lvmcache(7) — Linux manual page


LVMCACHE(7)                                                  LVMCACHE(7)

NAME         top

       lvmcache — LVM caching

DESCRIPTION         top

       lvm(8) includes two kinds of caching that can be used to improve
       the performance of a Logical Volume (LV). When caching, varying
       subsets of an LV's data are temporarily stored on a smaller,
       faster device (e.g. an SSD) to improve the performance of the LV.

       To do this with lvm, a new special LV is first created from the
       faster device. This LV will hold the cache. Then, the new fast LV
       is attached to the main LV by way of an lvconvert command.
       lvconvert inserts one of the device mapper caching targets into
       the main LV's i/o path. The device mapper target combines the
       main LV and fast LV into a hybrid device that looks like the main
       LV, but has better performance. While the main LV is being used,
       portions of its data will be temporarily and transparently stored
       on the special fast LV.

       The two kinds of caching are:

       • A read and write hot-spot cache, using the dm-cache kernel
         module.  This cache tracks access patterns and adjusts its
         content deliberately so that commonly used parts of the main LV
         are likely to be found on the fast storage. LVM refers to this
         using the LV type cache.

       • A write cache, using the dm-writecache kernel module.  This
         cache can be used with SSD or PMEM devices to speed up all
         writes to the main LV. Data read from the main LV is not stored
         in the cache, only newly written data.  LVM refers to this
         using the LV type writecache.

USAGE         top

   1. Identify main LV that needs caching
       The main LV may already exist, and is located on larger, slower
       devices.  A main LV would be created with a command like:

       # lvcreate -n main -L Size vg /dev/slow_hhd

   2. Identify fast LV to use as the cache
       A fast LV is created using one or more fast devices, like an SSD.
       This special LV will be used to hold the cache:

       # lvcreate -n fast -L Size vg /dev/fast_ssd

       # lvs -a
         LV   Attr       Type   Devices
         fast -wi------- linear /dev/fast_ssd
         main -wi------- linear /dev/slow_hhd

   3. Start caching the main LV
       To start caching the main LV, convert the main LV to the desired
       caching type, and specify the fast LV to use as the cache:

       using dm-cache (with cachepool):

       # lvconvert --type cache --cachepool fast vg/main

       using dm-cache (with cachevol):

       # lvconvert --type cache --cachevol fast vg/main

       using dm-writecache (with cachevol):

       # lvconvert --type writecache --cachevol fast vg/main

       For more alternatives see:
       dm-cache command shortcut
       dm-cache with separate data and metadata LVs

   4. Display LVs
       Once the fast LV has been attached to the main LV, lvm reports
       the main LV type as either cache or writecache depending on the
       type used.  While attached, the fast LV is hidden, and renamed
       with a _cvol or _cpool suffix.  It is displayed by lvs -a.  The
       _corig or _wcorig LV represents the original LV without the

       using dm-cache (with cachepool):

       # lvs -ao+devices
         LV                 Pool         Type       Devices
         main               [fast_cpool] cache      main_corig(0)
         [fast_cpool]                    cache-pool fast_pool_cdata(0)
         [fast_cpool_cdata]              linear     /dev/fast_ssd
         [fast_cpool_cmeta]              linear     /dev/fast_ssd
         [main_corig]                    linear     /dev/slow_hhd

       using dm-cache (with cachevol):

       # lvs -ao+devices

         LV           Pool        Type   Devices
         main         [fast_cvol] cache  main_corig(0)
         [fast_cvol]              linear /dev/fast_ssd
         [main_corig]             linear /dev/slow_hhd

       using dm-writecache (with cachevol):

       # lvs -ao+devices

         LV            Pool        Type       Devices
         main          [fast_cvol] writecache main_wcorig(0)
         [fast_cvol]               linear     /dev/fast_ssd
         [main_wcorig]             linear     /dev/slow_hhd

   5. Use the main LV
       Use the LV until the cache is no longer wanted, or needs to be

   6. Stop caching
       To stop caching the main LV and also remove unneeded cache pool,
       use the --uncache:

       # lvconvert --uncache vg/main

       # lvs -a
         LV   VG Attr       Type   Devices
         main vg -wi------- linear /dev/slow_hhd

       To stop caching the main LV, separate the fast LV from the main
       LV.  This changes the type of the main LV back to what it was
       before the cache was attached.

