pmseries(1) — Linux manual page


PMSERIES(1)              General Commands Manual             PMSERIES(1)

NAME         top

       pmseries - display information about performance metric

SYNOPSIS         top

       pmseries [-adFiIlLmMnqsStvV?]  [-c config] [-g pattern] [-h host]
       [-p port] [-w window] [-Z timezone] [query | labels ... | series
       ... | source ... ]

DESCRIPTION         top

       pmseries displays various types of information about performance
       metrics available through the scalable timeseries facilities of
       the Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) and the Redis distributed data

       By default pmseries communicates with a local redis-server(1),
       however the -h and -p options can be used to specify an alternate
       Redis instance.  If this instance is a node of a Redis cluster,
       all other instances in the cluster will be discovered and used

       pmseries runs in several different modes - either querying
       timeseries identifiers, metadata or values (already stored in
       Redis), or manually loading timeseries into Redis.  The latter
       mode is generally only used for loading previously collected
       (inactive) archives, since pmproxy(1) automatically performs this
       function for "live" (actively growing) local pmlogger(1)
       instances, when running in its default time series mode.  See the
       TIMESERIES LOADING section below and the -L option for further

       Without command line options specifying otherwise, pmseries will
       issue a timeseries query to find matching timeseries and values.
       All timeseries are identified using a unique SHA-1 hash which is
       always displayed in a 40-hexdigit human readable form.  These
       hashes are formed using the metadata associated with every

       Importantly, this includes all metric metadata (labels, names,
       descriptors).  Metric labels in particular are (as far as
       possible) unique for every machine - on Linux for example the
       labels associated with every metric include the unique
       /etc/machine-id, the hostname, domainname, and other
       automatically generated machine labels, as well as any
       administrator-defined labels from /etc/pcp/labels.  These labels
       can be reported with pminfo(1) and the pmcd.labels metric.

       See pmLookupLabels(3), pmLookupInDom(3), pmLookupName(3) and
       pmLookupDesc(3) for detailed information about metric labels and
       other metric metadata used in each timeseries identifier hash

       The timeseries identifiers provide a higher level (and machine
       independent) identifier than the traditional PCP performance
       metric identifiers (pmID), instance domain identifiers (pmInDom)
       and metric names.  See PCPIntro(1) for more details about these
       traditional identifiers.  However, pmseries uses timeseries
       identifiers in much the same way that pminfo(1) uses the lower
       level indom, metric identifiers and metric names.

       The default mode of pmseries operation (i.e. with no command line
       options) depends on the arguments it is presented.  If all non-
       option arguments appear to be timeseries identifiers (in 40 hex
       digit form) pmseries will report metadata for these timeseries -
       refer to the -a option for details.  Otherwise, the parameters
       will be treated as a timeseries query.


       Query expressions are formed using the pmseries query language
       described below, but can be as simple as a metric name.

       The following is an example of querying timeseries from all hosts
       that match a metric name pattern (globbed):

         $ pmseries kernel.all.cpu*

       To identify timeseries expression operands, the query language
       uses the general syntax:

         [] '{metadata qualifiers}' '[time specification]'

       The component restricts the timeseries query to any
       matching PCP metric name (the list of metric names for a PCP
       archive or live host is reported by pminfo(1) with no arguments
       beyond --host or --archive).  The pmseries syntax extends on that
       of pminfo and allows for glob(7) based pattern matching within
       the metric name.  The above describes operands available as the
       leaves of pmseries expressions, which may include functions,
       arithmetic operators and other features.  See the EXPRESSIONS
       section below for further details.


       Metadata qualifiers are enclosed by ``curly'' braces ({}), and
       further restrict the query results to timeseries operands with
       various metadata properties.  These qualifiers are based on met‐
       ric or instance names, and metric label values, and take the gen‐
       eral form OPERATOR value, such as:
 == "cpu0" != "kernel.all.pswitch"

       When using label names, the metadata qualifier is optional and
       can be dropped, such as:

         label.hostname == ""
         hostname == ""

       For metric and instance names only the string operators apply,
       but for metric label values all operators are available.  The set
       of available operators is:

   Boolean operators
       All string (label, metrics and instances) and numeric (label)
       values can be tested for equality ("==") or inequality ("!=").

