pvmove(8) — Linux manual page


PVMOVE(8)                System Manager's Manual               PVMOVE(8)

NAME         top

       pvmove — Move extents from one physical volume to another

SYNOPSIS         top

       pvmove position_args
           [ option_args ]
           [ position_args ]

DESCRIPTION         top

       pvmove moves the allocated physical extents (PEs) on a source PV
       to one or more destination PVs.  You can optionally specify a
       source LV in which case only extents used by that LV will be
       moved to free (or specified) extents on the destination PV. If no
       destination PV is specified, the normal allocation rules for the
       VG are used.

       If pvmove is interrupted for any reason (e.g. the machine
       crashes) then run pvmove again without any PV arguments to
       restart any operations that were in progress from the last
       checkpoint. Alternatively, use the abort option at any time to
       abort the operation. The resulting location of LVs after an abort
       depends on whether the atomic option was used.

       More than one pvmove can run concurrently if they are moving data
       from different source PVs, but additional pvmoves will ignore any
       LVs already in the process of being changed, so some data might
       not get moved.

USAGE         top

       Move PV extents.

       pvmove PV
           [ -A|--autobackup y|n ]
           [ -n|--name LV ]
           [    --alloc contiguous|cling|cling_by_tags|normal|anywhere|
           inherit ]
           [    --atomic ]
           [    --noudevsync ]
           [    --reportformat basic|json ]
           [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]
           [ PV ... ]

       Continue or abort existing pvmove operations.

           [ COMMON_OPTIONS ]

       Common options for command:
           [ -b|--background ]
           [ -i|--interval Number ]
           [    --abort ]

       Common options for lvm:
           [ -d|--debug ]
           [ -h|--help ]
           [ -q|--quiet ]
           [ -t|--test ]
           [ -v|--verbose ]
           [ -y|--yes ]
           [    --commandprofile String ]
           [    --config String ]
           [    --devices PV ]
           [    --devicesfile String ]
           [    --driverloaded y|n ]
           [    --journal String ]
           [    --lockopt String ]
           [    --longhelp ]
           [    --nohints ]
           [    --nolocking ]
           [    --profile String ]
           [    --version ]

OPTIONS         top

              Abort  any  pvmove operations in progress. If a pvmove was
              started with the --atomic option, then all LVs will remain
              on the source PV.   Otherwise,  segments  that  have  been
              moved  will  remain  on  the destination PV, while unmoved
              segments will remain on the source PV.

       --alloc contiguous|cling|cling_by_tags|normal|anywhere|inherit
              Determines the allocation policy when a command  needs  to
              allocate  Physical  Extents (PEs) from the VG. Each VG and
              LV has an allocation policy  which  can  be  changed  with
              vgchange/lvchange,  or  overridden  on  the  command line.
              normal applies common sense rules such as not placing par‐
              allel stripes on the same PV.  inherit applies the VG pol‐
              icy to an LV.  contiguous requires new PEs be placed adja‐
              cent to existing PEs.  cling places new PEs on the same PV
              as existing PEs in the same stripe of the  LV.   If  there
              are  sufficient PEs for an allocation, but normal does not
              use them, anywhere will use them even if it  reduces  per‐
              formance, e.g. by placing two stripes on the same PV.  Op‐
              tional  positional PV args on the command line can also be
              used to limit which PVs the command will use  for  alloca‐
              tion.  See lvm(8) for more information about allocation.

              Makes a pvmove operation atomic, ensuring that all affect‐
              ed LVs are moved to the destination PV, or none are if the
              operation is aborted.

       -A|--autobackup y|n
              Specifies  if  metadata  should be backed up automatically
              after a change.  Enabling this is  strongly  advised!  See
              vgcfgbackup(8) for more information.

              If  the operation requires polling, this option causes the
              command to return before the operation  is  complete,  and
              polling is done in the background.

       --commandprofile String
              The command profile to use for command configuration.  See
              lvm.conf(5) for more information about profiles.

       --config String
              Config   settings   for   the   command.   These  override
              lvm.conf(5) settings.  The String arg uses the same format
              as lvm.conf(5), or  may  use  section/field  syntax.   See
              lvm.conf(5) for more information about config.

       -d|--debug ...
              Set  debug level. Repeat from 1 to 6 times to increase the
              detail of messages sent to the log file and/or syslog  (if

       --devices PV
              Devices  that  the command can use. This option can be re‐
              peated or accepts a comma separated list of devices.  This
              overrides the devices file.

       --devicesfile String
              A file listing devices that LVM should use.  The file must
              exist   in  /etc/lvm/devices/  and  is  managed  with  the
              lvmdevices(8) command.  This overrides the lvm.conf(5) de‐
              vices/devicesfile and devices/use_devicesfile settings.