       # lvconvert --splitcache vg/main

       # lvs -a
         LV   VG Attr       Type   Devices
         fast vg -wi------- linear /dev/fast_ssd
         main vg -wi------- linear /dev/slow_hhd

   7. Create a new LV with caching
       A new LV can be created with caching attached at the time of
       creation using the following command:

       # lvcreate --type cache|writecache -n Name -L Size
            --cachedevice /dev/fast_ssd vg /dev/slow_hhd

       The main LV is created with the specified Name and Size from the
       slow_hhd.  A hidden fast LV is created on the fast_ssd and is
       then attached to the new main LV.  If the fast_ssd is unused, the
       entire disk will be used as the cache unless the --cachesize
       option is used to specify a size for the fast LV.  The
       --cachedevice option can be repeated to use multiple disks for
       the fast LV.

OPTIONS         top

   option args
       --cachepool CachePoolLV|LV

       Pass this option a cachepool LV or a standard LV.  When using a
       cache pool, lvm places cache data and cache metadata on different
       LVs.  The two LVs together are called a cache pool.  This has a
       bit better performance for dm-cache and permits specific
       placement and segment type selection for data and metadata
       volumes.  A cache pool is represented as a special type of LV
       that cannot be used directly.  If a standard LV is passed with
       this option, lvm will first convert it to a cache pool by
       combining it with another LV to use for metadata.  This option
       can be used with dm-cache.

       --cachevol LV

       Pass this option a fast LV that should be used to hold the cache.
       With a cachevol, cache data and metadata are stored in different
       parts of the same fast LV.  This option can be used with dm-
       writecache or dm-cache.

       --cachedevice PV

       This option can be used in place of --cachevol, in which case a
       cachevol LV will be created using the specified device.  This
       option can be repeated to create a cachevol using multiple
       devices, or a tag name can be specified in which case the
       cachevol will be created using any of the devices with the given
       tag.  If a named cache device is unused, the entire device will
       be used to create the cachevol.  To create a cachevol of a
       specific size from the cache devices, include the --cachesize

   dm-cache block size
       A cache pool will have a logical block size of 4096 bytes if it
       is created on a device with a logical block size of 4096 bytes.

       If a main LV has logical block size 512 (with an existing xfs
       file system using that size), then it cannot use a cache pool
       with a 4096 logical block size.  If the cache pool is attached,
       the main LV will likely fail to mount.

       To avoid this problem, use a mkfs option to specify a 4096 block
       size for the file system, or attach the cache pool before running

   dm-writecache block size
       The dm-writecache block size can be 4096 bytes (the default), or
       512 bytes.  The default 4096 has better performance and should be
       used except when 512 is necessary for compatibility.  The dm-
       writecache block size is specified with --cachesettings
       block_size=4096|512 when caching is started.

       When a file system like xfs already exists on the main LV prior
       to caching, and the file system is using a block size of 512,
       then the writecache block size should be set to 512.  (The file
       system will likely fail to mount if writecache block size of 4096
       is used in this case.)

       Check the xfs sector size while the fs is mounted:

       # xfs_info /dev/vg/main
       Look for sectsz=512 or sectsz=4096

       The writecache block size should be chosen to match the xfs
       sectsz value.

       It is also possible to specify a sector size of 4096 to mkfs.xfs
       when creating the file system.  In this case the writecache block
       size of 4096 can be used.

       The writecache block size is displayed by the command:
       lvs -o writecacheblocksize VG/LV

   dm-writecache memory usage
       The amount of main system memory used by dm-writecache can be a
       factor when selecting the writecache cachevol size and the
       writecache block size.

       • writecache block size 4096: each 100 GiB of writecache cachevol
         uses slightly over 2 GiB of system memory.

       • writecache block size 512: each 100 GiB of writecache cachevol
         uses a little over 16 GiB of system memory.

   dm-writecache settings
       To specify dm-writecache tunable settings on the command line,
       --cachesettings 'option=N' or
       --cachesettings 'option1=N option2=N ...'