   String operators
       Strings can be subject to pattern matching in the form of glob
       matching ("~~"), regular expression matching ("=~"), and regular
       expression non-matching ("!~").  The ":" operator is equivalent
       to "~~" - i.e., glob matching.

   Relational operators (numeric label values only)
       Numeric label values can be subject to the less than ("<"),
       greater than (">"), less than or equal ("<="), greater than or
       equal (">="), equal ("==") and not equal ("!=") operators.

   Logical operators
       Multiple metadata qualifiers can be combined with the logical op‐
       erators for AND ("&&") and OR ("||") as in many programming lan‐
       guages.  The comma (",") character is equivalent to logical AND


       The final (optional) component of a query allows the user to
       specify a specific time window of interest.  Any time specifica‐
       tion will result in values being returned for all matching time‐
       series only for the time window specified.

       The specification is ``square'' bracket ([]) enclosed, and con‐
       sists of one or more comma-separated components.  Each component
       specifies some aspect related to time, taking the general form:
       keyword: value, such as:


   Sample count
       The number of samples to return, specified via either the samples
       or (equivalent) count keyword.  The value provided must be a pos‐
       itive integer.  If no end time is explicitly set (see ``Time win‐
       dow'' later) then the most recent samples will be returned.

   Sample interval
       An interval between successive samples can be requested using the
       interval or (equivalent) delta keyword.  The value provided
       should be either a numeric or string value that will be parsed by
       pmParseInterval(3), such as 5 (seconds) or 2min (minutes).

   Time window
       Start and end times, and alignments, affecting the returned val‐
       ues.  The keywords match the parameters to the
       pmParseTimeWindow(3) function which will be used to parse them,
       and are: start or (equivalent) begin, finish or (equivalent) end,
       align and offset.

   Time zones
       The resulting timestamps can be returned having been evaluated
       for a specific timezone, using the timezone or hostzone keywords.
       The value associated with timezone will be interpreted by
       pmNewZone(3).  A true or false value should be associated with
       hostzone, and when set to true this has the same effect as de‐
       scribed by pmNewContextZone(3).

EXPRESSIONS         top

       As described above, operands are the leaves of a query expression

         [] '{metadata qualifiers}' '[time specification]'
       Note in most of the query expression examples below, the metadata
       qualifiers have been omitted for brevity.  In all cases, multiple
       time series may qualify, particularly for the hostname label.

       In the simple case, a query expression consists of a single
       operand and may just be a metric name.  In the more general case,
       a query expression is either an operand or the argument to a
       function, or two operands in a binary arithmetic or logical ex‐
       pression.  Most functions take a single argument (an expression),
       though some require additional arguments, e.g.  rescale.

         operand | expr operator expr | func(expr[, arg])

       This grammar shows expressions may be nested, e.g. using the ad‐
       dition (+) operator as an example,

         func1(expr) + func2(expr)
         expr + func(expr)
         func(expr) + expr
         expr + expr

       Rules governing compatibility of operands in an expression gener‐
       ally depend on the function and/or operators and are described
       below individually.  An important rule is that if any time win‐
       dows are specified, then all operands must cover the same number
       of samples, though the time windows may differ individually.  If
       no time windows or sample counts are given, then pmseries will
       return a series identifier (SID) instead of a series of time‐
       stamps and values.  This SID may be used in subsequent /se‐
       ries/values?series=SID RESTAPI calls, along with a specific time

   Arithmetic Operators
       pmseries support addition, subtraction, division and multiplica‐
       tion on each value in the time series of a binary pair of
       operands.  No unary or ternary operators are supported (yet).  In
       all cases, the instance domain and the number of samples of time
       series operands must be the same.  The metadata (units and dimen‐
       sions) must also be compatible.  Depending on the function, the
       result will usually have the same instance domain and (unless
       noted otherwise), the same units as the operands.  The metadata
       dimensions (space, time, count) of the result may differ (see be‐

       Expression operands may have different qualifiers, e.g. you can
       perform binary arithmetic on metrics qualified by different la‐
       bels (such as hostname), or metric names.  For example, to add
       the two most recent samples of the process context switch
       (pswitch) counter metric for hosts node88 and node89, and then
       perform rate conversion:

         $ pmseries 'rate(kernel.all.pswitch{hostname:node88}[count:2] +
             [Tue Nov 10 14:39:48.771868000 2020] 71.257509 8e0a59304eb99237b89593a3e839b5bb8b9a9924

       Note the resulting time series of values has one less sample than
       the expression operand passed to the rate function.

