pmfind(1) — Linux manual page


PMFIND(1)                General Commands Manual               PMFIND(1)

NAME         top

       pmfind - find PCP services on the network

SYNOPSIS         top

       pmfind [-CqrSV?]  [-m mechanism] [-s service] [-t timeout]

DESCRIPTION         top

       pmfind searches for instances of the specified PCP service being
       advertised on the network and prints a list of URLs corresponding
       to the services discovered.  It can be used in conjunction with
       pmfind_check(1) to automate the monitoring of remote PCP
       collector systems.

OPTIONS         top

       The available command line options are:

       -C, --containers
            Performs containers discovery as well, for each discovered
            pmcd(1) service.

       -m mechanism, --mechanism=mechanism
            This option sets the mechanism that pmfind uses when
            performing service discovery.  By default, or if the keyword
            all is specified, every available mechanism will be used
            (iteratively).  See the ``MECHANISMS'' section for a
            description of each available discovery mechanism.

       -q, --quiet
            This option suppresses all output on the standard output

       -r, --resolve
            Requests that DNS name resolution be attempted for the
            addresses of any discovered services.  The default is to
            display the network addresses of any discovered services.

       -s service, --service=service
            By default pmfind will search for all supported PCP
            services, however a specific PCP service to discover can be
            specified using the -s option.  Supported services are
            pmcd(1), and pmproxy(1).

       -S, --sources
            Reports source identifiers for each discovered pmcd(1)
            service.  These identifiers are unique for each host, and
            are formed using the (non-optional) context labels available
            for every PCP collector.  Because the discovery process will
            often identify multiple paths to an individual collector
            host, this option is an important part of the process of
            using pmfind in conjunction with pmfind_check(1), to ensure
            only one pmie(1) and/or pmlogger(1) process is started for
            each discovered collector host.  The source identifiers
            reported by pmfind are the same as the source identifiers
            reported by the pminfo(1) and pmseries(1) commands.

       -t seconds, --timeout=seconds
            Sets the maximum amount of time in seconds that pmfind will
            take before interrupting the service discovery.  The time
            argument is a floating point number representing the number
            of seconds before timing out.  The default is to take as
            much time as is needed to complete the process.

       -V, --version
            Display version number and exit.

       -?, --help
            Display usage message and exit.

MECHANISMS         top

       Supported mechanisms for service discovery are:

       avahi  Searches for services which are broadcasting using mDNS
              via avahi-daemon(8).  An optional suffix ",timeout=N" may
              be added to limit the amount of time waiting for the
              avahi-daemon.  N is a floating point number specifying the
              number of seconds to wait.  The default is 0.5 seconds.
              This timeout may also be specified by setting the
              environment variable AVAHI_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT to the
              desired number of seconds.  If both are specified, then
              the value specified in the environment variable takes

              Actively probes the given subnet for the requested PCP
              service(s).  <net-address> is an Inet or IPv6 network
              address and <mask-bits> is the number of bits used to
              define the subnet.  For example, defines an
              8 bit subnet consisting of the addresses
              through  An optional suffix ",maxThreads=N"
              may be added to limit the number of threads used while
              probing.  The default is the value of FD_SETSIZE (which is
              typically 1024) or the number of addresses in the subnet,
              whichever is less.  An optional suffix ",timeout=N" may be
              added to limit the amount of time spent waiting for each
              connection attempt.  N is a floating point number
              specifying the number of seconds to wait.  The default is
              0.02 seconds (20 milliseconds).

       shell  Probes the list of addresses provided by scripts for
              requested PCP service(s).  Several optional, comma-
              separated parameters can also be provided.  The "path=DIR"
              option specifies the directory where commands like
              pcp-kube-pods(1) are located (defaults to
              $PCP_BINADM_DIR/discover/).  This setting can be further
              restricted to an individual command using the command=CMD
              option, but the default is to use all available commands
              from the path.  The "maxThreads=N" option limits the
              number of threads used while probing.  The default is the
              value of FD_SETSIZE (which is typically 1024) or the
              number of addresses returned by the scripts, whichever is
              less.  The "timeout=N" option may be added to limit the
              amount of time spent waiting for each connection attempt.
              N is a floating point number specifying the number of
              seconds to wait.  The default is 0.02 seconds (20

SIGNALS         top

       pmfind will interrupt the service discovery process when one of
       the following signals is received: SIGHUP, SIGPIPE, SIGINT,
       SIGTERM, SIGXFSZ, SIGXCPU.  pmfind will report any results which
       were discovered up to point of the interruption.

DIAGNOSTICS         top

       The value of the exit status from the command is zero when
       services were successfully located, one if no services were
       found, and two if an error occurred.

       In the event of an error a message will be generated on standard
       error that is intended to be self-explanatory.

FILES         top

            default path to address discovery scripts


       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to
       parameterize the file and directory names used by PCP.  On each
       installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values
       for these variables.  The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to
       specify an alternative configuration file, as described in

SEE ALSO         top

       PCPIntro(1), pmcd(1), pmfind_check(1), pmie(1), pminfo(1),
       pmlogger(1), pmproxy(1), pmseries(1), pcp-kube-pods(1), PMAPI(3),
       PMWEBAPI(3), pmDiscoverServices(3), pcp.conf(5) and pcp.env(5).

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) project.
       Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this manual
       page, send it to [email protected].  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-14.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

Performance Co-Pilot               PCP                         PMFIND(1)

Pages that refer to this page: pcpcompat(1)pcp-kube-pods(1)pmfind_check(1)pmlogctl(1)pmdiscoverservices(3)