       For example, --cachesettings 'high_watermark=90

       To include settings when caching is started, run:

       # lvconvert --type writecache --cachevol fast \
            --cachesettings 'option=N' vg/main

       To change settings for an existing writecache, run:

       # lvchange --cachesettings 'option=N' vg/main

       To clear all settings that have been applied, run:

       # lvchange --cachesettings '' vg/main

       To view the settings that are applied to a writecache LV, run:

       # lvs -o cachesettings vg/main

       Tunable settings are:

       high_watermark = <percent>
              Start writeback when the writecache usage reaches this
              percent (0-100).

       low_watermark = <percent>
              Stop writeback when the writecache usage reaches this
              percent (0-100).

       writeback_jobs = <count>
              Limit the number of blocks that are in flight during
              writeback.  Setting this value reduces writeback
              throughput, but it may improve latency of read requests.

       autocommit_blocks = <count>
              When the application writes this amount of blocks without
              issuing the FLUSH request, the blocks are automatically

       autocommit_time = <milliseconds>
              The data is automatically committed if this time passes
              and no FLUSH request is received.

       fua = 0|1
              Use the FUA flag when writing data from persistent memory
              back to the underlying device.  Applicable only to
              persistent memory.

       nofua = 0|1
              Don't use the FUA flag when writing back data and send the
              FLUSH request afterwards.  Some underlying devices perform
              better with fua, some with nofua.  Testing is necessary to
              determine which.  Applicable only to persistent memory.

       cleaner = 0|1
              Setting cleaner=1 enables the writecache cleaner mode in
              which data is gradually flushed from the cache.  If this
              is done prior to detaching the writecache, then the
              splitcache command will have little or no flushing to
              perform.  If not done beforehand, the splitcache command
              enables the cleaner mode and waits for flushing to
              complete before detaching the writecache.  Adding
              cleaner=0 to the splitcache command will skip the cleaner
              mode, and any required flushing is performed in device

       max_age = <milliseconds>
              Specifies the maximum age of a block in milliseconds. If a
              block is stored in the cache for too long, it will be
              written to the underlying device and cleaned up.

       metadata_only = 0|1
              Only metadata is promoted to the cache. This option
              improves performance for heavier REQ_META workloads.

       pause_writeback = <milliseconds>
              Pause writeback if there was some write I/O redirected to
              the origin volume in the last number of milliseconds.

   dm-writecache using metadata profiles
       In addition to specifying writecache settings on the command
       line, they can also be set in lvm.conf, or in a profile file,
       using the allocation/cache_settings/writecache config structure
       shown below.

       It's possible to prepare a number of different profile files in
       the /etc/lvm/profile directory and specify the file name of the
       profile when starting writecache.

       # cat <<EOF > /etc/lvm/profile/cache_writecache.profile
       allocation {
              cache_settings {
                     writecache {

       # lvcreate -an -L10G --name fast vg /dev/fast_ssd
       # lvcreate --type writecache -L10G --name main  --cachevol fast \
          --metadataprofile cache_writecache vg /dev/slow_hdd

   dm-cache with separate data and metadata LVs
       Preferred way of using dm-cache is to place the cache metadata
       and cache data on separate LVs.  To do this, a "cache pool" is
       created, which is a special LV that references two sub LVs, one
       for data and one for metadata.

       To create a cache pool of given data size and let lvm2 calculate
       appropriate metadata size:

       # lvcreate --type cache-pool -L DataSize -n fast vg

       To create a cache pool from separate LV and let lvm2 calculate
       appropriate cache metadata size:

       # lvcreate -n fast -L DataSize vg /dev/fast_ssd1
       # lvconvert --type cache-pool vg/fast /dev/fast_ssd1

       To create a cache pool from two separate LVs:

       # lvcreate -n fast -L DataSize vg /dev/fast_ssd1
       # lvcreate -n fastmeta -L MetadataSize vg /dev/fast_ssd2
       # lvconvert --type cache-pool --poolmetadata fastmeta vg/fast

       Then use the cache pool LV to start caching the main LV:

       # lvconvert --type cache --cachepool fast vg/main

       A variation of the same procedure automatically creates a cache
       pool when caching is started.  To do this, use a standard LV as
       the --cachepool (this will hold cache data), and use another
       standard LV as the --poolmetadata (this will hold cache
       metadata).  LVM will create a cache pool LV from the two
       specified LVs, and use the cache pool to start caching the main

       # lvcreate -n fast -L DataSize vg /dev/fast_ssd1
       # lvcreate -n fastmeta -L MetadataSize vg /dev/fast_ssd2
       # lvconvert --type cache --cachepool fast \
               --poolmetadata fastmeta vg/main

   dm-cache cache modes
       The default dm-cache cache mode is "writethrough".  Writethrough
       ensures that any data written will be stored both in the cache
       and on the origin LV.  The loss of a device associated with the
       cache in this case would not mean the loss of any data.

