempts per second that have
              occurred at this entity (tcpAttemptFails).

              Number of resets per second that have occurred at this
              entity (tcpEstabResets).

              Number of transmitted segments per second containing the
              RST flag (tcpOutRsts).

       The output for the flag -h provides information about utilization
       of Infiniband ports:

              Name of controller.

       port   Controller port.

       busy   Busy percentage for this port.

              Number of packets received from this port per second.

              Number of packets transmitted to this port per second.

              Effective number of gigabits received per second.

              Effective number of gigabits transmitted per second.

              Maximum rate as number of gigabits per second.

       lanes  Number of lanes.

       The output for the flag -O provides information about the top-3
       of processes with the highest processor consumption:

       pid    Process-id (if zero, the process has exited while the pid
              could not be determined).

              The name of the process.

       cpu%   The percentage of cpu-capacity being consumed.  This value
              can exceed 100% for a multithreaded process running on a
              multiprocessor machine.

       The output for the flag -G provides information about the top-3
       of processes with the highest memory consumption:

       pid    Process-id (if zero, the process has exited while the pid
              could not be determined).

              The name of the process.

       mem%   The percentage of resident memory-utilization by this

       The output for the flag -D provides information about the top-3
       of processes that issue the most read and write accesses to disk:

       pid    Process-id (if zero, the process has exited while the pid
              could not be determined).

              The name of the process.

       dsk%   The percentage of read and write accesses related to the
              total number of read and write accesses issued on disk by
              all processes, so a high percentage does not imply a high
              disk load on system level.

       The output for the flag -N provides information about the top-3
       of processes that issue the most socket transfers for IPv4/IPv6:

       pid    Process-id (if zero, the process has exited while the pid
              could not be determined).

              The name of the process.

       net%   The percentage of socket transfers related to the total
              number of transfers issued by all processes, so a high
              percentage does not imply a high network load on system

EXAMPLES         top

       To see today's cpu-activity so far (supposed that atop is logging
       in the background):


       To see the memory occupation for June 5, 2018 between 10:00 and
       12:30 (supposed that pmlogger has been logging daily in the
       background on host acme.com):

         pcp-atopsar -m -r $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/acme.com/20180605 -b
       10:00 -e 12:30


         pcp-atopsar -m -r 20180605 -b 10:00 -e 12:30

              or, suppose it is June 8, 2018 at this moment

         pcp-atopsar -m -r yyy -b 10:00 -e 12:30

       Write a logfile with atop to record the system behaviour for 30
       minutes (30 samples of one minute) and produce all available
       reports afterwards:

         pcp-atop -w /tmp/atoplog 60 30

         pcp-atopsar -A -r /tmp/atoplog

       To watch TCP activity evolve for ten minutes (10 samples with
       sixty seconds interval):

         pcp-atopsar -t 60 10

       To watch the header-lines ('_' as last character) of all reports
       with only the detail-lines showing critical resource consumption
       (marker '*' or '+' as last character):

         pcp-atopsar -AM | grep '[_*+]$'

FILES         top

            Configuration file containing system-wide default values
            (mainly flags).  See related man-page.

            Configuration file containing personal default values
            (mainly flags).  See related man-page.

            Daily data file, where YYYYMMDD are digits representing the
            date, and HOST is the hostname of the machine being logged.


       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to
       parameterize the file and directory names used by PCP.  On each
       installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values
       for these variables.  The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to
       specify an alternative configuration file, as described in

       For environment variables affecting PCP tools, see

SEE ALSO         top

       PCPIntro(1), pcp(1), pcp-atop(1), mkaf(1), pmlogger(1),
       pmlogger_daily(1) and pcp-atoprc(5).

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨http://www.pcp.io/⟩.  If you have a bug report for this manual
       page, send it to [email protected].  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨https://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp.git⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-14.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

Performance Co-Pilot               PCP                    PCP-ATOPSAR(1)

Pages that refer to this page: pcp-atop(1)pcp-atoprc(5)