pmstore(1) — Linux manual page


PMSTORE(1)               General Commands Manual              PMSTORE(1)

NAME         top

       pmstore - modify performance metric values

SYNOPSIS         top

       pmstore [-fFLV?]  [-h host] [-i instances] [-K spec] [-n
       pmnsfile] metricname value

DESCRIPTION         top

       Under certain circumstances, it is useful to be able to modify
       the values of performance metrics, for example to re-initialize
       counters or to assign new values to metrics that act as control

       pmstore changes the current values for the nominated instances of
       a single performance metric, as identified by metricname and the
       list of instance identifiers following the -i argument.
       instances must be a single argument, with elements of the list
       separated by commas and/or white space.  By default all instances
       of metricname will be updated.

       Normally pmstore operates on the default Performance Metrics Name
       Space (PMNS), see PMNS(5), however if the -n option is specified
       an alternative namespace is loaded from the file pmnsfile.

       Unless directed to another host by the -h option, pmstore will
       interact with the Performance Metric Collector Daemon (PMCD) on
       the local host.

       The -L option causes pmstore to use a local context to store to
       metrics from PMDAs on the local host without PMCD.  Only some
       metrics are available in this mode.  The -h and -L options are
       mutually exclusive.

       The -f option forces the given value to be stored, even if there
       is no current value set.

       The interpretation of value is dependent on the syntax used in
       its specification and the underlying data type of metricname, as

       1.  If the metric has an integer type, then value should be an
           optional leading hyphen, followed either by decimal digits or
           ``0x'' and some hexadecimal digits.  ``0X'' is also
           acceptable in lieu of ``0x''.  See strtol(3) and the related

       2.  If the metric has a floating point type, then value should be
           either in the form of an integer described above, or a fixed
           point number, or a number in scientific notation.  See

       3.  If the metric has a string type, then value is interpreted as
           a literal string of ASCII characters.

       4.  If the metric has any other type (i.e.  PM_TYPE_EVENT or
           PM_TYPE_AGGREGATE) then no encoding of value from the command
           line makes sense, and the values of these metrics cannot be
           modified with pmstore.

       The output reports the old value and the new value for each
       updated instance of the requested metric.

       When using the -L option to fetch metrics from a local context,
       the -K option may be used to control the DSO PMDAs that should be
       made accessible.  The spec argument conforms to the syntax
       described in pmSpecLocalPMDA(3).  More than one -K option may be

       Normally pmstore will report the old value (as initially
       retrieved using pmFetch(3)) and the new value from the command
       line.  The -F option forces another pmFetch(3) after the
       pmStore(3) and the returned value is reported as the new value.
       This is useful in cases where metricname is a metric that
       provides different semantics for the store operation, e.g. to
       increment the current value or reset a counter (independent of
       the value from the command line).

OPTIONS         top

       The available command line options are:

       -f, --force
            Store the value even if no current value set.

       -F, --fetch
            Report the metric value after setting it.

       -i insts, --insts=insts
            Restrict store to the comma-separated list of instances.

       -h host, --host=host
            Connect to pmcd(1) on host, rather than on the default

       -K spec, --spec-local=spec
            When fetching metrics from a local context (see -L), the -K
            option may be used to control the DSO PMDAs that should be
            made accessible.  The spec argument conforms to the syntax
            described in pmSpecLocalPMDA(3).  More than one -K option
            may be used.

       -L, --local-PMDA
            Use a local context to collect metrics from DSO PMDAs on the
            local host without PMCD.  See also -K.

       -n pmnsfile, --namespace=pmnsfile
            Normally pmcd loads the default Performance Metrics Name
            Space (PMNS) from $PCP_VAR_DIR/pmns/root, however if the -n
            option is specified an alternative namespace is loaded from
            the file pmnsfile.

       -V, --version
            Display version number and exit.

       -?, --help
            Display usage message and exit.

DIAGNOSTICS         top

       Two messages indicate a mismatch between the internal data type
       for metricname and the value provided.

       The value "???" is out of range for the data type (PM_TYPE_...)

       The value "???" is incompatible with the data type (PM_TYPE_...)


       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to
       parameterize the file and directory names used by PCP.  On each
       installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values
       for these variables.  The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to
       specify an alternative configuration file, as described in

SEE ALSO         top

       pmcd(1), pminfo(1), pmval(1), PMAPI(3), pmFetch(3),
       pmSpecLocalPMDA(3), pmStore(3), strtod(3), strtol(3) and PMNS(5).

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this manual
       page, send it to [email protected].  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-14.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

Performance Co-Pilot               PCP                        PMSTORE(1)

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