       A second cache mode is "writeback".  Writeback delays writing
       data blocks from the cache back to the origin LV.  This mode will
       increase performance, but the loss of a cache device can result
       in lost data.

       With the --cachemode option, the cache mode can be set when
       caching is started, or changed on an LV that is already cached.
       The current cache mode can be displayed with the cache_mode
       reporting option:

       lvs -o+cache_mode VG/LV

       lvm.conf(5) allocation/cache_mode
       defines the default cache mode.

       # lvconvert --type cache --cachemode writethrough \
               --cachepool fast vg/main

       # lvconvert --type cache --cachemode writethrough \
               --cachevol fast  vg/main

   dm-cache chunk size
       The size of data blocks managed by dm-cache can be specified with
       the --chunksize option when caching is started.  The default unit
       is KiB.  The value must be a multiple of 32 KiB between 32 KiB
       and 1 GiB. Cache chunks bigger then 512KiB shall be only used
       when necessary.

       Using a chunk size that is too large can result in wasteful use
       of the cache, in which small reads and writes cause large
       sections of an LV to be stored in the cache. It can also require
       increasing migration threshold which defaults to 2048 sectors
       (1 MiB). Lvm2 ensures migration threshold is at least 8 chunks in
       size. This may in some cases result in very high bandwidth load
       of transferring data between the cache LV and its cache origin
       LV. However, choosing a chunk size that is too small can result
       in more overhead trying to manage the numerous chunks that become
       mapped into the cache.  Overhead can include both excessive CPU
       time searching for chunks, and excessive memory tracking chunks.

       Command to display the chunk size:

       lvs -o+chunksize VG/LV

       lvm.conf(5) allocation/cache_pool_chunk_size

       controls the default chunk size.

       The default value is shown by:

       lvmconfig --type default allocation/cache_pool_chunk_size

       Checking migration threshold (in sectors) of running cached LV:
       lvs -o+kernel_cache_settings VG/LV

   dm-cache cache settings
       To set dm-cache cache setting use:

       --cachesettings 'option1=N option2=N ...'

       To unset/drop cache setting and restore its default kernel value
       use special keyword 'default' as option parameter:

       --cachesettings 'option1=default option2=default ...'

   dm-cache migration threshold cache setting
       Migrating data between the origin and cache LV uses bandwidth.
       The user can set a throttle to prevent more than a certain amount
       of migration occurring at any one time.  Currently dm-cache is
       not taking any account of normal io traffic going to the devices.

       User can set migration threshold via cache policy settings as
       "migration_threshold=<#sectors>" to set the maximum number of
       sectors being migrated, the default being 2048 sectors (1 MiB) or
       8 cache chunks whichever of those two values is larger.

       Command to set migration threshold to 2 MiB (4096 sectors):

       lvcreate --cachesettings 'migration_threshold=4096' VG/LV

       Command to display the migration threshold:

       lvs -o+kernel_cache_settings,cache_settings VG/LV
       lvs -o+chunksize VG/LV

       Command to restore/revert to default value:

       lvchange --cachesettings 'migration_threshold=default' VG/LV

   dm-cache cache policy
       The dm-cache subsystem has additional per-LV parameters: the
       cache policy to use, and possibly tunable parameters for the
       cache policy.  Three policies are currently available: "smq" is
       the default policy, "mq" is an older implementation, and
       "cleaner" is used to force the cache to write back (flush) all
       cached writes to the origin LV.

       The older "mq" policy has a number of tunable parameters. The
       defaults are chosen to be suitable for the majority of systems,
       but in special circumstances, changing the settings can improve
       performance.  Newer kernels however alias this policy with "smq"
       policy. Cache settings used to configure "mq" policy
       [random_threshold, sequential_threshold,
       discard_promote_adjustment, read_promote_adjustment,
       write_promote_adjustment] are thus silently ignored also
       performance matches "smq".