       Other rules for arithmetic expressions:

       1. if both operands have the semantics of a counter, then only
       addition and subtraction are allowed

       2. if the left operand is a counter and the right operand is not,
       then only multiplication or division are allowed

       3. if the left operand is not a counter and the right operand is
       a counter, then only multiplication is allowed.

       4. addition and subtraction - the dimensions of the result are
       the same as the dimensions of the operands.

       5. multiplication - the dimensions of the result are the sum of
       the dimensions of the operands.

       6. division - the dimensions of the result are the difference of
       the dimensions of the operands.

       Expression functions operate on vectors of time series values,
       and may be nested with other functions or expressions as de‐
       scribed above.  When an operand has multiple instances, there
       will generally be one result for each series of instances.  For
       example, the result for

         $ pmseries 'min_sample(kernel.all.load[count:100])'

       will be the smallest value of the 100 most recent samples, treat‐
       ing each of the three load average instances as a separate time
       series.  As an example, for the two most recent samples for each
       of the three instances of the load average metric:

         $ pmseries 'kernel.all.load[count:2]'
             [Tue Nov 10 11:52:30.833379000 2020] 1.100000e+00 a7c96e5e2e0431a12279756d11590fa9fed8f306
             [Tue Nov 10 11:52:30.833379000 2020] 9.900000e-01 ee9b506935fd0976a893dc27242926f49326b9a1
             [Tue Nov 10 11:52:30.833379000 2020] 1.070000e+00 d5e1c360d13064c461169091997e1e8be7488133
             [Tue Nov 10 11:52:20.827134000 2020] 1.120000e+00 a7c96e5e2e0431a12279756d11590fa9fed8f306
             [Tue Nov 10 11:52:20.827134000 2020] 9.900000e-01 ee9b506935fd0976a893dc27242926f49326b9a1
             [Tue Nov 10 11:52:20.827134000 2020] 1.070000e+00 d5e1c360d13064c461169091997e1e8be7488133

       Using the min_sample function :

         $ pmseries 'min_sample(kernel.all.load[count:2])'
             [Tue Nov 10 11:52:30.833379000 2020] 1.100000e+00 a7c96e5e2e0431a12279756d11590fa9fed8f306
             [Tue Nov 10 11:52:30.833379000 2020] 9.900000e-01 ee9b506935fd0976a893dc27242926f49326b9a1
             [Tue Nov 10 11:52:30.833379000 2020] 1.070000e+00 d5e1c360d13064c461169091997e1e8be7488133

       For singular metrics (with no instance domain), a single value
       will result, e.g. for the five most recent samples of the context
       switching metric:

         $ pmseries 'kernel.all.pswitch[count:5]'
             [Tue Nov 10 12:44:59.380666000 2020] 460774294
             [Tue Nov 10 12:44:49.382070000 2020] 460747232
             [Tue Nov 10 12:44:39.378545000 2020] 460722370
             [Tue Nov 10 12:44:29.379029000 2020] 460697388
             [Tue Nov 10 12:44:19.379096000 2020] 460657412

         $ pmseries 'min_sample(kernel.all.pswitch[count:5])'
             [Tue Nov 10 12:44:19.379096000 2020] 460657412 d7832c4fba33bcc980b1a1b614e0508043288480

       Some pmseries functions provide operations across both time and
       instances domain. For example, max_inst(expr) finds the maximum
       value across instances while max_sample(expr) finds the maximum
       value across time.

