pmlogger_check(1) — Linux manual page


PMLOGGER_CHECK(1)        General Commands Manual       PMLOGGER_CHECK(1)

NAME         top

       pmlogger_check - administration of Performance Co-Pilot archive

SYNOPSIS         top

       $PCP_BINADM_DIR/pmlogger_check [-CNPpqsTV?]  [-c control] [-l

DESCRIPTION         top

       pmlogger_check and the related pmlogger_daily(1) tools along with
       associated control files (see pmlogger.control(5)) may be used to
       create a customized regime of administration and management for
       historical archives of performance data within the Performance
       Co-Pilot (see PCPIntro(1)) infrastructure.

       pmlogger_check may be run at any time of the day and is intended
       to check that a desired set of pmlogger(1) processes are running.
       If not, it (re-)starts any missing logger processes.  By default,
       pmlogger_check also calls pmlogger_daily(1) with a -K option to
       execute any required archive compression tasks.

OPTIONS         top

       -C   This option causes pmlogger_check to query the system
            service runlevel information for pmlogger, and use that to
            determine whether to start processes or not.

       -c control, --control=control
            Both pmlogger_check and pmlogger_daily(1) are controlled by
            PCP logger control file(s) that specifies the pmlogger
            instances to be managed.  The default control file is
            $PCP_PMLOGGERCONTROL_PATH but an alternate may be specified
            using the -c option.  If the directory
            $PCP_PMLOGGERCONTROL_PATH.d (or control.d from the -c
            option) exists, then the contents of any additional control
            files therein will be appended to the main control file
            (which must exist).

       -l file, --logfile=file
            In order to ensure that mail is not unintentionally sent
            when these scripts are run from cron(8) or systemd(1)
            diagnostics are always sent to log files.  By default, this
            file is $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/pmlogger_check.log but this
            can be changed using the -l option.  If this log file
            already exists when the script starts, it will be renamed
            with a .prev suffix (overwriting any log file saved earlier)
            before diagnostics are generated to the log file.  The -l
            and -t options cannot be used together.

       -N, --showme
            This option enables a ``show me'' mode, where the actions
            are echoed, but not executed, in the style of ``make -n''.
            Using -N in conjunction with -V maximizes the diagnostic
            capabilities for debugging.

       -P, --only-primary
            If this option is specified for pmlogger_check then only the
            primary logger entry in the control files will be processed.
            This is the logical opposite of the -p option described
            above and is intended for use by RC scripts that start only
            the primary logger, such as the pmlogger.service unit.  The
            -p and -P options are mutually exclusive.

       -p, --skip-primary
            If this option is specified for pmlogger_check then any line
            from the control files for the primary pmlogger will be
            ignored.  This option is intended for environments where
            some system daemon, like systemd(1), is responsible for
            controlling (starting, stopping, restarting, etc.) the
            primary pmlogger.

       -q, --quick
            If this option is specified for pmlogger_check then the
            script will ``quickstart'' avoiding any optional processing
            like calling pmlogger_daily(1) to perform archive
            compression tasks.

       -s, --stop
            Use of this option provides the reverse pmlogger_check
            functionality, allowing the set of pmlogger processes to be
            cleanly shutdown.

       -T, --terse
            This option to pmlogger_check produces less verbose output
            than the default.  This is most suitable for a pmlogger
            ``farm'' where many instances of pmlogger are expected to be

       -V, --verbose
            The -V option enables verbose tracing.  By default
            pmlogger_check generates no output unless some error or
            warning condition is encountered.  A second -V increases the
            verbosity.  Using -N in conjunction with -V maximizes the
            diagnostic capabilities for debugging.

       -?, --help
            Display usage message and exit.


       Refer to pmlogger.control(5) for a description of the control
       file(s) that are used to control which pmlogger instances and
       which archives are managed by pmlogger_check and

       The pmlogctl(1) utility may invoke pmlogger_check using the
       sudo(1) command to run it under the $PCP_USER ``pcp'' account.
       If sudo is configured with the non-default requiretty option (see
       below), pmlogger_check may fail to run due to not having a tty
       configured.  This issue can be resolved by adding a second line
       (expand $PCP_BINADM_DIR according to your platform) to the
       /etc/sudoers configuration file as follows:

            Defaults requiretty
            Defaults!$PCP_BINADM_DIR/pmlogger_check !requiretty

       Note that the unprivileged PCP account under which these commands
       run uses /sbin/nologin as the shell, so the requiretty option is
       ineffective here and safe to disable in this way.

FILES         top

            default pmlogger configuration file location for the local
            primary logger, typically generated automatically by

            default location for archives of performance information
            collected from the host hostname

            transient lock file to guarantee mutual exclusion during
            pmlogger administration for the host hostname - if present,
            can be safely removed if neither pmlogger_daily(1) nor
            pmlogger_check are running

            PCP archive folio created by mkaf(1) for the most recently
            launched archive containing performance metrics from the
            host hostname

            PCP ``notices'' file used by pmie(1) and friends

            if the previous execution of pmlogger_check produced any
            output it is saved here.  The normal case is no output in
            which case the file does not exist.

            if this directory exists, then the log file from the -l
            argument for pmlogger_check will be saved in this directory
            with the name of the format <date>-pmlogger_check.log.<pid>
            This allows the log file to be inspected at a later time,
            even if several pmlogger_check executions have been launched
            in the interim.  Because the PCP archive management tools
            run under the $PCP_USER account ``pcp'',
            $PCP_ARCHIVE_DIR/SaveLogs typically needs to be owned by the
            user ``pcp''.

             if this directory exists, then the log file from the -l
             argument of a newly launched pmlogger(1) for hostname will
             be saved in this directory with the name archive.log where
             archive is the basename of the associated pmlogger(1) PCP
             archive files.  This allows the log file to be inspected at
             a later time, even if several pmlogger(1) instances for
             hostname have been launched in the interim.  Because the
             PCP archive management tools run under the $PCP_USER
             account ``pcp'', $PCP_ARCHIVE_DIR/<hostname>/SaveLogs
             typically needs to be owned by the user ``pcp''.


       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to
       parameterize the file and directory names used by PCP.  On each
       installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values
       for these variables.  The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to
       specify an alternative configuration file, as described in

       The default behaviour, when pmlogger(1) configuration comes from
       pmlogconf(1), is to regenerate the configuration file and check
       for changes whenever pmlogger(1) is started from pmlogger_check.
       If the PMDA configuration is stable, this is not necessary, and
       setting $PMLOGGER_CHECK_SKIP_LOGCONF to yes disables the
       regeneration and checking.

SEE ALSO         top

       mkaf(1), PCPIntro(1), pmie(1), pmlc(1), pmlogconf(1),
       pmlogctl(1), pmlogger(1), pmlogger_daily(1),
       pmlogger_daily_report(1), sudo(1), systemd(1),
       pmlogger.control(5) and cron(8).

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this manual
       page, send it to [email protected].  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-14.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

Performance Co-Pilot               PCP                 PMLOGGER_CHECK(1)

Pages that refer to this page: pcpintro(1)pmfind_check(1)pmlogctl(1)pmlogdump(1)pmlogextract(1)pmlogger(1)pmlogger_daily(1)pmloglabel(1)pmsnap(1)LOGARCHIVE(5)pmlogger.control(5)