       With the --cachepolicy and --cachesettings options, the cache
       policy and settings can be set when caching is started, or
       changed on an existing cached LV (both options can be used
       together).  The current cache policy and settings can be
       displayed with the cache_policy and cache_settings reporting

       lvs -o+cache_policy,cache_settings VG/LV

       Change the cache policy and settings of an existing LV.
       # lvchange --cachepolicy mq --cachesettings \
            'migration_threshold=2048 random_threshold=4' vg/main

       lvm.conf(5) allocation/cache_policy
       defines the default cache policy.

       lvm.conf(5) allocation/cache_settings
       defines the default cache settings.

   dm-cache using metadata profiles
       Cache pools allows to set a variety of options. Lots of these
       settings can be specified in lvm.conf or profile settings. You
       can prepare a number of different profiles in the
       /etc/lvm/profile directory and just specify the metadata profile
       file name when caching LV or creating cache-pool.  Check the
       output of lvmconfig --type default --withcomments for a detailed
       description of all individual cache settings.

       # cat <<EOF > /etc/lvm/profile/cache_big_chunk.profile
       allocation {
              cache_settings {
                     smq {

       # lvcreate --cache -L10G --metadataprofile cache_big_chunk vg/main \
       # lvcreate --cache -L10G vg/main --config \
               'allocation/cache_pool_chunk_size=512' /dev/fast_ssd

   dm-cache spare metadata LV
       See lvmthin(7) for a description of the "pool metadata spare" LV.
       The same concept is used for cache pools.

   dm-cache metadata formats
       There are two disk formats for dm-cache metadata.  The metadata
       format can be specified with --cachemetadataformat when caching
       is started, and cannot be changed.  Format 2 has better
       performance; it is more compact, and stores dirty bits in a
       separate btree, which improves the speed of shutting down the
       cache.  With auto, lvm selects the best option provided by the
       current dm-cache kernel module.

   RAID1 cache device
       RAID1 can be used to create the fast LV holding the cache so that
       it can tolerate a device failure.  (When using dm-cache with
       separate data and metadata LVs, each of the sub-LVs can use

       # lvcreate -n main -L Size vg /dev/slow
       # lvcreate --type raid1 -m 1 -n fast -L Size vg /dev/ssd1 /dev/ssd2
       # lvconvert --type cache --cachevol fast vg/main

   dm-cache command shortcut
       A single command can be used to cache main LV with automatic
       creation of a cache-pool:

       # lvcreate --cache --size CacheDataSize VG/LV [FastPVs]

       or the longer variant

       # lvcreate --type cache --size CacheDataSize \
               --name NameCachePool VG/LV [FastPVs]

       In this command, the specified LV already exists, and is the main
       LV to be cached.  The command creates a new cache pool with size
       and given name or the name is automatically selected from a
       sequence lvolX_cpool, using the optionally specified fast PV(s)
       (typically an ssd).  Then it attaches the new cache pool to the
       existing main LV to begin caching.

       (Note: ensure that the specified main LV is a standard LV.  If a
       cache pool LV is mistakenly specified, then the command does
       something different.)

       (Note: the type option is interpreted differently by this command
       than by normal lvcreate commands in which --type specifies the
       type of the newly created LV.  In this case, an LV with type
       cache-pool is being created, and the existing main LV is being
       converted to type cache.)

SEE ALSO         top

       lvm.conf(5), lvchange(8), lvcreate(8), lvdisplay(8), lvextend(8),
       lvremove(8), lvrename(8), lvresize(8), lvs(8),
       vgchange(8), vgmerge(8), vgreduce(8), vgsplit(8),

       cache_check(8), cache_dump(8), cache_repair(8)

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the lvm2 (Logical Volume Manager 2) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for
       this manual page, see ⟨⟩.
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-11.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

Red Hat, Inc      LVM TOOLS 2.03.25(2)-git (2024-05-16)      LVMCACHE(7)

Pages that refer to this page: pcp-dmcache(1)lvchange(8)lvconvert(8)lvcreate(8)lvdisplay(8)lvextend(8)lvm(8)lvmconfig(8)lvmdevices(8)lvmdiskscan(8)lvm-fullreport(8)lvm-lvpoll(8)lvreduce(8)lvremove(8)lvrename(8)lvresize(8)lvs(8)lvscan(8)pvchange(8)pvck(8)pvcreate(8)pvdisplay(8)pvmove(8)pvremove(8)pvresize(8)pvs(8)pvscan(8)vgcfgbackup(8)vgcfgrestore(8)vgchange(8)vgck(8)vgconvert(8)vgcreate(8)vgdisplay(8)vgexport(8)vgextend(8)vgimport(8)vgimportclone(8)vgimportdevices(8)vgmerge(8)vgmknodes(8)vgreduce(8)vgremove(8)vgrename(8)vgs(8)vgscan(8)vgsplit(8)