       --driverloaded y|n
              If set to no, the command will not attempt to use  device-
              mapper.  For testing and debugging.

              Display help text.

       -i|--interval Number
              Report progress at regular intervals.

       --journal String
              Record  information in the systemd journal.  This informa‐
              tion is in addition to information enabled by the lvm.conf
              log/journal setting.  command:  record  information  about
              the  command.   output: record the default command output.
              debug: record full command debugging.

       --lockopt String
              Used to pass options for special cases to  lvmlockd.   See
              lvmlockd(8) for more information.

              Display long help text.

       -n|--name String
              Move only the extents belonging to the named LV.

              Do  not  use  the  hints file to locate devices for PVs. A
              command may read more devices to find PVs when  hints  are
              not  used.  The  command  will still perform standard hint
              file invalidation where appropriate.

              Disable locking.

              Disables udev synchronisation. The process will  not  wait
              for  notification from udev. It will continue irrespective
              of any possible udev processing in  the  background.  Only
              use  this  if udev is not running or has rules that ignore
              the devices LVM creates.

       --profile String
              An alias for --commandprofile  or  --metadataprofile,  de‐
              pending on the command.

       -q|--quiet ...
              Suppress  output  and  log messages. Overrides --debug and
              --verbose.  Repeat once to also suppress any prompts  with
              answer 'no'.

       --reportformat basic|json
              Overrides  current  output format for reports which is de‐
              fined globally  by  the  report/output_format  setting  in
              lvm.conf(5).   basic  is  the original format with columns
              and rows.  If there is more than one report  per  command,
              each report is prefixed with the report name for identifi‐
              cation.  json  produces  report output in JSON format. See
              lvmreport(7) for more information.

              Run in test mode. Commands will not update metadata.  This
              is implemented by disabling all metadata writing but  nev‐
              ertheless  returning success to the calling function. This
              may lead to unusual error messages in  multi-stage  opera‐
              tions  if  a  tool  relies on reading back metadata it be‐
              lieves has changed but hasn't.

       -v|--verbose ...
              Set verbose level. Repeat from 1 to 4  times  to  increase
              the detail of messages sent to stdout and stderr.

              Display version information.

              Do  not  prompt  for confirmation interactively but always
              assume the answer yes. Use with extreme caution.  (For au‐
              tomatic no, see -qq.)

VARIABLES         top

       PV     Physical Volume name, a device path under /dev.  For com‐
              mands managing physical extents, a PV positional arg gen‐
              erally accepts a suffix indicating a range (or multiple
              ranges) of physical extents (PEs). When the first PE is
              omitted, it defaults to the start of the device, and when
              the last PE is omitted it defaults to end.  Start and end
              range (inclusive): PV[:PE-PE]...  Start and length range
              (counting from 0): PV[:PE+PE]...

       String See the option description for information about the
              string content.

              Size is an input number that accepts an optional unit.
              Input units are always treated as base two values, regard‐
              less of capitalization, e.g. 'k' and 'K' both refer to
              1024.  The default input unit is specified by letter, fol‐
              lowed by |UNIT.  UNIT represents other possible input
              units: b|B is bytes, s|S is sectors of 512 bytes, k|K is
              KiB, m|M is MiB, g|G is GiB, t|T is TiB, p|P is PiB, e|E
              is EiB.  (This should not be confused with the output con‐
              trol --units, where capital letters mean multiple of


       See lvm(8) for information about environment variables used by
       lvm.  For example, LVM_VG_NAME can generally be substituted for a
       required VG parameter.

NOTES         top

       pvmove works as follows:

       1. A temporary 'pvmove' LV is created to store details of all the
       data movements required.

       2. Every LV in the VG is searched for contiguous data that need
       moving according to the command line arguments.  For each piece
       of data found, a new segment is added to the end of the pvmove
       LV.  This segment takes the form of a temporary mirror to copy
       the data from the original location to a newly allocated loca‐
       tion.  The original LV is updated to use the new temporary mirror
       segment in the pvmove LV instead of accessing the data directly.

       3. The VG metadata is updated on disk.

       4. The first segment of the pvmove LV is activated and starts to
       mirror the first part of the data.  Only one segment is mirrored
       at once as this is usually more efficient.

       5. A daemon repeatedly checks progress at the specified time in‐
       terval.  When it detects that the first temporary mirror is in
       sync, it breaks that mirror so that only the new location for
       that data gets used and writes a checkpoint into the VG metadata
       on disk.  Then it activates the mirror for the next segment of
       the pvmove LV.