       Future versions of pmseries may provide functions that perform
       aggregation, interpolation, filtering or transforms in other

   Function Reference
       max_inst(expr) the maximum value in the time series for each in‐
       stance of expr.  For backwards compatibility, the synonym max is
       equivalent to max_inst.

       max_sample(expr) the maximum value in the time series for each
       sample of expr across time.

       min_inst(expr) the minimum value in the time series for each in‐
       stance of expr.  For backwards compatibility, the synonym min is
       equivalent to min_inst.

       min_sample(expr) the minimum value in the time series for each
       sample of expr across time.

       sum_inst(expr) sum of the values in the time series for each in‐
       stance of expr.  For backwards compatibility, the synonym sum is
       equivalent to sum_inst.

       sum_sample(expr) sum of the values in the time series for each
       sample of expr across time.

       avg_inst(expr) average of the values in the time series for each
       instance of expr.  For backwards compatibility, the synonym avg
       is equivalent to avg_inst.

       avg_sample(expr) average of the values in the time series for
       each sample of expr across time.

       rate(expr) the rate with respect to time of each sample.  The
       given expr must have counter semantics and the result will have
       instant semantics (the time dimension reduced by one).  In addi‐
       tion, the result will have one less sample than the operand -
       this is because the first sample cannot be rate converted (two
       samples are required).

       rescale(expr,scale) rescale the values in the time series for
       each instance of expr to scale (units).  Note that expr should
       have instant or discrete semantics (not counter - rate conversion
       should be done first if needed).  The time, space and count di‐
       mensions between expr and scale must be compatible.  Example:
       rate convert the read throughput counter for each disk instance
       and then rescale to mbytes per second.  Note the native units of is a counter of kbytes read from each device
       instance since boot.

         $ pmseries 'rescale(rate([count:4]), "mbytes/s")'

       abs(expr) the absolute value of each value in the time series for
       each instance of expr.  This has no effect if the type of expr is

       floor(expr) rounded down to the nearest integer value of the time
       series for each instance of expr.

       round(expr) rounded up or down to the nearest integer for each
       value in the time series for each instance of expr.

       log(expr) logarithm of the values in the time series for each in‐
       stance of expr

       sqrt(expr) square root of the values in the time series for each
       instance of expr

       stdev_inst(expr) standard deviation of the values in the time se‐
       ries for each instance of expr.

       stdev_sample(expr) standard deviation of the values in the time
       series for each sample of expr across time.

       topk_inst(expr,k) the top k values in the time series for each
       instance of expr.

       topk_sample(expr,k) the top k values in the time series for each
       sample of expr across time.

       nth_percentile_inst(expr,percentile_value) the nth percentile of
       the values in the time series for each instance of expr. Note
       that percentile_value has value in the range 0 to 100.

       nth_percentile_sample(expr,percentile_value) the nth percentile
       of the values in the time series for each sample of expr across
       time.  Note that percentile_value has value in the range 0 to

       All operands in an expression must have the same number of sam‐
       ples, but not necessarily the same time window. e.g. you could
       subtract some metric time series from today from that of yester‐
       day by giving different time windows and different metrics or
       qualifiers, ensuring the same number of samples are given as the

       Operands in an expression must either all have a time window, or
       none.  If no operands have a time window, then instead of a se‐
       ries of time stamps and values, the result will be a time series
       identifier (SID) that may be passed to the /series/values?se‐
       ries=SID REST API function, along with a time window.  For fur‐
       ther details, see PMWEBAPI(3).

       If the semantics of both operands in an arithmetic expression are
       not counter (i.e. PM_SEM_INSTANT or PM_SEM_DISCRETE) then the re‐
       sult will have semantics PM_SEM_INSTANT unless both operands are
       PM_SEM_DISCRETE in which case the result is also PM_SEM_DISCRETE.


       Using command line options, pmseries can be requested to provide
       metadata (metric names, instance names, labels, descriptors) as‐
       sociated with either individual timeseries or a group of time‐
       series, for example:

         $ pmseries -a dcb2a032a308b5717bf605ba8f8737e9c6e1ed19

             PMID: 60.0.21
             Data Type: 64-bit unsigned int  InDom: PM_INDOM_NULL 0xffffffff
             Semantics: counter  Units: millisec
             Source: f5ca7481da8c038325d15612bb1c6473ce1ef16f
             Metric: kernel.all.cpu.nice
             labels {"agent":"linux","domainname":"localdomain",\

       The complete set of pmseries metadata reporting options are:

       -a, --all
            Convenience option to report all metadata for the given
            timeseries, equivalent to -deilms.

