systemd-random-seed.service(8) — Linux manual page


SYSTEMD-....SERVICE(8) systemd-random-seed.serviceSYSTEMD-....SERVICE(8)

NAME         top

       systemd-random-seed.service, systemd-random-seed - Load and save
       the OS system random seed at boot and shutdown

SYNOPSIS         top



DESCRIPTION         top

       systemd-random-seed.service is a service that loads an on-disk
       random seed into the kernel entropy pool during boot and saves it
       at shutdown. See random(4) for details. By default, no entropy is
       credited when the random seed is written into the kernel entropy
       pool, but this may be changed with $SYSTEMD_RANDOM_SEED_CREDIT,
       see below. On disk the random seed is stored in

       Note that this service runs relatively late during the early boot
       phase, i.e. generally after the initrd phase has finished and the
       /var/ file system has been mounted. Many system services require
       entropy much earlier than this — this service is hence of limited
       use for complex system. It is recommended to use a boot loader
       that can pass an initial random seed to the kernel to ensure that
       entropy is available from earliest boot on, for example
       systemd-boot(7), with its bootctl random-seed functionality.

       When loading the random seed from disk, the file is immediately
       updated with a new seed retrieved from the kernel, in order to
       ensure no two boots operate with the same random seed. This new
       seed is retrieved synchronously from the kernel, which means the
       service will not complete start-up until the random pool is fully
       initialized. On entropy-starved systems this may take a while.
       This functionality is intended to be used as synchronization
       point for ordering services that require an initialized entropy
       pool to function securely (i.e. services that access /dev/urandom
       without any further precautions).

       Care should be taken when creating OS images that are replicated
       to multiple systems: if the random seed file is included
       unmodified each system will initialize its entropy pool with the
       same data, and thus — if otherwise entropy-starved — generate the
       same or at least guessable random seed streams. As a safety
       precaution crediting entropy is thus disabled by default. It is
       recommended to remove the random seed from OS images intended for
       replication on multiple systems, in which case it is safe to
       enable entropy crediting, see below. Also see Safely Building

       See Random Seeds[2] for further information.

ENVIRONMENT         top

           By default, systemd-random-seed.service does not credit any
           entropy when loading the random seed. With this option this
           behaviour may be changed: it either takes a boolean parameter
           or the special string "force". Defaults to false, in which
           case no entropy is credited. If true, entropy is credited if
           the random seed file and system state pass various
           superficial concisistency checks. If set to "force" entropy
           is credited, regardless of these checks, as long as the
           random seed file exists.

           Added in version 243.

SEE ALSO         top

       systemd(1), random(4), systemd-boot(7), systemd-stub(7),
       bootctl(4), systemd-boot-random-seed.service(8)

NOTES         top

        1. Safely Building Images

        2. Random Seeds

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the systemd (systemd system and service
       manager) project.  Information about the project can be found at
       ⟨⟩.  If you have
       a bug report for this manual page, see
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2024-06-13.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

systemd 257~devel                                 SYSTEMD-....SERVICE(8)

Pages that refer to this page: systemd.directives(7)systemd.index(7)systemd-boot-random-seed.service(8)