pmfind_check(1) — Linux manual page


PMFIND_CHECK(1)          General Commands Manual         PMFIND_CHECK(1)

NAME         top

       pmfind_check - administration of Performance Co-Pilot discovery

SYNOPSIS         top

       $PCP_BINADM_DIR/pmfind_check [-CNV?]  [-l logfile]

DESCRIPTION         top

       This shell script is used to integrate the Performance Co-Pilot
       (see PCPIntro(1)) collector service discovery mechanisms with
       pmie(1) and pmlogger(1) service administration, such that
       multiple collector hosts can be monitored from a single
       centralized host.  It is important to note that the pmfind
       service is tightly integrated with the pmie and pmlogger
       services, and these must also be enabled if the services are to
       be started for each collector system that pmfind discovers.

       pmfind_check is designed to be enabled via a service management
       daemon such as systemd(1) on Linux.  It is run from a system
       timer (either by systemd or by cron on other systems).  Once per
       timer interval pmfind attempts discovery of PCP collector
       systems.  For each unique system found pmfind_check creates
       pmie_check and pmlogger_check control file entries, such that
       these latter process can manage one pmie and pmlogger service for
       each discovered collector system.

       When run through systemd these processes will be launched
       immediately because systemd monitors the service control files
       for changes.  With systemd one may also initiate an immediate
       service discovery with pmfind and pmfind_check by modifying the
       $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmfind directory in any way.

       When run from cron the next (also timer-based) invocation of
       pmie_check or pmlogger_check will start and manage the associated
       pmie and pmlogger processes.

       The control file entries created by pmfind_check follow the
       convention of individual files for each collector host.  The
       files are named using the (unique) source identifier that pmfind
       calculates.  This identifier is a hash calculated based on (non-
       optional) context labels available from every collector host, and
       is the same source identifier reported and used by pminfo(1) and

OPTIONS         top

       The available command line options are:

       -C, --containers
            This option causes pmfind_check to query each discovered
            collector system for running containers as well, which will
            then be individually monitored.

       -l file, --logfile=file
            In order to ensure that mail is not unintentionally sent
            when these scripts are run from cron(8) diagnostics are
            always sent to log files.  By default, this file is
            $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmfind/pmfind_check.log but this can be changed
            using the -l option.  If this log file already exists when
            the script starts, it will be renamed with a .prev suffix
            (overwriting any log file saved earlier) before diagnostics
            are generated to the new log file.

       -N, --showme
            This option enables a ``show me'' mode, where the programs
            actions are echoed, but not executed, in the style of ``make
            -n''.  Using -N in conjunction with -V maximizes the
            diagnostic capabilities for debugging.

       -V, --verbose
            The output from the cron execution of the scripts may be
            extended using the -V option to the scripts which will
            enable verbose tracing of their activity.  By default the
            scripts generate no output unless some error or warning
            condition is encountered.  Using -N in conjunction with -V
            maximizes the diagnostic capabilities for debugging.

       -?, --help
            Display usage message and exit.


       The command line options passed to pmie and pmlogger can be
       customized via the $PCP_SYSCONFIG_DIR/pmfind configuration file.

       Refer to the pmie_check and pmlogger_check manual pages for
       details of the control file format generated by pmfind_check.

       By default, each collector system pmie logfile will be created in
       $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmie/source and pmlogger archives will be created
       below $PCP_ARCHIVE_DIR/source.  This is consistent with the way
       pmie(1) and pmlogger(1) maintain their activity logs and archive

       Typical crontab(5) entries for periodic execution of pmfind_check
       are given in $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pmfind/crontab (unless installed by
       default in /etc/cron.d already) and shown below.

       # every minute, discover remote PCP services
       *       *       *       *       *       $PCP_BINADM_DIR/pmfind_check
       When using systemd(1) on Linux, no crontab entries are needed as
       the timer and path mechanisms provided by systemd are used

FILES         top

            PCP inference engine control files for each discovered
            metric source, typically one per host or container.
            Warning: this files herein must not be writable by any user
            other than root.

            PCP logger control files for each discovered metric source,
            typically one per host or container.
            Warning: this files herein must not be writable by any user
            other than root.

            default pmie and pmlogger command line arguments, and other
            parameters passed to pmfind.

            sample crontab for automated script execution by root -
            exists only if the platform does not support the /etc/cron.d


       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to
       parameterize the file and directory names used by PCP.  On each
       installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values
       for these variables.  The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to
       specify an alternative configuration file, as described in

SEE ALSO         top

       PCPIntro(1), pmcd(1), pmfind(1), pmie(1), pmie_check(1),
       pminfo(1), pmlogger(1), pmlogger_check(1), pmseries(1),
       systemd(1), crontab(5), and cron(8).

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this manual
       page, send it to [email protected].  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-14.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

Performance Co-Pilot               PCP                   PMFIND_CHECK(1)

Pages that refer to this page: pcpcompat(1)pmfind(1)