       -d, --desc
            Metric descriptions detailing the PMID, data type, data se‐
            mantics, units, scale and associated instance domain.  This
            option has a direct pminfo(1) equivalent.

       -F, --fast
            Query or load series metadata only, not values.

       -g pattern, --glob=pattern
            Provide a glob(7) pattern to restrict the report provided by
            the -i, -l, -m, and -S.

       -i, --instances
            Metric descriptions detailing the PMID, data type, data se‐
            mantics, units, scale and associated instance domain.

       -I, --fullindom
            Print the InDom in verbose mode.  This option has a direct
            pminfo(1) equivalent.

       -l, --labels
            Print label sets associated with metrics and instances.  La‐
            bels are optional metric metadata described in detail in
            pmLookupLabels(3).  This option has a direct pminfo(1)

       -m, --metrics
            Print metric names.

       -M, --fullpmid
            Print the PMID in verbose mode.  This option has a direct
            pminfo(1) equivalent.

       -n, --names
            Print comma-separated label names only (not values) for the
            labels associated with metrics and instances.

       -s, --series
            Print timeseries identifiers associated with metrics, in‐
            stances and sources.  These unique identifiers are calculat‐
            ed from intrinsic (non-optional) labels and other metric
            metadata associated with each PMAPI context (sources), met‐
            rics and instances.  Archive, local context or pmcd(1) con‐
            nections for the same host all produce the same source iden‐
            tifier.  This option has a direct pminfo(1) equivalent.  See
            also pmLookupLabels(3) and the -l/--labels option.


       A source is a unique identifier (represented externally as a
       40-byte hexadecimal SHA-1 hash) that represents both the live
       host and/or archives from which each timeseries originated.  The
       context for a source identifier (obtained with -s) can be report‐
       ed with:

       -S, --sources
            Print names for timeseries sources.  These names are either
            hostnames or fully qualified archive paths.

       It is important to note that live and archive sources can and
       will generate the same SHA-1 source identifier hash, provided
       that the context labels remain the same for that host (labels are
       stored in PCP archives and can also be fetched live from


       Timeseries metadata and data are loaded either automatically by a
       local pmproxy(1), or manually using a specially crafted pmseries
       query and the -L/--load option:

         $ pmseries --load "{source.path: \"$PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/acme\"}"
         pmseries: [Info] processed 2275 archive records from [...]

       This query must specify a source archive path, but can also re‐
       strict the import to specific timeseries (using metric names, la‐
       bels, etc) and to a specific time window using the time specifi‐
       cation component of the query language.

       As a convenience, if the argument to load is a valid file path as
       determined by access(2), then a short-hand form can be used:

         $ pmseries --load $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmlogger/acme.0

       NOTE: Timeseries loading is append-only (timestamp-wise) and if
       more than stream.maxlen entries (defined in $PCP_SYSCONF_DIR/pm‐
       series/pmseries.conf) are loaded for a given metric, the oldest
       entries are dropped.

OPTIONS         top

       The available command line options, in addition to timeseries
       metadata and sources options described above, are:

       -c config, --config=config
            Specify the config file to use.

       -h host, --host=host
            Connect Redis server at host, rather than the one the local‐

       -L, --load
            Load timeseries metadata and data into the Redis cluster.

       -p port, --port=port
            Connect Redis server at port, rather than the default 6379.

       -q, --query
            Perform a timeseries query.  This is the default action.

       -t, --times
            Report time stamps numerically (in milliseconds) instead of
            the default human readable form.

       -v, --values
            Report all of the known values for given label name(s), or
            report values for the given series identifiers.

