flatpakref(5) — Linux manual page


FLATPAKREF(5)                  flatpakref                  FLATPAKREF(5)

NAME         top

       flatpakref - Reference to a remote for an application or runtime

DESCRIPTION         top

       Flatpak uses flatpakref files to share information about a remote
       for a single application. The flatpakref file contains enough
       information to add the remote and install the application. Use
       the flatpak install --from command to do so.

       flatpakref files may also contain additional information that is
       useful when displaying the application to the user, e.g. in an
       app store.

       The filename extension commonly used for flatpakref files is

       A flatpakref file can also refer to a remote for a runtime.

FILE FORMAT         top

       The flatpakref file is using the same .ini file format that is
       used for systemd unit files or application .desktop files.

   [Flatpak Ref]
       All the information is contained in the [Flatpak Ref] group.

       The following keys can be present in this group:

       Version (uint64)
           The version of the file format, must be 1 if present.

       Name (string)
           The fully qualified name of the runtime or application. This
           key is mandatory.

       Url (string)
           The url for the remote. This key is mandatory.

       Branch (string)
           The name of the branch from which to install the application
           or runtime. If this key is not specified, the "master" branch
           is used.

       Title (string)
           The title of the application or runtime. This should be a
           user-friendly name that can be displayed e.g. in an app

       Comment (string)
           A short summary of the application or runtime, for display
           e.g. in an app store.

       Description (string)
           A longer description of the application or runtime, for
           display e.g. in an app store.

       Icon (string)
           The url for an icon that can be used to represent the
           application or runtime.

       Homepage (string)
           The url of a webpage describing the application or runtime.

       DeploySideloadCollectionID (string)
           The collection ID of the remote, if it has one. This uniquely
           identifies the collection of apps in the remote, to allow
           peer to peer redistribution (see flatpak(1)). It is
           recommended to use this key over DeployCollectionID or
           CollectionID because only newer clients (Flatpak 1.12.8 or
           later) pay attention to it (and older clients don't handle
           collection IDs properly).

       DeployCollectionID (string)
           This is deprecated but still supported for backwards
           compatibility. Use DeploySideloadCollectionID instead.

       CollectionID (string)
           This is deprecated but still supported for backwards
           compatibility. Use DeploySideloadCollectionID instead.

       IsRuntime (boolean)
           Whether this file refers to a runtime. If this key is not
           specified, the file is assumed to refer to an application.

       GPGKey (string)
           The base64-encoded gpg key for the remote.

       RuntimeRepo (string)
           The url for a .flatpakrepo file for the remote where the
           runtime can be found. Note that if the runtime is available
           in the remote providing the app, that remote may be used
           instead but the one specified by this option will still be

       SuggestRemoteName (string)
           A suggested name for the remote.

EXAMPLE         top

           [Flatpak Ref]

SEE ALSO         top

       flatpak(1), flatpak-install(1) flatpakrepo(5),

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the flatpak (a tool for building and
       distributing desktop applications on Linux) project.  Information
       about the project can be found at ⟨http://flatpak.org/⟩.  It is
       not known how to report bugs for this man page; if you know,
       please send a mail to [email protected].  This page was obtained
       from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-04.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

flatpak                                                    FLATPAKREF(5)

Pages that refer to this page: flatpak(1)flatpak-install(1)flatpakrepo(5)