       6. When there are no more segments left to be mirrored, the tem‐
       porary LV is removed and the VG metadata is updated so that the
       LVs reflect the new data locations.

       Note that this new process cannot support the original LVM1 type
       of on-disk metadata.  Metadata can be converted using

       If the --atomic option is used, a slightly different approach is
       used for the move.  Again, a temporary 'pvmove' LV is created to
       store the details of all the data movements required.  This tem‐
       porary LV contains all the segments of the various LVs that need
       to be moved.  However, in this case, an identical LV is allocated
       that contains the same number of segments and a mirror is created
       to copy the contents from the first temporary LV to the second.
       After a complete copy is made, the temporary LVs are removed,
       leaving behind the segments on the destination PV.  If an abort
       is issued during the move, all LVs being moved will remain on the
       source PV.

EXAMPLES         top

       Move all physical extents that are used by simple LVs on the
       specified PV to free physical extents elsewhere in the VG.
       pvmove /dev/sdb1

       Use a specific destination PV when moving physical extents.
       pvmove /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

       Move extents belonging to a single LV.
       pvmove -n lvol1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

       Rather than moving the contents of an entire device, it is possi‐
       ble to move a range of physical extents, for example numbers 1000
       to 1999 inclusive on the specified PV.
       pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000-1999

       A range of physical extents to move can be specified as
       start+length. For example, starting from PE 1000. (Counting
       starts from 0, so this refers to the 1001st to the 2000th PE in‐
       pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000+1000

       Move a range of physical extents to a specific PV (which must
       have sufficient free extents).
       pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdc1

       Move a range of physical extents to specific new extents on a new
       pvmove /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdc1:0-999

       If the source and destination are on the same disk, the anywhere
       allocation policy is needed.
       pvmove --alloc anywhere /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdb1:0-999

       The part of a specific LV present within in a range of physical
       extents can also be picked out and moved.
       pvmove -n lvol1 /dev/sdb1:1000-1999 /dev/sdc1

SEE ALSO         top

       lvm(8), lvm.conf(5), lvmconfig(8), lvmdevices(8),

       pvchange(8), pvck(8), pvcreate(8), pvdisplay(8), pvmove(8),
       pvremove(8), pvresize(8), pvs(8), pvscan(8),

       vgcfgbackup(8), vgcfgrestore(8), vgchange(8), vgck(8),
       vgcreate(8), vgconvert(8), vgdisplay(8), vgexport(8),
       vgextend(8), vgimport(8), vgimportclone(8), vgimportdevices(8),
       vgmerge(8), vgmknodes(8), vgreduce(8), vgremove(8), vgrename(8),
       vgs(8), vgscan(8), vgsplit(8),

       lvcreate(8), lvchange(8), lvconvert(8), lvdisplay(8),
       lvextend(8), lvreduce(8), lvremove(8), lvrename(8), lvresize(8),
       lvs(8), lvscan(8),

       lvm-fullreport(8), lvm-lvpoll(8), blkdeactivate(8), lvmdump(8),

       dmeventd(8), lvmpolld(8), lvmlockd(8), lvmlockctl(8),
       cmirrord(8), lvmdbusd(8), fsadm(8),

       lvmsystemid(7), lvmreport(7), lvmcache(7), lvmraid(7),
       lvmthin(7), lvmvdo(7), lvmautoactivation(7)

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the lvm2 (Logical Volume Manager 2) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨http://www.sourceware.org/lvm2/⟩.  If you have a bug report for
       this manual page, see ⟨https://github.com/lvmteam/lvm2/issues⟩.
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨git://sourceware.org/git/lvm2.git⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-11.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

Red Hat, Inc.     LVM TOOLS 2.03.25(2)-git (2024-05-16)        PVMOVE(8)

Pages that refer to this page: lvchange(8)lvconvert(8)lvcreate(8)lvdisplay(8)lvextend(8)lvm(8)lvmconfig(8)lvmdevices(8)lvmdiskscan(8)lvm-fullreport(8)lvm-lvpoll(8)lvreduce(8)lvremove(8)lvrename(8)lvresize(8)lvs(8)lvscan(8)pvchange(8)pvck(8)pvcreate(8)pvdisplay(8)pvmove(8)pvremove(8)pvresize(8)pvs(8)pvscan(8)vgcfgbackup(8)vgcfgrestore(8)vgchange(8)vgck(8)vgconvert(8)vgcreate(8)vgdisplay(8)vgexport(8)vgextend(8)vgimport(8)vgimportclone(8)vgimportdevices(8)vgmerge(8)vgmknodes(8)vgreduce(8)vgremove(8)vgrename(8)vgs(8)vgscan(8)vgsplit(8)