       -w, --window
            Provide a time specification that will be applied to values
            being returned when returning values via use of series iden‐
            tifiers (i.e. when not using a query string).  The time
            specification uses the same square-bracket enclosed form de‐
            scribed earlier in the ``TIME SPECIFICATION'' section.

       -V, --version
            Display version number and exit.

       -Z timezone, --timezone=timezone
            Use timezone for the date and time.  Timezone is in the for‐
            mat of the environment variable TZ as described in

       -?, --help
            Display usage message and exit.

EXAMPLES         top

       The following sample query shows several fundamental aspects of
       the pmseries query language:

         $ pmseries 'kernel.all.load{hostname:"toium"}[count:2]'

             [Thu Nov 14 05:57:06.082861000 2019] 1.0e-01 b84040ffccd54f839b65140cf139bab51cbbcf62
             [Thu Nov 14 05:57:06.082861000 2019] 6.8e-01 a60b5b3bf25e71071c41934fa4d7d251f765f30c
             [Thu Nov 14 05:57:06.082861000 2019] 6.4e-01 e1974a062375e6e62370ffadf5b0650dad739480
             [Thu Nov 14 05:57:16.091546000 2019] 1.6e-01 b84040ffccd54f839b65140cf139bab51cbbcf62
             [Thu Nov 14 05:57:16.091546000 2019] 6.7e-01 a60b5b3bf25e71071c41934fa4d7d251f765f30c
             [Thu Nov 14 05:57:16.091546000 2019] 6.4e-01 e1974a062375e6e62370ffadf5b0650dad739480

       This query returns the two most recent values for all instances
       of the kernel.all.load metric with a label.hostname matching the
       regular expression "toium".  This is a set-valued metric (i.e., a
       metric with an ``instance domain'' which in this case consists of
       three instances: 1, 5 and 15 minute averages).  The first column
       returned is a timestamp, then a floating point value, and finally
       an instance identifier timeseries hash (two values returned for
       three instances, so six rows are returned).  The metadata for
       these timeseries can then be further examined:

         $ pmseries -a eb713a9cf472f775aa59ae90c43cd7f960f7870f

             PMID: 60.2.0
             Data Type: float  InDom: 60.2 0xf000002
             Semantics: instant  Units: none
             Source: 0e89c1192db79326900d82131c31399524f0b3ee
             Metric: kernel.all.load
             inst [1 or "1 minute"] series b84040ffccd54f839b65140cf139bab51cbbcf62
             inst [5 or "5 minute"] series a60b5b3bf25e71071c41934fa4d7d251f765f30c
             inst [15 or "15 minute"] series e1974a062375e6e62370ffadf5b0650dad739480
             inst [1 or "1 minute"] labels {"agent":"linux","hostname":"toium"}
             inst [5 or "5 minute"] labels {"agent":"linux","hostname":"toium"}
             inst [15 or "15 minute"] labels {"agent":"linux","hostname":"toium"}


       Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameter‐
       ize the file and directory names used by PCP.  On each installa‐
       tion, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values for these
       variables.  The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to specify an al‐
       ternative configuration file, as described in pcp.conf(5).

       For environment variables affecting PCP tools, see

SEE ALSO         top

       PCPIntro(1), pmcd(1), pminfo(1), pmproxy(1), redis-server(1),
       access(2), PMAPI(3), PMWEBAPI(3), pmLookupDesc(3),
       pmLookupInDom(3), pmLookupLabels(3), pmLookupName(3),
       pmNewContextZone(3), pmNewZone(3), pmParseInterval(3),
       pmParseTimeWindow(3), pcp.conf(5), environ(7), glob(7) and

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) project.  In‐
       formation about the project can be found at ⟨⟩.
       If you have a bug report for this manual page, send it to
       [email protected].  This page was obtained from the project's
       upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2024-06-14.
       (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found
       in the repository was 2024-06-14.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

Performance Co-Pilot               PCP                       PMSERIES(1)

Pages that refer to this page: pcpcompat(1)pcp-geolocate(1)pmfind(1)pmfind_check(1)pmproxy(1)pmdiscoversetup(3)pmseriesdescs(3)pmseriesquery(3)pmseriessetup(3)pmwebapi(3)labels.conf(5)